BlackRock, Sheer Hubris & The Weaponizing Of Government
An International Scheme To Institute Modern Fascism Is In Place And Growing
FORWARD: This post as all my others fits into an ongoing nonlinear history many of us have been writing through these years. The nature of what is occurring is beyond the work of a single writer. Describing what is occurring is a task which must be shared by many. This is a direct follow up to a previous post linked below.1
We live under a totalitarian agenda being fostered by a joined at the hips International Corporatocracy - most definitely a conspiracy. To review - a Corporatocracy is an allegiance of corporations, governments and institutions.
A Great Reset is advertised by those pushing this agenda through the World Economic Forum. From the “build back better” slogans to the “you will own nothing and you will be happy” ones the agenda is proceeding full steam ahead.
Coming on fast and already in force in some places is the advent of social credit scoring. This Chinese Communist Party style agenda will exclude those with low scores from access to such things as jobs, social activities, food, energy, travel and medical care.
It is relatively easy to see through to the real motivations of these folks. Motivation to gain absolute power and absolute control over us all.
In the end this reveals the desperate insecurity and psychological baggage these power mongers carry within themselves. When life is reduced to these desperate desires for more riches and more power it becomes reduced to one dimension. These drives take over and control everything.
The unpleasant fact is these people are all too susceptible to various states of personal decrepitude. Things like susceptibility to various perversions which weaken them. And ego driven hostility and hubris equal to any of the ancient myths - including the Greek ones. The Greeks - not unexpectedly - were very good at identifying ego driven sources of personal failure and destruction.
As I merge into discussing transgender ideology today and the reasons for it I feel responsible to speak to the history of same sex relationships in Greek history:
Many societies across the time and space of planet earth have been supportive of same sex relationships. This is more natural among human societies.
There are examples of societies of totalitarian nature that have rejected same sex relationships. These include our own societies before a dedication to human rights led to more acceptability.
Then we have the distortions happening now where same sex relationships are encouraged if not viewed as preferable. This is being politically mandated by a totalitarian ruling class. I will be happy to link several posts which discuss this in detail. Let me know in the comments.
But just like in the Greek myths the egotistical totalitarian ruling class is in the process of self destruction. The only question now is whether we allow them to take the rest of us along on their inevitable journey to extinction
The question is why so many corporations seem to be oblivious to the loss at the level of their bottom lines. Nearly everyone is aware of companies like Bud Light, Target, North Face, Chick-fil-A, Disney and the like promoting woke ideology and merchandise and losing money. Among these woke agendas is material encouraging transgender medicine and same sex relationships. This includes the encouragement of these things for young children.
While it may seem on the surface to be about encouraging more equitable social change it is not about that at all. The echoes of totalitarian aggression are all over this. This post builds on earlier posts I wrote explaining the political reasons for Woke ideology.
That Woke ideology is a politically mandated scheme becomes obvious with any serious research. It is critical to link Woke ideology with politically mandated intentions to rule the world with what is clearly totalitarian ideology. It irrational to reject this connection because it is not covered by main stream media - an active partner in encouraging - or at least keeping silent on these totalitarian agendas.
The bottom line here is that the political forces which rule the world are in the process of instituting Chinese style ESG scoring for personal and corporate finances.
Those who believe ESG is not coming for the United States are encouraged to look into this further.
If at first glance it seems irrational to tie such a thing as Woke transgender ideology to social credit scoring it is because it is irrational. So irrational the powers that be believe we are dumb enough to fall for the ruse.
They tie their rainbow bedecked transgender ideology to the idea that this philosophy actually promotes human rights when their actual agenda is to convince us all that social credit scoring represents a beneficial step to a better society.
Although it is popular to see only traditional conservatives as critical of these philosophies the realization that transgender surgery and pharmacological care for children is morally wrong is becoming more widely understood.
There are a multitude of references available should anyone require further proof.
Even the Woke leaning Guardian cannot avoid touching on some of the relevant issues.
Perhaps it is Larry Fink expounding on social engineering and forcing change which is most convincing:
Many of us may pass off the Woke trend as a passing fad. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is not fad but yet another politically inspired and socially engineered scheme to enforce control.
Disinformation about medical transgender
Many individuals and political ideologies prefer to believe that this ideology is limited to their own nation state. That it isn’t worldwide. It is most definitely world wide just like the totalitarian agenda which encourages it.2
The widespread nature of transgender medical and surgical treatment around the world can be viewed in many articles on the subject. 3 4 5 6
It is no fad. Although on the surface it seems as if it promotes human rights it most certainly is not. That the political implications are related to the enrichment of those medical people who participate is a given.
That politicians benefit from transgender ideology by achieving totalitarian goals is clear.
If we look critically into these schemes such as social credit scoring and transgender ideology it is possible to see how much the International Corporatocracy is involved in nefarious schemes designed to further manufacture our consent and bring true modern totalitarianism into fully fledged reality.
Prevention is worth a pound of cure. We are way past prevention.
And unrecognized by most we are in fact on the edge of human extinction as a result of this modern totalitarianism. Again I will be willing to link other posts for those who require further proof.
Let me know in the comments of your thoughts. I look forward to them.
What good will the esg score be when all of your investors cash in their stocks and nobody buys your product? Even the greatest esg score won't help when the bank comes for your assets in a foreclosure.
Yes, but we are already in the deep bowels and grip of facism...including BlackRock (I'd love to know where they scraped their data from for Aladdin and if they asked permission or paid for it)...and I fear it will take more than just a generation to get ourselves out of its grip...if it is even possible.