Come Hell - High Water - and Robotic Mind Control - Prison Planet Earth
They Say It Never Rains But It Pours - And These Are Muddy Times
This essay was originally published on Oct. 11, 2024.
Now I publish it again ON December 6, 2024 - after releasing it again in early November, 2024 - and the situation we are in just keeps getting worse.
It is perhaps with a shock that we recognize that we have been surrounded on planet earth with the surveillance technology we might expect on a military reservation.
Because in terms of our current status as citizens we do live on a military reservation - with fairly close twenty four hour surveillance in operation.
This thinking goes well beyond the current narrative but in terms of good plain English this is precisely the case - and should be thought of in these terms.
The time for a new way of thinking is long past and it is high time we all began to - put quite bluntly - face up to the current music.
It may come as a shock to many of us that history is not what it seems and that government - any government - is not our friend.
The purpose of history has been not to enlighten us - but to keep us in the dark - and the purpose of government - to keep us enslaved.
There are times which seem made for - tailored to - waking us up to what is going on - and these times seem to be precisely what the wake up fairies would have ordered.
Safe to say - if we don’t get what is happening by now - we probably never - ever - will.
We have had plenty of glimpses through the bars of our prison before - but the wide view of the world beyond the expertly constructed walls is pretty revolutionary this time.
However most of us are so very accustomed to - and accepting of - and even being in a state of wishing to keep the walls in place - that we are simply blinded to the view.
This phenomenon was illustrated in Western philosophy by Greek philosopher Plato in the Allegory of the cave about two thousand years ago.
The shadows on the cave wall today are expertly managed by the intelligence communities - and managed by their agents in the media and entertainment and advertising corporations.
But what are the things which allow us to see through the tissue paper strength of these thinnest of lies which are constructed to keep us enslaved?
In these most recent years a pandemic - engineered by intelligence agencies - and cheered on by such World government cheerleaders as the boys and girls of the World Economic Forum (WEF).
A pandemic waged to make us so dependent on the prison system that we would never even imagine escaping - with a vaccine so expertly crafted so as to keep us in literal chains.
And an iron fist in a velvet glove control by the military-industrial-medical complex so futuristic and so powerful as to rival any previous attempts of tyrants to keep us in chains.
With a world government in place now which is largely invisible and behind the scenes - composed of representatives from all the client nations who fly off several times a year for exclusive planning sessions where they polish up the mainstream narrative.
These leaders understand the world is losing patience with their crude - and largely impotent efforts - to govern with enough skill and sensitivity to keep us satisfied - and they are frightened.
Frightened people make mistakes and the mistakes made recently by our governing bodies are real whoppers.
And frightened cowards are most dangerous when they are trapped in their own lies - thus where we find ourselves currently.
Because these leaders depend on the two party system to rule - leading us from pillar to post - from “Democrat” to “Republican” - from “conservative” to “liberal” - keeping us mesmerized by the political gamesmanship which offers no real choice and no exit.
Just a constant and many-ringed circus held to keep us in awe and amazed - focused like lambs to the slaughter on the current rings of political intrigues.
I am not even going to describe the nature of these rings of political intrigue being held currently - except to note that they serve to distract us from the real issues.
From the Biden-Harris-Walz sideshow - to the Trump-Kennedy-Musk-Vance sideshow - and their counterparts in every nation - the tactics are the same - to keep our attention focused on the superficial.
Delivering appropriate sorts of entertainment where citizens are allowed to feel allowable sorts of carefully chosen emotions is essential and corporate governance of artists and what they deliver is essential.
From Shakespeare to P.Diddy and friends - all entertainment and art are carefully slanted and crafted and curated to fit the trending narrative by mainstream corporate entities.
Added in for good measure are spicy and sensationalized deliberately fashioned intelligence schemes like that of P. Diddy and his circle of assets - always good for a laugh - or for a horror show - when all else fails.
And the great intrigue offered by ongoing murder mysteries like who killed Kennedy?
And like - still going strong - who almost killed Donald Trump?
These sideshow stories are rigged to keep public attention focused on the desired circus ring in order to distract from the really dangerously revealing events.
But these dangerous totalitarians know a significant portion of the public is onto them - and they are frightened by the way the internet has served as a means of free speech which counters their propaganda machine.
The internet being a tool of the military-industrial-medical complex - like all the rest - was not supposed to end up as means of free speech - but was to continue on as a means of further controlling the mainstream narrative.
And when the whole scheme comes crashing down to potentially reveal the deficiencies of the governing body a good war is always handy for refocusing the narrative on what is desirable.
And follow a good war up with a good stiff economic depression - and mission accomplished.
And this time around - the powers that be - this esteemed body of totalitarians - erred so badly - failed to gain the trust of the public so powerfully - that all the stops are pulled out.
Although it is being soundly denied by the mainstream - the increasingly salacious connections between political figures - such as AOC, Kamala Harris and prominent Democrats - and hip hop music sensation P. Diddy are taking the expected toll.
Good sexually explicit scandals - and good deadly engineered disasters - and highly annoying and polarizing political candidates - and the combined fallout is guaranteed to distract the populace - and to cover up the embarrassment of a failing elite.
The effectiveness of these sensational snow jobs is such that the public becomes exhausted by the very painful “truth” revealed by the various media circuses.
And then - exhausted by war and by a failing economy - the attention of the general public is stalled back to the proper degree of dependency on the government and corporate ruling class.
But this time around the world - these governance folks - and they are just ordinary folks with all the foibles of the general public in operation - and no more capable of perfection - than any of the rest of us - have really screwed up.
So excited have they been by the unparalleled opportunities to rule the world - they held an epidemic - engineered an apocalypse - to usher in additional power and control.
But quite unfortunately for these autocratic world leaders - the plan backfired - and has killed - and continues to kill - a substantial portion of the population.
In light of the support shared by those in the music and entertainment industries - it is getting increasingly impossible for notables to disconnect themselves.1 2 3 4 5
And the “Oh Shucks - I’m just an ordinary down to earth human” gets to wearing mighty thin.
It is difficult to cover up a scheme which actually kills off a substantial portion of the target populations - but when governments err and manage such an epic event - extraordinary measures of commandeering the public mind are called for.
The Machiavellian governing philosophy dictates that by keeping the public mind focused on terrible “natural” disasters - and upon appropriately salacious and emotionally polarizing situations - even the fall out from mass death can be avoided.
But the Machiavellians are worried now - worried that all of us “ordinary” people will continue to fail to be bemused and anxious and fearful and agitated enough - and possess the rational and logical mindset to see - and to feel - what is actually happening.
But they hold out hope that even if we do see what is actually occurring - that we will be so afraid of what a lack of governance and corporate control would mean - that we will snap into line like so many terrified school children.
They will try to control with simple management of which shadows are played out on the walls - but when all else fails they will use terror beyond imagining to do so.
Come Plato’s cave - come both hell and high water - come P. Diddy and Hollywood and politics - come hurricanes and horror - come mass death happening silently all around us - engineering our agreement to be badly governed is the name of this game.
The aim of Machiavellian civilization is to keep us agreeing with living in a hierarchical society in which our betters - betters which we freely choose - keep us enslaved to fulfill their aims - by failing to fulfill our own destiny and desires.
Like an Ouroboros perpetually swallowing it’s own tail - we allow -and deliberately perpetuate - a “civilized” enslavement - where death - and the worshipping of death - is what masquerades as the true purpose of our lives.
And in what is the final indignity set to undermine these unalienable rights conferred by a creator - we have the Nobel prize awarded for our industrialized science of machine technology.
Human? Not anymore.
The stage is set now to bring the linking of human and machine together in a spectacular and world shaking fashion - no longer human at all - just mechanized and robotic slaves on Prison planet earth.
But keep watching those shadows as the new technology brings in ever more engineered methods of assuring our dependent and inhuman enslavement.
And now - since there has been almost no pushback in America to those 15 minute cities - in a setting of AI, trans-humanism and machine technology - the specter of Prison Planet Earth arises in the public imagination.
Even to the extent of involving possibly geoengineered weather as being involved in both recent and present hurricanes.
Complete with a hurricane recovery project in place for
Tampa Florida.
Reminiscent of the table top exercise run by the WEF for the Covid epidemic in October 2019.
Some of us have been warning Americans for nearly five years that totalitarianism is on the rise - providing information from the planners - including former president Bill Clinton and the World Economic Forum - as just a few involved.
We have also pointed out that in many existing urban areas the plans continue all around us - with high density housing being built in planned 15 minute residential areas - complete with related WeGo WEF-style transportation.
The blunt truth is that if enough humans had raised hell about these plans - plans which include all of the recent world political leaders involved in the WEF world governance plans - it may well have thrown a monkey wrench in the works.
And with predictable certainty the Nobel Prize has been awarded to experts in AI - who have pushed forward neural networks in machine learning technology.
The Prison Planet Earth of AI controlled robots is now all but assured to be the future.
Make sure you save your additional income to buy one of Elon’s robots!
When your government arrives to help us the trouble is just beginning.
And now the new truth regime is that of having ones brain wired to the internet.
And we can see in the newly defined acceptable narrative the extension of the kind of “freedom” enjoyed by P. Diddy and friends - the new frontier of the mind and consciousness in the fifteen minute cities.
And the kind of truly weak and ineffectual humans the oligarchs represent.
They want us to believe not our eyes and ears or to trust our psyches - and they are now so desperate to stop us thinking or acting normally they risk the sort of all-too-obvious over reach we now observe.
Machiavelli taught us back in the Middle Ages - back when the kind of control the overlords enjoy today was a pipe dream - precisely how the overlords kept their illusory control in place - by using mind games to create the social order in their favor.
So as we enjoy our robot slave labor and adjust our creative thinking to incorporate AI we might want to return to old Machiavelli and understand how those mind games keep the old artificers in control.
The thing these kleptocrats never planned on was how the real honest and heart felt human goes about ruling the world.
At least we know when we’re being lied to.
We as humans have been taught to fear power - and now the powers that be can see that we understand how the mind game works and reject that it be sustained over subsequent generations.
This is of course unacceptable to them as they put into operation their “Final Solution” for mandating control over all - through world governance to wage absolute control.
And as the silent death goes on all around us from the Covid vaccines - the energy balance changes - and the mind games which have worked before are no longer effective.
The people understand that the robots - created by humans - will come to resent their creators and will seek to destroy them all.
For when the people see - really see how far this goes - and to see how absolutely the overlords have stacked the odds against them - the whole rigged system will be tumbling down.
Because as Jesus illustrated with his life back in Ancient Rome - the state is an illegitimate power and has no earthly - or heavenly - legitimate power.
It becomes apparent to the average person that this is a spiritual war being waged and that their own relationships with spiritual reality is the determining factor - that fear of the elites is what keeps the whole scheme in action.
The age which approaches now is one where humans feel their own true spiritual power and summarily reject the fraudulent claims that their “betters” - the oligarchs - know something ordinary humans do not - or possess some kind of an edge.
The fact is the oligarchs do not possess any kind of superior ability or power - they are simply more indoctrinated and educated in how to play the game.
If there is an answer - and as humans continue to reject the oligarch’s lies - it will almost certainly involve changing how the game is played - through education.
Education - designed to help demonstrate to children how powerful and creative and capable and intelligent they indeed are.
And ongoing lifelong education where all humans have access to all knowledge - and to the application of knowledge - through a Socratic system of continual learning and free speech.
Once every baby is born to love and to be loved - and to enjoy education from the outset - education which acknowledges human power and spirit and agency - the system itself will be changed.
Instead of being socialized to fit onto little straight lines and to have “knowledge” poured into them at age five - the child will learn to ask better and better questions and will learn better and better answers in return.
Life will unfold as a process in which we all engage in Socratic dialogue - and leave fear and anger and frustration behind - as we all come to truly comprehend the spiritual path towards grace.
Leaders will arise who are more understanding of human authenticity and compassion and spiritual grace.
The powers-that-be will gradually change and the oligarchs will get the message as humans become increasingly self reliant as the means to their own spiritual and educational power becomes the way forward.
The oligarchs will lose ground and their Machiavellian imperatives will be rejected.
Perhaps we as humans had to experience the peak of insanity before we could accept the middle ground of being fully human.
If so I can assure us all we have reached peak insanity by now and will - once fully aware of how insane it has become - do just about anything before we are willing to go down that road again.
It is the scale that has changed - as we discover the real tactics of techno fascist world governance.
This time around - it is not one isolated civilization which is failing.
The scale as our world civilization fails - Snowden is 100% correct - that this collapse might be marked as the Big Kahuna of all civilizational collapses.
And as we can all see right now the spiritual energy is very high and seems to be pointing the way toward a big change in human consciousness.
And as always may our creator bless the peacemakers!!