Homogenization Isn't Just About Dairy Products
How Homogeneous Political Systems Feed Tyranny Rather Than True Evolutionary Progress
How homogeneous political systems feed tyranny rather than true evolutionary progress.
In order to make a simple statement out of a very complex subject I am going to keep this as short as possible - which means it will take almost 2000 words.
And in the spirit of this essay - I would not be true to my own self if I did not use music to help illustrate these ideas.
The subject is vast and over-complicated - so much so that the average citizen is overwhelmed - and cannot understand the elegant simplicity of the underlying idea at all.
So captured and camouflaged by legalese and by the obfuscation of language by experts - the common man is cut off from the elegant simplicity of logic and reason.
We are now experiencing the largest genocide ever because the average person has trusted the experts who have manipulated them into believing there was a real epidemic.
The Covid epidemic - was couched in the messianic terminology of the ideology of the so-called “experts” - presented as the deadliest outbreak ever.
This served to frighten the entire world into such outlandish subservient behavior as ritualized hand washing - social distancing and isolation - masking - and a whole host of ways of bending the knees to the oligarchs.
And ultimately the world was swindled into taking a deadly genetically engineered vaccine which is now responsible for an ongoing genocide.
The system which has governed the world since the very first highly organized civilization has finally arrived at the final aspiration of this system - the Final Solution.
And here we find ourselves approximately 12,000 years later - human beings trapped - by what amounts to a simple feedback system of highly organized control and enslavement.
Our headlines are now dominated by the different aspects of being trapped like rats on a burning wreck of a shipwreck - furiously running to escape a system we do not understand.
If we understood - we would overcome the oligarchs with dispatch - and take back our own freedom and agency almost instantaneously.
The only rats running for their lives on this burning ship would then be the oligarchs - the system they run no longer operable.
This part is going to be very short - as it could easily spill over to take up a few libraries.
As power of governments, corporations and finance (banks and insurance) has fused together into this Corporatocracy - diversity has decreased steadily.
In other words there is an inverse relationship between centralization of power and diversity - as diversity is the enemy of centralized power.
At first this simply meant that militaristic mindset - the increasing power of the Military Industrial Complex became ascendant - and merged with the technological mindset.
In America this resulted in the Civil War - as the sharp rise of technological innovation of the European Enlightenment - combined with the infiltration of anti democratic forces - favoring the consolidation of federal power - came to control the U.S. and the “West”.
The diversity of the rural agrarian societies began to be broken apart - in favor of the more homogeneous urbanization of society.
Farming - and the diversity offered by the rural ownership of land and resources by individuals - was to be discouraged to favor the more homogeneous urbanized ownership of land by corporate entities.
It was no accident or coincidence that the Civil War was won by centralized federal industrialized technological power over the decentralized state local and individual power of an agrarian economy.
The powers that be could not allow the idea of American freedom - and the power of the inalienable rights of the individual - to be developed any further.
The world’s most dangerous idea had become too successful - and the brilliant idea of defeating tyranny through a government of and for and by the people would need to be halted.
The powers that be knew how to manipulate and control politicians and oligarchs through blackmail - and by using men’s greed and desire against them.
Since the civil war there has not been an American president who has not been controlled in this way.
And today - less than two hundred years later - all political, economic, cultural and religious powers are tightly controlled using these same principles.
Jeffrey Epstein and P Diddy are hardly aberrations but represent the manner by which men - and a few women - have been controlled for millennia.
The first seven US presidents were farmers, carried guns, and were both highly independent-minded and decidedly heterosexual.
These were not men who would be taken in by those secret societies of sexual and financial blackmail - and the lure of forbidden satanic practices.
Were these founding ancestors perfect human beings?
Not by one Hell of a long shot were they perfect in any way!
They were elevated together - above their human deficiencies - by their commitment to the power of a Great Idea Whose Time Had Arrived.
But the Corporatocracy would need weak men and women - people who were easily controlled by their own cultural and moral and spiritual weaknesses.
Following the civil war the powers that be would need to begin breaking down moral codes and the integrity of the individual throughout society.
The individual would be led to make a living by becoming an organization man and wage slave.
Centralized power would further dominate any attempts to return to a highly individualized and localized system and it was not long before the first two world wars were organized and carried out to compel all people to serve the needs of the Frankenstein Techno feudalist Corporatocracy we have today.
This can be presented in infinitely more complicated ways - but these complicated explanations do not necessarily give us any more weapons to fight this tyranny than the simplest of explanations.
Right now however my tendency is to err on the side of giving us whatever intellectual and spiritual information we need to wrest back our unalienable rights from the oligarchian mafia - by coming to understand what the hell the founding ancestors were talking about in the first place.
We have been thoroughly brought to our knees by an idea - by the homogenizing forces of industrialization, urbanization and increasing centralized control - by the technocratic tyranny of the Corporatocracy.
And as Thomas Paine convinced the world of almost three hundred years ago - an idea whose time has come cannot be defeated - and can travel where uniformed armies cannot go.
And the idea which Thomas Paine defended - and by extension the founding fathers defended - with their very lives - is an idea whose time had not yet come in 1776 - the world was not yet ready for it.
But now the world is finally ready - our backs to the wall as the firing squad approaches.
Perhaps the founding fathers had to accept the concept that the enemy they fought - tyranny - could be defeated by defeating the British Empire - and for a few precious decades they were correct.
Their grand idea gained a foothold on which we could eventually all build.
But until we could expand upon the genius ideas of Thomas Paine and of the founding fathers - to see that the tyranny was everywhere - even existing in the shadowed realm of our own hearts and minds - we simply could not prevail.
And now that we can clearly see that tyranny is everywhere - and is to be defeated from both within and without - as our great spiritual leaders and shamans have taught - this great idea of a government of, and by, and for the people is finally within our reach.
It is so true that unless we understand the enemy we fight one hundred percent - we cannot defeat it.
We now - stand at a watershed moment in time - as did the founding fathers in 1776 - a time in which this greatest of political and social and spiritual ideas - as framed by Paine and our American founding ancestors is finally one whose time has arrived.
Among my own biological ancestors are the founding fathers of the United States - eventually discovering that nearly all the men present at the Constitutional Conventions of the thirteen American colonies are among my ancestors.
But my own knowledge of this genetic inheritance makes me wish all the more that these men were here today to argue and fuss and fight with.
But genetic inheritance is not the important point - the truly revolutionary idea - is the idea itself - the idea of government of - and by - and for - the people.
Great ideas are what serve evolutionary advantage and real progress - not so much genetics - although our current science which purports to improve on our genetics - leads to extinction.
I am simply an ordinary Tennessee grandmother who began to understand both my own inheritance and to finally begin to comprehend the Great Idea upon which my nation has been founded.
I grew up understanding none of this and have had to fight throughout my life to gain hard won knowledge.
My own family knew nothing of their actual family or political or spiritual history - and I grew up as indoctrinated as anyone could be.
But it was education - and the discovery of how spiritual and intellectual and emotional knowledge could be combined to overcome these imprisoning cultural conventions - which set me free to write what I can articulate today.
Vanis Varoufakis - of all the spokespersons today - a person whom I actually disagree with about many things - uses logic in the fine tradition of my ancestors - who agreed to disagree about just about everything - is someone whose ideas I respect greatly.
Would I argue strenuously about where some of his logic leads?
But, of course - this is what outside the box thinkers like Varoufakis - and the American Founding Fathers - have fought for!
And it is at least the past 12,000 years which have demonstrated the continual insanity of empires which form - and then proceed to fall - containing the seeds of their own destruction.
And the seeds of this destruction are in the system which runs the empires and in the hearts and minds of the people who live in them.
We have a chance now to come together as human beings - in disagreement about just about everything - to use free speech to agree to go forth - disagreeing about just about everything - except maybe agreeing about the elegance and power and freedom and dignity of an idea whose time has arrived.
Today we need a Thomas Paine - who can see through to the unifying principles of what unites us - and who can agree to disagree about the things which divide us.
There, in the words of Paine - written by a common man - a British immigrant - in support of the simplest possible ideas of how to live together in peace, wealth and harmony - we find the ideas simply and elegantly put into understandable essays.
Ideas which mercurial geniuses like Thomas Jefferson put into the elegant and famous words which served to temporarily defeat tyranny in the 18th century - and which still remain to inspire us today.
Evolution depends on diversity - and homogenization - or the creation of a homogeneous Corporatocracy of people who agree about everything is a one way highway to extinction.
The Grand Idea is that we can live together in peace and harmony through this great unifying principle of a government of and by and for the people - where everyone agrees to disagree about just about everything.
That my friends is true evolutionary progress.
Thank you once again @Tracy Treloar