The Reality That All Three Come Back To Destroy Us All
Wonder how many Americans are still unaware they live in an Apartheid nation state?
It is apartheid in so many ways there is not room to describe here in this essay.
Apartheid from the very beginnings - importing the apartheid practices of their European ancestors before they even got off the boats.
And the Europeans who first settled the Americas were not unique. Apartheid - and the colonialism and genocide with which it is associated - had, by the time the “New World” was being colonized - already been observable throughout the history of the world.
But today we need to recognize the ultimate results of apartheid.
Although it is complex, the real roots of apartheid are in ourselves.
They lie in our ability to abstract the humanity of someone else into an other - into someone who is not fundamentally like ourselves.
But the danger in being able to do that is that we divorce ourselves from ourselves.
For in the final analysis our ability to dehumanize another represents our ability to dehumanize ourselves.
We can see that everywhere around us now as we as humans have become everywhere marked and accused as the enemy.
I am rewriting this post from September in order to revisit the appearance of a long awaited film. That film - Killers Of the Flower Moon - is a long epic based on a story which is just a small part of the history of genocide in America.
This film, appearing in the midst of other genocide in the Middle East, will hopefully spark some heartfelt conversations about genocide in our world history.
Healing is possible - if we understand how we became ill.
For us as Americans it is time to listen to the people our government saw fit to try to wipe out.
Joe Biden’s sickening manifesto to celebrate what they call Indigenous Day is delusional and fails to fool most of us.
Tell me again why we as a people would celebrate an Indigenous Day to celebrate how we committed genocide against a whole group of Americans?
Clearly Satan now rules the world.
What ever we have done as humans to effect change in the world has not worked.
It seems that seeking a new way - a way most of us have never tried - is in order.
When things stop working and don’t work out as we planned it is time to examine what we have done and come up with a new plan.
What doesn’t work, simply doesn’t work.
For those of us who think in spiritual terms - what does not work can be viewed as the gentle but firm hands of God - showing us the error of our ways and allowing us alternatives.
That we have gone wrong is more than observable.
There are those among us who recommend using the usual ways of solving our problems.
Grab a gun or an army - a hammer or an ax - a lamp post - and wipe out our enemies.
Become better Christians - or Muslims, or Jews, or Catholics or Buddhists they say - and all will be well.
Invent a better government or society or religion and we can begin again and start over.
The problem is - these are the tactics we have been repeating for thousands of years.
If they were going to work they would have worked.
Now we find ourselves in the largest systemic and international collapse of civilization ever experienced.
Our tendency is to cast about for things and people to blame and yet that has never - and will never - solve these issues.
It should not be necessary to point out that we now have become the ones our governments seek to wipe out.
That they seek to kill us all - except maybe for their pals the fellow oligarchs - is now an observable fact.
There is much wisdom here but the men who run this world do not want to hear it. I am fortunate enough to know men who do want to listen and learn.
But there simply are not enough of them
It needs to be articulated that the liberal establishment wishes to convince us all they are the good guys.
Then when enough of us are sufficiently convinced - off will come the masks of the virtue signalers - to reveal the satanic forces they in fact are.
And most others seek some kind of political power of their own in order to profit themselves from these circumstances.
The main point is that when we are in the midst of a spiritual war like this one is that we must rely on spiritual forces.
Among the organized religions of this world there is wisdom to be found as long as it is not the version sold to us as the church and state - the demonic forces of hypocrisy which now threaten to sink us all.
It is our choice - heaven or hell.
A spiritual war means exactly that.
We cannot know all of God’s plans for us - but we can pay attention when God is speaking with clear warning.
"But the danger in being able to do that is that we divorce ourselves from ourselves."
"A spiritual war means exactly that."
"We cannot know all of God’s plans for us - but we can pay attention when God is speaking with clear warning."
Thank you for that.
We live in a fully integrated neighborhood. My youngsters went to school with and befriended black American children. Our neighbors were diverse including black Americans. There were simply no indigenous peoples because all of us live on the northeast coast. Diverse people came to our house for dinner and we went to their houses. These were black Americans and Italians. Irish and whoever lived in the neighborhood. It's not that we were so great it's simply the way things were. So much for your claims about apartheid in America.