Like this historian, learning to make sense for oneself helps provide a scaffolding for making even more sense of complexity.
I am no scholar, no respectable academic. That world of backstabbing truth tellers would never be for me. The world of academia in 2022 is everywhere in collapse. Our world civilization is in collapse.
How do civilizations collapse? I defer to Hemingway here who answered the question - how does one go broke? - as follows.”At first gradually, then all at once.”
We as humans are pretty good at discriminating between different things as taught on Sesame Street. “One of these things is not like the other, one of these things isn’t the same.” Although this method of teaching is an insult to nascent human intelligence it still illustrates a point. Because this kind of “education” doesn’t hall us to be smarter at all.
Without a real education by very wise adults children are left to fend for themselves. A real education grapples with complexity. An effective teacher must first understand the magnitude of their own ignorance. Like on Sesame Street when we have weakened teachers with no understanding of complexity we get weakened human beings who have no understanding of complexity.
To coming to grips with understanding complexity in a more fundamental simple way.
Loss of a moral mindset. Lack of respective for life itself. Loss of family formation. Self Indulgence reins. I see all of these issues becoming more visible and growing.
Taking grandparents out of the loop, then parents, manipulation of culture is a done deal. Comes out of the schools, collapse of system of justice comes from those trained in the art of deliberate deception, and sabotage, the school teachers.