Keeping The Faith When All Faith Is Gone
Paths To Understanding We Are the Universe's Way To Comprehending Itself
The degree of violence and corruption being made evident by now is a difficult burden to bear for all of us.
Those who keep themselves shielded from current events - or sop up the mind-numbing pablum being thrown around by the constant narcosis-inducing echoes of the mainstream, twenty-four hour news circus - simply have no idea of how very bad it is.
But for those of us who prefer to know - rather than to not know - to subject ourselves to the tidal wave of evidence that we live amidst a collapsing civilization - rather than remain in the dark - it takes a toll on our psyches.
All I feel I can do as a writer is to take in the information and to share with readers how I am coping with the trauma.
For living in these times we are all trauma survivors.
Trauma is a part of life for most of us and must be overcome with all the resources we have at hand.
As I made clear in my essay yesterday - Wednesday, 25 September, 2024 - and as I have predicted from the long dark days of the Winter of 2020 - the oligarchs carry the seeds of their own destruction.
And I - and many others - believe we are at the threshold of a new spiritual awakening which will sweep the earth.
Everyone is sick and tired and worn out from this grand misadventure we have been living through - and it is all too easy to lose our way and become overcome by despair.
I am not particularly long on patience in the best of times - and I must do battle with myself daily to maintain my apocaloptimist point of view.
Keeping the faith - when all faith is gone - is not a test I would have expected of these years.
But none of the things we have been tested by - and continue to be tested by - during this despicable era of human history - are what we might have imagined previously.
For me - I have made my way headlong through life - barely stopping to take a moment for reflection.
For most of us - all of us at times - life is something which happens to us - bookended - “rounded” as Shakespeare remarked - by episodes of sleep.
But for some of us - those told to slow down by our parents - before - they warned - we might squander all of our personal capital in childhood.
And for those who have charged pell mell through life as if life were a relay race and we in danger of losing - we find to our surprise - that we become - instead - what happens to life!
For those fellow blazing spirits who treat life as this relay race which might escape our grasp if we don’t make haste - these times are teaching great patience - and are beckoning us to take some time - as if life were a recess - and these years - the threatening fatal boredom of returning to a dusty school room.
For others - those who have taken life slow and who seem to only ploddingly and cautiously adjust to change - if they must go along with change at all - life remains a long battle as life happens to them.
For those who would be more comfortable in the dusty classroom - for whom recess might be a bit too random - who feel life might overwhelm them - if they dare to careen so wildly straight down the fall line as their friends?
These times seem to be beckoning them to take a risk - to adjust to the speed of change and dare to live a bit more dangerously - to learn to be more accepting of the rough and tumble of recess.
For we are caught up in the seemingly random - but yet all too elegantly crafted - space time of the universe.
And as I have written about before - we as human beings find ourselves as wild spirits of - and entangled within - a very wild and energy-infused miracle of a universe.
We are not separate from the universe - but instead are the universe’s way of knowing itself.
These miraculous human bodies - “space suits” - we were given by the creator are built to give us everything we have ever needed.
All we have ever needed to live at warp speed in this full tilt boogie place - tilting at windmills to our heart’s content - and skiing straight down the fall line - as if solid objects did not exist.
They also adjust to the more cautious and slower plodding pace of those who were not born to be shooting stars - but who instead endeavor to win the race as more patient and accepting souls.
Either way - we are unquestionably miracles - and it is hard to argue with the awareness that we are here to be the universe’s way of knowing itself.
And as I have written before we are composed physically of both living and nonliving matter.
Non living minerals - such as the iron in our red blood cells - become part of the living universe.
The iron in our red blood cells - cells which course through our network of blood vessels to pick up the oxygen we breath into our lungs.
Cells - which largely out of sight and our of mind - carry oxygen to each and every distant cell via our network of blood vessels - have become part of our living process.
And - of these nonliving minerals such as iron - many were formed initially in the fiery hot interiors - the crucibles of - ancient stars.
The fundamental particles which compose our physical reality - within and without - are the very same particles of which the rest of the universe is made - elementary particles and atoms and molecules.
And these fundamental building blocks are in constant motion - spinning and vibrating in the ever changing slip stream of the universe.
Although matter - and the stuff of which we are made - seems to be a solid - or to exist as a liquid or a gas - this is deceptive.
For all matter is in constant motion - as if the universe were music and these building blocks the dancers - as if everything we are and encounter might be a vibrational frequency.
For those who have not yet had the opportunity to perceive the nature of reality through the study of physics and physiology this might be difficult to accept.
We - and the universe of which we are a part - from the time our spirit - our consciousness - becomes fused into being - with a flash of light, no less - at our conception - we are entangled.
And we are - from that moment a part of the great dance - the great composition - we call the universe.
In ways most of us still cannot understand - we are - through the miracles of our biological entities - able to perceive the universe.
We perceive biologically - through sight, sound, touch - and vibration - but beyond this - via our consciousness - to our larger reality of transcendent awareness.
This consciousness - although it seems to be part of our biological “selves” - is transcendent.
These times we are living through - all the topsy turvy change at warp speed - and all the dystopian and seemingly dysfunctional character - is meant to be - for there is nothing in the universe which is not meant to be.
Nothing ever happens in the universe - or to us - as an accident or a coincidence.
And most certainly these times we are living through are neither accident or coincidence.
My sense is that we stand upon the threshold of an expanding new awareness - of which we are all a part - one which presents itself as a painful but much needed - and even welcome crisis.
This crisis is seen - by the now desperately dying old empire - as a way of taking advantage of others.
This old empire of dust - was - and is - populated by those who are blind to the true nature of our journeys here.
For those who who are part of the new world dawning - who recognize the true nature of this crisis - can take great strength in the necessity of it.
A crisis which is making clear that we as humans are meant to see this crisis - not as a stumbling block - but as a vehicle.
A vehicle which is offering to sweep us up into this necessary and great leap in our very understanding of what it means to be human
A great division between our past - and this transcendent now.
A time when we are meant to shed old wounds and traumas - old ways of being - rather as a snake sheds its old skin and grows a new one.
This is a change which may feel easier and more natural to those who have lived as if life were a mad dash down the fall line.
It is perhaps more difficult for those who have lived as if life were a decision for them to make - as each painful moment of change has unfolded painfully.
We might take solace and comfort in the knowledge there are never any accidents or coincidences in the universe.
That all is unfolding as it must do - simply one massive - mathematically perfect - blooming, buzzing and fractal kaleidoscope of change - of which we are a part.
As part of this entangled - and ever changing - kaleidoscope we may feel assured that our very changes here mean that we are absolutely meant to be part of it.
As we stand at the threshold of being swept up in these changes - we may do so with the full understanding of the import of this new transcendent awareness.
We could no more hold on and remain paralyzed in this doorway at the threshold - than we could fly.
Learning to let go - and to fly - to participate in this dance of which we are a part will be our task.
This sometimes painful - sometimes joyful - recognition that life is a transcendent experience of constant change - of which we are a part - will become our children’s birthright.
Not “like” angels in the slipstream - but actually angels in the slipstream.
Now it is time to let go and learn to fly.
Guided by angels to become angels.
The vibrational reality of the universe knowing itself.
These unalienable rights conferred by a creator.
The energy of the universe resounds and vibrates within us all - as we are a part of the universe and now at the threshold of fully being the universe’s way of knowing itself.
Let it be.
Take note of the way evil or the dark side has been revealed here - and keep them in our rear view mirrors - but follow the light.
The slipstream is the slipstream - we will all be taking this ride no matter what.
When the universe takes a course of action - there is no turning back.
Each of us is the change - the process of becoming.
We are all reflections of a shared consciousness - all one.
"Nothing ever happens in the universe - or to us - as an accident or a coincidence."
"Be not afraid."
With the Lord's blessing, I am not.
Thanks KW, thank you a lot.