Forever ruining the reputation of St. Nicholas and maybe a lot else.
As we note with sadness what has become of many of our governments and of our highly technological civilizations - we look forward to what we will build as the new world - even now being built around us as the old world of tyranny dies away - dying with much sturm and drang. (See video attached below).
But first a look at the demonization of Santa Claus - or St. Nick.
And at the many curious ways of the authoritarians - as they now exit stage left - hopefully to be gone from our stage for a long long time.
It is a long strange trip as to how Klaus Schwab ended up in bed with many European governments - with several American administrations - and with several other ignominious administrations across the world - including the Chinese Communist Party.
And of course - maybe forever ruining the reputation of old St. Nick - or Santa Klaus - but I guess Santa had to go anyway - as lying to our kids probably has to go the way of all other authoritarianism.
As I have written of many times - the 1800's furnished plenty of examples of the rise of tyranny in Europe and across the world - as the European Enlightenment
In the United States this was marked by Civil War - and by the uninformed acceptance of technology - acceptance unguided by real spiritual intent.
And marked by the rise of those pirates of the Gilded Age - like Vanderbilt - Carnegie - and JP Morgan - and by the unrestrained rise of federal power in the United States.
In Europe authoritarianism rose also - marked by both William Blake’s Satanic Mills - and by Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein - and by Miss Ada Lovelace’s (Poet Lord Byron’s spoiled daughter) creation of the Computer Algorithm.
But this authoritarianism has been part of the terrible deceptions have marked our civilizations for at least 12,000 years.
Civilization has become organized and institutionalized violence.
There are many reasons for this and violence will never be entirely eradicated.
But the assumption of peaceful intent - and the waging of compassion for self and other will go a long way towards accomplishing the eradication of violence and war.
On the other hand - the formation of agricultural civilizations - to try to organize against this violence and uncertainty have contained many translational errors - errors which have led to authoritarianism.
This is not to say that a highly organized civilization is a bad thing and will always lead to tyranny - on the contrary a civilization based on truly evolutionary and beneficial principles will lead to a far better world for ourselves and our children.
As the tyranny found in our civilizations begins to be conquered by a change in our conscious awareness as human beings (see my post later today) we will see the tyranny fall away to be replaced by civilizations we and our children will be proud to call our own.
From an uncivilized wasteland to a place of grace and true knowing.
Please see my Thanksgiving post for more in this direction.
Appreciate the restack!