The symbology being offered by the overlords - or those who think of themselves as overlords - these humans who count among themselves the most intelligent and most enlightened of human beings - are in fact revealing themselves to be something quite other than those who are worthy of respect or admiration - or in fact - of consideration at all.
I suppose the poor butterfly in the painting is supposed to represent the ascendency of poor Charles to some kind of transformative metamorphosis.
Unfortunately it simply points up the role Charles and his fellow overlords play - which is an all too human role - one which plays up the role of the rest of us in this all too human drama which is currently being played out.
Here we get into mythological territory - often our most reliable indicator of our own psychological relationship to the events of our lives.
Rather than having the intended effects of that role of kings and priests as the superior forces in our lives and cultures - as being supreme forces of human power and agency - it has the opposite effect.
It shows an uncharacteristically handsome and graceful Charles - portrayed as a vulnerable and powerless figure amidst the flames of bloody hell - accompanied only by a poor defenseless butterfly.
In point of fact what the painting does is turn Charles into a pitiful figure of human helplessness - incapable of accurately understanding his place in the world.
As a writer and as someone who regularly is accustomed to thinking outside the proverbial box we as humans are supposed to be limited to I see this as a harbinger of great and systemic changes to come.
Many more philosophical encounters to discuss who and what we really are as human beings will become all too common in the coming years.
What our society of death and lies - hide from us all - is the encounter with who and what we actually are.
This will be an increasingly popularized theme as we begin to process what has happened to these creator conferred unalienable rights we are believing we possess.
The overlords - by risking the Covid engineered pandemic - AI - and all the rest of this attempt to own and control everything - have also risked a great cathartic age of truth telling.
It is not the Samurai or the archetype of the warrior which will prevail - and certainly not the illusionary mythology of the all powerful king
What will prevail is the larger archetype of the experience of being human in a culture of lies and deception - the hero’s and heroine’s journey as so brilliantly written about by writer Joseph Campbell in The Hero’s Journey.
A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow men.
I predict that the journey of the hero and the heroine will become a subject of free and open inquiry as we humans begin to struggle anew with the spiritual and philosophical import of our lives.
I believe we are the ones we have been waiting for all these years and that there will be a planetary and all too human search for meaning as these heroic figures of transformative grace we actually are.
Immortal wanderers on a small planet coming into our own as heroes and heroines in our own mythological journey toward understanding.
I see little - if any - roles for experts or for the birthright of kings - these supposedly more powerful humans via the right of some imagined descent or some imagined superior - but flawed - education.
Instead I see a great age of discovery for us all;
I see a coming to terms of Thomas Jefferson’s unalienable rights and of Thomas Paine’s human rights which are not American but the concern of all mankind.
Asking who we are and what we are we as we overcome the terrible angst of our Hamlet’s and of our King Lear’s to see finally precisely what and who we are in the light of our conscious reality.
Time to become the change we all wish to see in the world.
Free inquiry will be central to this.
I link two articles which I believe help point the way from current writers as we transit these dark times through the darkness toward the light:
Many thanks to fellow SubStack writers
andMay our creator continue to bless all of the peacemakers!
Finally I refer to one of my own recent posts which ties into what I am thinking about this morning:
Appreciate the restack!
Appreciate the restack!