This journey we are on as living beings is about the Earth as a system and about we humans as either an evolutionary part of that system - or not.
And quite obviously the Earth - and we ourselves are part of a larger - vastly larger - system of the universe.
Experts say that the mind of the universe - or God - or the architect of life and the universe - our “creator” - has no end goal or plan - that evolution is not teleological.
But I must disagree - and say that from everything I have known - that evolution is indeed teleological.
My interpretation is that God - our creator - most definitely has a plan - and that it is most definitely a masterful plan.
These difficult times are meant to be - and everything we are as humans meant to be - no accidents or coincidences - just the perfection of this unfolding majestical firmament of which are a part.
Our physical bodies and our finely tuned nervous systems and sensory apparatus are as finely tuned as a perfect watch - or as a finely tuned and cared for ancient instrument.
We are so finely attuned to life on Earth that we can not survive for long away from it.
If we are ever meant to live away from earth it would be our evolutionary journey to change to accomplish this.
And the ways this would happen are well beyond the scope and purpose of this essay.
A good place to point out that before birth - in our Mother’s womb - we breath salty amniotic fluid and the placenta serves as our way of providing oxygen to our circulating red blood cells.
Only after birth does our body draw a breath of air for the first time - and undergo a spectacular series of physiological and emotional changes.
So evolution has provided the advantages of developing for part of our lives as a fluid breathing organism - in a wholly symbiotic relationship with our Mothers.
But our symbiotic relationship does not end with our birth - and simply expands to include our larger human family.
As developing humans we have the longest period of childhood development following birth of any animals - rivaling that period in fellow mammalian species.
The sheer size of the human brain at birth precludes development continuing in the womb - and development takes place during the long interdependent childhood.
Interdependent - as our societies gain solidarity and evolutionary success - from the reciprocal relationship between children and adults.
Due to developmental demands - newborn humans - and their parents - especially mothers - are also dependent on the care of other humans - through social bonds.
For humans - social bonds and relationships - have become a part of our evolutionary process.
For humans - cultural - or social - or civilizational structures - either support evolution or stand against it.
And a civilization which works against this evolutionary process is destined to fail - and a species which depends on a civilization which works against this is designed to fail - and to fail repeatedly.
We have arrived at the point as a species where we must either change to meet evolutionary demands - and to become a truly intelligent species which is in line with what our creator intended - or accept the inevitable consequences of a failed evolutionary process.
The changes we are enduring now - changes which are as inevitable as the wheeling stars - and of the rising and setting of the sun - are changes which inform us directly to change - or to face completely and total destruction.
Our worldwide behemoth of a civilization is however a rudderless ship - and our leaders like pirates on a rudderless ship adrift on high seas.
So out of synch with the Earth and with our own evolutionary destiny - so as to have become a long slow and painful train wreck.
And yet through the pain and suffering there is a voice of the creator in our hearts and minds - guiding and steering if we but know enough to listen.
As we transit the ruins of our civilization once again - in the constant and repeated cycle of violence and death - the guiding principles of evolutionary grace still apply.
Although it would be a massive understatement to say this is a miracle - it nevertheless appears to be a miracle.
And currently we as interdependent humans - adrift in the harsh wasteland of our civilization - need to invoke all of the miraculously elaborate ceremonies we can command.
And if - as circumstances seem to indicate - that this miracle must happen here - on the military industrial complex’s most elaborate contraption - the internet - our Earth encompassing instant communication devices - than so be it.
The overwhelming intelligence from our creator is that “she and he” have not abandoned us at all - but are beseeching us to change - and to accept the bounds of the evolutionary miracle we indeed are.
Our evolutionary mandate is to stop the hate - and divisive rhetoric and beliefs - and constructs - to bow and accept the majestic reality of the truth .
That we are all in this together - and that we are born to love - and to be loved in return - suspended in space and time as loving and gregarious beings with these unalienable rights conferred by our creator.
Time to bring out the drums - and to raise the voices - and to dance - our way back into the evolutionary mandate we have been assigned.
Fear is an evolutionary force - designed to help us avoid danger - and to survive and adapt to challenging situations as conditions here on Earth change with unpredictable speed.
Fear can be adaptive and can serve to assist us with this process of evolution.
But fear is balanced in a healthy MEGA - Make Earth Great Again - civilization - by liberal amounts of love and compassion.
The fear we feel today is maladaptive fear - fear designed to keep us in line as these domesticated beasts of civilized insanity.
It is this fear and negativity we must now overcome to continue to evolve - and to lose the maladaptive and anti-evolutionary constraints of this angry and violent and irrational and dangerous civilization.
We are shamanic spiritual beings in a miraculous and powerful and rational universe.
A universe which speaks to us - in a language this civilization does not speak.
This is a language of birds - of owls, wolves and bears - and of stars and angels - of music and dance and of rhythms.
It may be a foreign language at present - and as with learning any language we must think it - and speak it - and live it - in order to become proficient.
But this language of the Earth and of the universe is far older - and vastly more intelligent than - our present civilized constraints.
It is a language our beings speak - if we but know how to listen - and to comprehend - and to learn to speak.
Because we are that mathematically-coded - and intensely conscious - and aware language.
And we currently possess a truly magical expression of that language here on this internet.
It is but a part of the unfolding majesty which is us - and as such - is not evil - but a necessary and unfolding part of the ongoing miracle.
We are not evil - but a part of something grand - and universally beautiful - a beauty we have the sensory apparatus to both comprehend - and to become.
And this internet - although created from the maladaptive mind of the military industrial complex - is not evil either - but a part of the unfolding blooming and buzzing process which is human.
By Making Earth Great Again - we correspondingly - unite to make ourselves and our civilizations great again.
And everything we are - and are not - will reveal itself in the unfolding of time and space.
Just as the political divisions we have sought are revealing themselves to be a part of a system to be discarded.
We are all conceived to be politicians - but conceived to serve as representatives of a far more intelligent source of energy and process of unfolding - and of becoming.
In this larger system of the universe - a system which includes ourselves and the Earth - each individual is meant to be a leader - and a hero and a heroine of their own unfolding evolutionary story.
Each of our unfolding individual stories - is also the unfolding history of our human story.
For in the unfolding story of our humanity we find - in each tiniest particle of every living cell - the crystalline living majesty of the whole mathematically fractal - interconnected - blooming buzzing force - which is life itself.
Here within this internet - which is our present cross and crown of thorns to bear - exists the presence of a rather magical instantaneous communication device to heal ourselves and to - in the process - to Make Earth Great Again.
For within this great jeweled net of interconnected conscious awareness - we as evolutionary humans - are everything we find it necessary to be - and to become.
Dare to imagine, dream, create and communicate - and to love and to have compassion for ourselves and for others - our miraculous engine of universal instantaneous communication is here.
The student appears when the teacher is ready - and the teacher appears when the student is ready.
We are all - each of us - students and teachers - politicians - and scientists - and expert negotiators.
Each one, teach one - and each one - his or her own hero or heroine - in this evolving blooming buzzing story.
Welcome 2025 - the greatest year ever on Earth.
This is your year and your time - do not allow the universe to tell you all differently.
You - we - all of us - a blooming buzzing dream coming true.
Unfold those angel wings - take wing and fly free.
And some words from a fellow human being on the art and science of finding the light we need to guide us.
Our light fuels the light of collective consciousness so other travelers can find their way in these times just like the keeper of the lighthouse in times past kept the light burning for ships passing in the night. May you find and share your light.
Adrift now in the vibrational loving and compassionate intensity of the universal intelligence - dare to be everything you were meant to become!