There are tons of videos here about the plans of the oligarchs to own and operate the world - as few people are really aware of the extent and full intentions of these 1% elitists.
This is long - and necessarily long.
Especially necessary for those who are new to this topic.
Many of you may have noticed that it is more and more impossible to get reliable information from any source - both mainstream and alternative media being swamped by useless sensationalized “information “.
We are being swamped with inconsequential and sensationalized misinformation.
Information presented as news which has little to no relevance to our lives and which serves only to increase anxiety and stress is not news but deliberate misinformation.
And misinformation used to destabilize so people will have no ability to comprehend what the hell is going on is deliberate propaganda - or psychological warfare.
We as human beings are information junkies - we need accurate and reliable sources of information in order to organize our lives.
Living in an echo chamber of disinformation makes us go crazy with anxiety.
That is what is happening now as globalists put in their final last ditch efforts to make us comply with their climate change agenda, with their transgender and trans human ideology - and their insistence that we comply with their vaccine mandates.
Already mRNA vaccines are being expanded to include mRNA flu vaccines and genetic engineering technology used in the Covid vaccines are expanding into other medical products and devices.
As we have known for at least five years we are in an ideological spiritual war between demonic elites and ordinary humans who wish simply to live their lives.
Elites are so desperate now that ordinary humans have begun to wake up to the truth of climate change and especially to the vast and profound harms of the mRNA vaccines that they lash back with this disinformation campaign - hoping we will buy into the lies.
Maybe you all have noticed that Elon Musk’s X is a swamp of such chaotic misinformation that there is no longer any point in even trying to make sense of it.
Ditto with all of the other social media platforms - with the exception of SubStack - where there is still some semblance of freedom.
So to sum it up we live in the midst of a spiritual and cultural war - without the necessary information we need to make sense of what is happening.
Increasingly we simply turn away from the other platforms and just stop listening to the media.
The more the elites try to game us with misinformation the more we simply turn away.
But since this is the elites main source of control the more we turn away the more outlandish and desperate their attempts to draw us back in become.
A platform like X is not a free speech platform but a means of further controlling the narrative.
The swirling meaninglessness of the information on X simply fails to inform or to offer a reasonable means of communication.
The worst thing about not being able to reasonably communicate is that it works to make us doubt ourselves and also to make us angry and hostile toward others.
Doubting ourselves and becoming filled with anger and hostility are our foremost spiritual and psychological and interpersonal enemies.
And once we become enemies of ourselves and the people we care about the enemy has won.
For the elite cabal who now senses they are beginning to lose because the people are onto them - they are doubling down now - using anything they can use to successfully divert our attention from the truth.
The truth is they have conspired to use a faked epidemic and toxic vaccines to make their final push against us.
What they live in terror of is that we will find ways of spreading the truth about their crimes and lies and will somehow allow the remainder of the world to know the truth.
The elites rely on us becoming overwhelmed with loneliness, self doubt and negative emotions.
Compared with the twisted and distorted logic of their agendas - the truth is quite simple and straightforward.
But the elites who manufacture all of these lies and deceptions are buoyed by their success in fooling most of the world into believing in the vaccines, in the climate and transgender and transhumance agendas.
They are thrilled that so few notice there is an ongoing genocide from the vaccines - that so many believe that gender is not a scientific fact but a decision to be made – and that giving up one’s humanity to machine technology is intelligent.
We can bet the number of champagne bottles being popped to celebrate their victories is high.
Who knew that taking over the whole world would be so very easy?
But what they live in fear of is that there are millions of humans who do understand precisely.
And in their nightmares they see these millions - a small portion of the eight billion on the planet - communicating successfully - to inform the rest as to the real nature of these elites.
And they also know that despite their perfecting of their disinformation strategies - their psychological warfare techniques - over generations - that there is a spiritual core in humans which prevents them from becoming totally captured.
And they know that a resurgence of this spiritual core is the most dangerously powerful force imaginable.
This is why they now push their own religion in hopes that most people will be fooled by it.
And these new religions offer fast tracking into transgender and transhumance.
That this religion leads to death and destruction is kept hidden by their rainbows and cute mascots and sexual connotations.
For an explanation of how this new religion is being presented see the following for a partial explanation:
It is all revealed in the Olympic Games and in the ceremonies which were held to open Notre Dame - and they think the world will simply go along with the path of least resistance.
They believe we will not notice the subterfuge and will simply go along to get along.
They believe we will one day adjust to living without transportation - and to living as kept humans in the 15 minute cities - happily chipped and vaccinated - and content with our 24/7 surveillance to keep us safe.
In most large cities - just like a Nashville where I live - the 15 minute cities are already well under construction- with mixed use multi family and light commercial centers.
They sell them to the unsuspecting with many perks and attractive features - and this is the biggest trend in commercial real estate.
Those of us with larger homes will be finessed out of them one way or another and diverted into a 15 minute city.
Already they have whole cities begging to be included in license plate and facial recognition camera tracking technology to keep them safe from crime.
These technologies are easily turned into ways of keeping the citizens themselves in line - in-line with the agendas as outlined by the elite.
There will be an imperceptible but steady change toward this 15 minute city mandate - and before we know it we will find ourselves trapped in one - with no way out.
What stands between you and the onrushing totalitarianism?
The elites are about 1% of the population standing against us as the 99%.
We determine what the 1% elite can get away with - not the other way around.
When the 99% decide the 1% may no longer rule over us - GAME OVER.
But after these thousands of years of being ruled by elites - it is not going to be an easy struggle.
Lots of great stuff here, KW.
Fortunately we don't need everyone to see it, just that critical number. And I suspect Nature and/or Universe has some surprises that will disrupt nefarious plans as well
Appreciate what you do. Best.