Is our willingness to be badly - and even fatally - governed beginning to wear thin?
My take is that we have all grown allergic to - and intolerant of -our Machiavellian controllers - those who occupy the top rungs of the hierarchy we perpetually make the mistake of calling a civilization.
One good honest look at history and we know instantly that civilizations are not at all “civilized” but instead are highly organized in favor of institutionalized barbarism.
Needless to say our civilizational overlords are hip to this and are running scared of our “lack of trust” in being so badly and even fatally scammed by our so called governments.
Since I have written of this subject before I won’t belabor the point - excerpt to remind us all that petitioning the overlords to be less Machiavellian and “nicer” will not work.
Leopards do not change their spots and those handed power and control by governments do not ever give these up.
We the people are the avowed enemies of our governments - time to wake up and smell the totalitarianism.
Maybe we have had enough and maybe we are setting ourselves up for several more thousand years under the iron fists of those we consider civilized.
Thanks to @ The Rebel Patient for the following:
This willingness to be ridiculed and mocked under the Machiavellian control of our most corrupted and corruptible really is up to us.
We the people grow sick and tired of the control of the elites.
Trust has been broken and it is a very good thing to have recognized we cannot trust them - at all!
We the people and these sacred unalienable rights conferred by our creator.
As always may our creator bless all of the peacemakers!!
I like to think of the word "Civilized or Civilization," as a more neutral word to describe Social organization; how we chose to relate, this can be a net negative or a positive from the point of view of Freedom.
Freedom is NOT the same as Liberty. Liberty is an enumerated privilege.
A dog at the end of a leash has Liberty, a dog without a leash has Freedom. We all have inherent Freedom; then through out childhood, we are trained to accept the concept of Abstract and Arbitrary Hierarchy. (Unnatural) Natural Hierarchy is always merit based. We begin to accept this sense of our own "learned" subordination to "others" we are told are our "betters." From the beginning, we are trained to misplace our Trust. Hierarchy was always just under the surface, while we normalized and acquiesced to it.
Regarding "Trust" in our System:
Nothing can be Trusted that is not Reciprocated; what has the System done 'for,' or 'to' you lately?
This can be specific in context to trusting any Institutions like Government or Corporations; but also, in the context of "Civilization."
Trust through normal interaction is both mutually Earned and Treasured, it is often coveted by those who do not deserve it. ----- I know I've said this before, but it bears reiterating. I support the concept of Voluntary Cooperative interaction between Individuals, that's where trust is best invested.
We must make a choice: Do we want to live in a Compulsory Collective or a Voluntary Cooperative system? As Individual Sovereigns, the choice looks clear. Through Individualism, we free civilization from Compulsory Collectivism and Contractual Economic Apartheid; by local cooperation, we can Decentralized ourselves out of the Globalists Empire that behaves like it owns us.
Wow! Very few can drive a point home like KW. Powerful words that resonate…