One of the things which is really most annoying about these times are the number of talking heads which endeavor to convert us all to one political side or the other.
It is an exceedingly difficult high wire act to transit as we attempt to figure out who is blowing smoke and who speaks the truth.
I believe we all possess a built in truth meter which we can learn to listen to - and like most things the more we use it the more reliable this truth meter becomes.
Most all of the talking heads represent all too limited hangouts where we really learn nothing at all other than perhaps more mis or disinformation.
What we have just been through with President Donald Trump is a prime example of how an event like this brings more and more useless and annoying - and dangerous - talking heads out of the woodwork.
To me - and although I am a decidedly contentious and independent minded observer - and maybe to me alone - the Trump Kangaroo Trials represent the total failure of the justice system - and very likely the entire systems of civilization to which we have committed our hearts and minds - and our trust.
This does not mean that Trump himself is some kind of hero or is necessarily even the best one to take office - it does in the real world of politics however represent the leader we are going to receive.
I believe this recent injustice is just one example of the many ways the entire rotten and corrupt and unjust system is now crumbling like a house of cards in a stiff wind into so much dust at our feet.
I also believe this ushers in the will of we - as the people who make up the human inhabitants of this place - to learn to identify the components of a just system - one which is deserving of our faith and trust.
Trust has indeed been broken - but trust in what?
Misplaced trust in the classic dominance hierarchy of civilization in which we handed over our personal freedom and agency to oligarchs.
Our relationship as citizens to our civilizations has been broken - as well it should be.
Our trust in the overlords who run the place has now been proven beyond a shadow of a shadow of a doubt to be wrong - our trust misplaced.
All relationships are based on mutual trust and for most of us once someone proves to us that we can no longer trust them - the relationship is broken - over and done with.
It is not as simple with our relationships to our civilization - as most all of us have been born into this system - born to countless generations of ancestors who were born into it as well.
It is one thing to escape the clutches of a serially abusive relationship with an individual and quite another to face having to escape from the only system of human engagement we have ever known.
And as there is no space in this essay to belabor the point - I will attach another for those who wish more information.
Here I wish to point out that as the system continues to prove how very corrupt and unjust it is - at the same time the desire and understanding of we the people to build the just and fine upstanding civilization we deserve grows ever stronger.
As we begin to recognize that trust has been broken and to gradually remove ourselves from the very serially abusive relationship - we need also to understand that we are up to this task and have everything we need to do what must be done.
At the same time we must maintain a steely eyed realism of who and what we are defeating here.
I have spoken often of the World Economic Forum (WEF) here and I notice that of late many limited hangouts have set out to prove the defeat of this group and of the many alliances of this group to the serial abusers who in fact do currently own and operate our civilized insanity.
We need to keep in mind that our serially abusive political operatives are international in nature - all seem to be associated in one way or another with the WEF - and I believe they are still dangerous enemies to be defeated.
Consider the following - which warns of the people now helping to pull the strings of our puppet leaders in these United States:
And I don’t yet know for certain - but strongly suspect that the new female president of Mexico - Claudia Sheinbaum - is also associated with the stakeholder capitalists of the WEF - or with the many tentacled beasts which make up their network. 1 2 3
Medieval monsters stalk our medieval-level, unintelligent, poorly educated, mercenary - and uninspiring - civilization .
And once the truth begins to be discussed at the level of these popular talk shows we may begin to understand what the general public is maybe just beginning to comprehend:
Stay frosty Star Seeds - remain flinty eyed realists - as we negotiate these stormy seas through the planetary totalitarianism we find ourselves adrift in.
Working our way out of this serially abusive relationship will not be easy - but at the same time - it must be done.
And because necessity is indeed the mother of invention - the will of we the people - will be done.
And although we may not wish to be the ones who have been selected to build the new just world which is forming itself in the ashes of the old as we speak - we are the ones who have been selected.
Appreciate the restack!
Appreciate the restack!