Thanksgiving Day 2024 - A Great Turning of the Tides
Being Thankful For What We Are Experiencing
We might properly note that this Thanksgiving Day 2024 marks the incipient end of an old delusional world - and the inception of a great new age for human beings.
The earth itself - and all of us - are being swept by truly great forces of revolutionary - and evolutionary - change.
Hard to tell when we are in the middle of such an event - but it is possible to engage with compassionate and hopeful insight - for ourselves - and for others.
When the wheel is still in spin - as it is currently - it is hard to know for sure - but there are far deeper resources we can tap into - in order to come to comprehend what is at hand.
It is quite obvious by now that there are those who remain stuck in fear, anger, hatred and division - and thus who are energetically resisting the change.
Since the change is one of great peacefulness and thankfulness and respect - and compassion for self and for others - there are those who are energetically in synchronicity with the change.
It will need to be noted that there will be those who are swept up from - and out of - their negativity - and who will nevertheless exhibit a great transformation.
And - for whatever reason - there will also be those who cannot break free from the negative energy which controls them.
As this old delusional world crumbles the new spiritually mandated one unfolds simultaneously.
There is literally nothing to fear other than our old enemies of fear, doubt, anger and pain.
The sheer negativity of the old world is causing a death spiral - an implosion from within.
As this old one shrinks back in fear and anger and negativity - the new one unfolds with acceptance and compassion and peacefulness - we are all changing with this tide.
Where the old world was a contracting force - painful and steeped in negativity - the new world rising is expansive - geometrically expansive in all directions and on all levels .
It encompasses the four directions and all levels of space and time in a geometric - fractal pattern of healing energy which encompasses all that exists.
This energy is not timid or shy and does not shrink back from being embraced and in being proclaimed from every corner and from every porch and parapet.
Needless to say we will observe some miracles happening - miracles which may stretch our credulity to the limits.
We will have to watch this tendency to allow the negativity of the old world to stretch our credulity when it comes to miracles.
If there ever was a time in this world to throw caution to the winds and to embrace the miraculous - this is it.
This does not mean that we can rest on our laurels and stop practicing speaking truth to power and to cease helping to guide ourselves and others down the correct paths.
That part has truly just begun - and as the old world of negativity has been around for many great eons of time and space - it will not be overcome in a short time.
What this brings is a complete turning of the wheel - a wholistic sea change - in which just about everything is reversed as the tides turn.
We can expect great disruption and tearing apart as the old world dies - groaning and complaining and ruled over by dying drama queens.
But the unification- the unifying force - overwhelms the disruptions- providing a steady guide through the massive upsets surrounding us.
This spiritual force of needing to set things right - of needing to discard the lies and to embrace what is true - will lead us to actually be hands on in building the new world - as we encourage the old dying one to leave as peacefully as possible.
We are becoming builders - not destroyers - lovers - not haters - knowledgeable and wise - evolving now - away from having been steeped in destruction - hatred - ignorance.
As our leaders listen to our guidance and help us morph into these better angels of our nature - it is imperative to listen to that inner guidance and to become ourselves part of the new guiding force.
As do all spiritual quests - and great journeys of heroes and heroines - the doing will test us all to our limits and beyond .
It will test all of our leaders - and all of us who choose to follow - with some predictably strange bedfellows in the political mix.
This will all stretch our credulity to the limits and beyond as we all exit the old world of rigorously and contractually restrained control and efficiency - one which has led to the repeated ruin of our civilizations, economies, health and wellness and our psycho spiritual wholeness.
But through it all we must keep in mind that it is the spiritual light in all things - which lives and which evolves to light the world - from within.
The new world of expansiveness - and of geometrically multiplying wealth - and abundance - and true rule of law - will surprise and delight us - as we learn and adjust to the new rules and practices.
It is hard to know - when the wheels still in spin- just what - and who - it is naming.
But as I wrote a few days back the vast creative energy of the universe - the force we customarily call God - is not only in the machine - but has literally become the machine.
A Most Blessed Thanksgiving - and A Most Light-Filled Autumn
I am so thankful for our growing SubStack family - and reaching out to all of us fellow human beings - whose intentions are that we allow the light to lead us all forward.
The medical freedom movement has never been about doctors being free to practice medicine.
It has always been about being free from doctors who practice medicine.
It is the practice of pharmaceutical medicine that is morbid.
Predictably, as a class, they are ill equipped to ever be free of what they’ve done to themselves and to one another.
That’s why we keep witnessing the most vocal of these doctors colliding with their own profession, slamming head first into the walls of their institutions, and rear ending one another in a slow motion existential demolition derby.
Only Mike Yeadon has been brave enough to face himself honestly.
He makes the others look like the fools that we now know them to be.