You are all beautiful. That is where the answer lies. Don’t be afraid to be beautiful. This is an idea which can heal the world.
A true story: Years ago I received a message - loud and clear. I had likely received many by then but this one became legend in the family. I was sitting at a quiet dinner with my then teen age children and my husband. This restaurant happened to be on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles.
We all knew the chef and felt at home. Film and music stars were just regular people to us. They were part of our very human matrix. We had lived among them in the Rocky mountains, in the Texas Hill Country, in the Sierra Nevada mountains and now by the Pacific Ocean. We were never with or of them however - we just lived in a more exotic zoo than most people. We tolerated them without ever feeling part of their reality.
Neither my husband or I are rich or famous. I was born to a middle class family in Berkeley, CA, my husband to one in Cleveland OH. Fates and decisions had placed us in this exotic zoo. And fate and decisions would prove truth telling in ways we could not imagine.
At dinner that night suddenly we were approached by a group telling me they “loved my work as an actress”. I have never been an actress or a famous person. My children and husband were amused rather than surprised. I however was terrified. Had I picked up all the wrong moves from these exotic creatures - the rich and famous - we lived among?
Apparently I had and had become someone I did not intend or want to be. It took years and many continuing difficulties before I began to really understand.
My life gradually changed. In short I began reinventing myself to become the person I always felt should be. That person I knew from childhood I was meant to become.
I had ventured far off track from that early recognition. I think we all have. I believe we have plenty of warning that this is so. I believe we all have the capacity to get back to who we are meant to be as humans.
With painfully hard work I learned to face myself and everything that meant. I tell this story and write this essay as someone who stakes their life on the recognition we are all meant to do this.
It is the beginning of a new journey. It is the journey we are all supposed to follow from the time we are born.
We are born to be beautiful and free. Each of us is born amazing. Amazing and capable. Born in perfect symmetry with our mother and able to connect to the world in a complex dance in order to survive, grow and thrive.
And yet there seems to be forces in the world aligned against the natural fulfillment of that potential. We are born naked, loving and trusting - super aware and perceptive. We are joyful, spontaneous, vulnerable and alive.
And yet by the time we are four or five we have already begun to lose touch with this magical being we are at birth.
There is much to be written about and explored as to why and how this happens. But the critical thing is recognition.
All of us as parents feel a deep connection with our children. Each child is born to fulfill his or her own journey. It helps if we as parents have an awareness of our own journeys and a patience to help each child gain some awareness of theirs.
Many of us, if not most of us, however are too indoctrinated ourselves when we have our kids. All too frequently we are at a place where we are most concerned about making a living to support our kids than we are about such fundamental concerns.
In the society we live in concern for material well being easily comes to outweigh concern for the spiritual. And for most of us it does for the remainder of our lives.
I as much as anyone had become seduced by the narrative of the cult world. The recognition of this would become the framework for my later years.
For most of us it requires a shock of some kind to wake us up. Becoming free of the cult consciousness implanted by our educations is a process. Few of us are fortunate enough to become free enough to recognize and follow another path.
Those who do however are given a great responsibility. Especially in my own generation we watched as people became awakened but then fell to the shadowy temptations of ego. Too many of those who could have been light bearers succumbed to dark forces.
And as poet Gary Snyder points out becoming free of the cult mind is rare. Only rarely does a son a or a daughter get away.1
But the work of Snyder points to a world we are not educated to be aware of. Indoctrinated to the cult mind we come to regard as abnormal our awareness of the real world, the magical one. The world that is in fact our actual physical and mental and spiritual birthright is denied. 2
In this society few of us become aware of our own deeper, real journeys. We are born into an authoritarian society where we are taught to follow a tightly scripted journey. Following this demented script is what we call normal.
But it is not normal - other than in the sense that most people follow it. Normal is simply what everyone does. It fails to occur to us that normal is perhaps rather insane. And right now we are treated to an impressive planetary example of just how insane it can be.
We are born into a society which tells us we are born in ignorance and even sin. This of course is ridiculous. When we look at our newborns is it sin we see? No. Our kids are born with an uncanny intelligence. They are so aware, so connected, so loving and perceptive.
Our children are born with their natural onboard intelligence and awareness intact. It takes years for us as adults to begin indoctrinating them until they can be normal enough to attend school.
It takes five, maybe six years until they are ready to join the cult indoctrination process we know as education.
Today I share a story from SubStack writer in a video discussion which offers a deep conversation and a different way of seeing the world - and oneself - than most of us are accustomed to. It is this part of ourselves we are missing.
It as if most of us are living blinded to what is going on around us. Blind to our own beauty and the beauty of the world. The beauty of a universe we will never understand. The beauty of the mystery.
Rather than experiencing this shaman’s journey - the recognition of our own place within the cosmos - as beautiful - we come to regard it as weird. We allow ourselves to believe other things are beautiful but never understand the beauty of ourselves within the context of the real living universe.
Within the mainstream cult narrative some light is allowed to come through. Where it comes through is in the arts. In our experience interacting with music, drama, art and literature we glimpse - but do not fully inhabit - the light.
Those chills we feel upon encountering great art are the physical proof of this light coming through. This experience of feeling the light reach us can be transformative
Painfully however most of us shut off further methods of letting the light in and never experience the full power of spiritual engagement.
Efforts to seek methods of more fully understanding the world and ourselves brings us great joy. These deeper ways of thinking offer a way to see through our everyday prescribed reality.
Once we begin to unlock our doors of perception the process snowballs. We begin to experience a cascade of recognitions which reveal the truth.
Learning to be the beautiful beings we can be is our true journey.
The next essay begins to discuss more on the nuts and bolts actions we might take towards understanding the choices we may want to make in changing the world.
Be the change, be yourself, be beautiful.
Yes to opening up and seeing past the forms of culture that hold us back from being our true selves. Gary Snyder is one of the great minds, writers, poets, humans in this world. Anytime he visited Seattle, I went to see him read.
It really pisses me off -- all these people trying to get me to pay for their damn newsletters. And persons who are on Substack and live in other countries don't get squat.
I am Autistic so I don't understand time or change.