Tyranny Cannot Defeat the Power Of An Idea.
We are the ones we have been waiting for - tyranny cannot defeat the power of an idea - especially the power of an idea whose time has arrived.
Writing about civilizational collapse amounts to a rather easy exercise of just filling in the blanks.
Relatively easy to be a sort of Cassandra and illustrate the various aspects of the way the sky is falling and to describe how the walls are crumbling down.
I could name hundreds of well-known and lesser-known individuals who do this - including my own self.
It is so easy - not only can I do it in my sleep - but, quite literally, often do accomplish this in my sleep.
It is a fascinating rabbit hole - and the signs all around us - but where does it really lead?
Once we know the system is in free fall there is no value remaining in describing how and why our civilizations are broken - and breaking down more with each passing second.
The overarching principle is that we are not going to save this broken system - and the more we try - the worse it is going to get.
Once we see that there is no saving the old, archaic, broken system - we naturally move forward to see how we can replace it.
We are being helped along in this process by the fact that the old broken system is self-destructing - and the humans attached to its survival - are also self-destructing.
The simple conclusion is we know we are civilizational free fall - and had better get on with a new plan - as broken is broken - and dead is dead.
Taking time to grieve is healthy - as long as we move on past the paralyzing limitations of that state.
The achievement of healthy grieving leads to acceptance.
Acceptance makes us more compassionate - and more tuned into the actual spiritual journey of life - and leads to a state of taking action.
Being obsessed - and angry and frustrated - at the reality of death and suffering as necessary aspects of renewal and growth and change - is futile and leads to more death and suffering .
My post yesterday - focusing on the diabolical, death-dealing, political and actual firestorm of L.A. - is only of limited value - and only as it wakes us all up to what really needs to be done.
We naturally believe that speaking truth to power matters - but in the situation we are in currently - in a failing civilization where oligarchs take a death grip on what remains - it appears as a futile act.
Speaking truth is never wrong - but expecting oligarchs to listen - preposterous!
Because the chances of turning this burning shipwreck around and sailing off into the sunset as based on our current civilizations - are less than zero.
The time for acceptance of reality has arrived - as acceptance will lead us toward a future.
It is apparent to even the most obtuse of us that we have pursued a materialistic dream - one which is totally unsustainable and impossible.
The dream of continuing to plunder the earth for materials which, when put into use - only poisons us and the planet we depend upon for life - is madness.
And any civilizations built on this materialistic model will fail.
We know we have reached the end of this vast age of the pursuit of materialistic, ever-expanding technological growth - which, if pursued, becomes a kind of cancer.
Cancer happens as a result of our lives - and our cultures - being so out of harmony and balance - that nature responds by destroying the problem.
Evolutionary reality - and the way nature operates is, after all, not negotiable.
And even our way of exploring our consciousness has been hijacked by spiritual materialism.
The future of human life lies in our ability to begin to take what we are - biologically and culturally and emotionally and spiritually - seriously.
We have seen what the imbalance and disharmony - the physical and cultural cancer - created by erring on the side of the material has brought us.
It is not that the material is not important- but our understanding of the universe is less than we might imagine.
All that glitters is not gold - and brass tacks are not quite as solid as we might have thought.
The larger truth is that the universe - and we ourselves - are created by and made “alive” - by a force we barely comprehend - our own consciousness as a part of the larger consciousness.
This is the frontier and no we cannot get there by following some organized religion - or new age fantasy - all of which lead back to our overwhelming obsession with the material.
Fortunately there are things which have not been destroyed by the fall of our materialistic civilizations - and those things are the attributes which that Creator - or God - or Goddess - or Supreme Architect - or whatever - or whomever - we imagine the wisdom of the universe to be - has given us.
And these things are brought to our awareness by observation of the majestic beautiful earth on which we live - and of which we are a part - not a master of - just a part.
No amount of navel gazing - or inward solipsistic observation - or idol worship in some organized religious establishments - where we pay tithings to the organized tyranny of the church and state - will accomplish this.
We will need to go outside and develop real heartfelt compassion for ourselves and for all life.
Going outside the civilized insanity our lives have become - but doing so as the living beings we were created to become by that “Creator”.
Some kind of mystical return to the Stone Age will not suffice - but going forward with the things we know to be working to expand and facilitate our consciousness today.
It is no accident or coincidence that we have the internet - as even out of our most materialistic and even militaristic enterprises - at our very most brokenhearted and disharmonious - truth still rises above the madness.
The internet has helped to show us the way toward a harmonious future through psychosocial relationships - demonstrating what works and what does not work.
Demonstrating so clearly that what we are speaks so loudly it can even be discerned in just a few words written on social media - and that what we can become together - for good or for ill - is far greater than what we can accomplish alone.
Our human consciousness - as expressed through actions and words - through art and music - and symbolically - and even in our algorithms - and code and math - and mental models - is our future.
And for better or for worse - how we use our conscious awareness in each moment - will determine our lives to become the future.
If we are meant to have an internet to accomplish this - I am quite certain that we will have one - not one composed of the materials which rape and pillage the earth - but one which is organic - and composed of the very consciousness - that we - as humans - in fact - are.
Expect miracles - as they are all around us - all of the time.
(Good headphones and/or a great sound system with digital conversion software recommended for videos.)
She Belongs to Me
She’s got everything she needs
She’s an artist, she don’t look back
She’s got everything she needs
She’s an artist, she don’t look back
She can take the dark out of the nighttime
And paint the daytime black
You will start out standing
Proud to steal her anything she sees
You will start out standing
Proud to steal her anything she sees
But you will wind up peeking through her keyhole
Down upon your knees
She never stumbles
She’s got no place to fall
She never stumbles
She’s got no place to fall
She’s nobody’s child
The Law can’t touch her at all
She wears an Egyptian ring
That sparkles before she speaks
She wears an Egyptian ring
That sparkles before she speaks
She’s a hypnotist collector
You are a walking antique
Bow down to her on Sunday
Salute her when her birthday comes
Bow down to her on Sunday
Salute her when her birthday comes
For Halloween give her a trumpet
And for Christmas, buy her a drum
We literally have ever we need - truth stands above all else - the technocrats are losing out as we can presently observe.
And, perhaps surprisingly after all this - there will only be two genders to tolerate this time around.
We have so much to learn and so much to learn to accept as we work together to defeat tyranny.
May our Creator - bless all of the peacemakers - and all of those dedicated to co-creating a civilization based on compassion, grounded human common sense - and interdependence.
Wise words as usual. Thank you, KW!
Dear Mrs. Norton. I sent you a private message. Thank you.