Following the transparently deliberate attempt to assassinate former President Trump on Saturday June 13, 2024 we as citizens naturally are left wondering what is left of the United States?
It is not immediately apparent to the average citizen that America is under attack on many fronts by those who seek to not only rid themselves of those they see as rivals but of those things which truly have made American great.
We are all familiar with those things that make America great and we are also familiar with all the forces which have been aligned against the achievement of these things.
The last thing the International Deep State Cabal desires is that there be a Great America.
In many ways impossible to list and explain in this short essay we face the same forces of tyranny that our founding ancestors faced - only by this late date the forces of tyranny have all of the enslaving aspects of technological achievement on their side.
If we wish to make as much headway toward defining the paths toward defeating tyranny as the founding fathers did - then there are things we must do and do soon.
Important to note here that the founding ancestors did not get anywhere near the achievement of the ideas they so brilliantly articulated in their lifetimes.
America - and the dreams of the founding ancestors represent a process - one not easily achieved - and one many of the founding fathers were not even able to live up to in their personal affairs.
But as the British immigrant writer Thomas Paine wrote in The American Crisis":
THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.
Thomas Paine, The American Crisis
There are directions we must all take as human beings if we wish to go on to become those individuals the founding fathers spoke about in their Declaration of Independence - we who possess those unalienable rights conferred by our creator.
Rights no earthly beings or agencies have the ability to confer or to take away.
As parents and grandparents we understand the power our children have from conception and the sacred duty we have as parents to protect this power.
There is nothing wrong with human power - but there is something wrong with the kind of power which is used to overtake and remove our unalienable rights.
The attempted Trump assassination was not a one off and neither was it the work of a mysterious lone gunman.
This was a deliberate attempt of the International Deep State Cabal who believes it owns the world to take out a feared rival.
To anyone who still believes this was a lone gunman or who believes that the Secret Service and current administration did not collude to take out their rival - well I guess they would be better off watching reruns of Mary Poppins than worrying their little heads about what is written here.
The amount of red herrings which were present in this event are stunning.
First the lone gunman was given a whole rooftop to himself - a lone gunman who was noticed and reported to officials by citizens several times - reports which were ignored by the secret service.
Second, a local officer actually climbed the ladder to check out these reports - was threatened by the lone gunman - and backed down.
In other words there are indicators not of security “mistakes” - “mistakes were not made” - but the deliberate planned executions of a botched assassination plot.
A plot planned and carried out by a cabal who is dumber than the watergate plumbers - who believe the human citizens of the United States and the world are not smart enough to notice.
They are demonstrating their contempt for us as “Useless Eaters” and “Hackable Humans” at every turn.
Mistakes were not made - deliberately master-minded plots have been carried out to make sure the Useless Eaters and Hackable Humans are locked up in 15 minute cities for 24/7 surveillance.
And here we are as Monday Morning Quarterbacks finding ourselves in the position of being told the truth by comedians.
Three videos from comedian Jimmy Dore which tell the story - unless of course these are deep fakes or AI engendered smoke screens:
Because these are not my videos and because I cannot vouch for them I leave the conclusions up to the viewers.
My whole SubStack includes a series of essays which build a case for the existence of this international cabal of criminals who have plotted to own the world.
But all those essays cannot be rephrased in every subsequent essay to bring every reader up to date.
Unfortunately the USA lost any political virginity it possessed in the 1960’s.
My assertion that we have lived under a cup d’état ever since is hardly mainstream.
But then again what madmen would institute a coup d’état and then make sure everybody knew about it - and see that it was advertised in the media?
The people in power - having participated in dumbing down the world population for centuries - just depend on the dumbed down population to fail to comprehend the details.
Those who are on power have a whole cabal of mainstream media shock troops which serve as their propagandists.
They rely on putting out sufficient misinformation that the dumbed down populace will never put together the most basic facts.
Recently they got away with faking a deadly epidemic - in fooling the whole world into bizarre behaviors - and tragically into voluntarily accepting a population reduction device disguised as a vaccine.
The powers that be rely on the domesticated and easily controlled opinions of the masses to keep them in power.
The people in power live in fear that the masses might one day wake up to this status quo.
Recently we have had other assassination attempts on other world leaders which also come to mind - not much doubt these are connected.
I urge readers to take the long view and to access what we hear with a grain of salt until proven otherwise.
We who were children in 1963 - as we watched JFK assassinated on live television learned a great deal on that day.
There were a few of us who became radicalized and still live on to suspect the worst of our governments, corporations and institutions.
The first lesson we learned was to believe nothing we were told by mainstream media - or by our governments.
And as the years went by after the JFK assassination - and as RFK was also taken out on live TV - and as reports poured in about the assassination of Martin L. King - we learned to trust our gut reactions - and never ever to trust what we were being told.
Our gut reactions were that these were all carefully staged events which were part of a coup d’état - a long slow coup d’état - in which shadowy international forces sought to overthrow the dream the founding fathers had for these United States.
And of course by now after over 60 years of these forces having successfully chipped away at the Constitutional Republic - the republic lies moribund and on some creaky form of life support.
The role of a citizen then becomes the role of a detective tracking down some master thieves.
First of all we believe nothing of what we are told - for starters.
Next we begin to sift through the information we are given for clues to what the truth might be.
In 2024 we are in an even more seriously flawed and untrustworthy state of media lies than we were in 1963.
As it did in 1963 the truth lies somewhere in the odd shreds of information they try to suppress.
Because the long game for these international deep state players consists of lies, more lies, to keep on lying and to never tell the truth - in order to fool most of the people most of the time.
This tells us something valuable and gives us a way of using a strategy to perceive what the truth might be.
We are like detectives in a murder mystery where nothing is as it seems.
Given the state of world leadership we are best off observing what we are being told and then turning it upside down and suspecting any truth exists precisely in what we are not being told.
What we as conspiracy theorists - or truth tellers - depending on our POV - have learned is that the truth is usually the precise opposite of the way mainstream media is attempting to frame it.
It is precisely where the mainstream agents become most insistent on suppression of the truth where the truth lies.
So for us - at a disadvantage as ordinary citizens to understand the truth - reversing the mainstream logic is the first step.
It is precisely what the mainstream gets most upset about where we know we have touched a nerve and encountered some truth.
Even the all powerful international deep state does not bother suppressing lies - however their use of censorship indicates where some truth might be found.
For instance the heavy censorship of the truth that there was Graphene Oxide in the Covid 19 vaccines.
In fact the entire Covid 19 fraud is a textbook example of how to reverse the mainstream narrative and be in a better position to see some truth.
Something is indeed rotten in Denmark friends.
And I urge all citizens of the world to own their own power to detect the truth - and as citizen detectives to begin to not only see this coup d’état - but to begin everywhere to see the lies and deceptions for what they are.
Knowledge is power and this international deep state cabal does not want you to see any truth or possess any valuable knowledge.
A politically grown up people expects a coup d’état - understanding that power corrupts and that absolute power corrupts absolutely.
A politically sophisticated people - capable of being citizens who can even pretend to be participants in government by and for the people - are educated - has read the great ideas and documents which both informed and were written by the founding fathers - and has read those like Machiavelli who can define the psychology and strategy of tyranny.
A politically sophisticated people would expect tyranny - to understand that it is never actually defeated.
A politically sophisticated people would expect the deep state to become an international cabal.
A politically immature people falls to political infighting or even into civil war - precisely what the international deep state cabal wishes them to do.
The international deep state cabal looks at real history and predicts how citizens will behave.
They understand that a people ignorant of their own history and politically unsophisticated enough to fail to understand Machiavelli provide the perfect environment for totalitarianism.
Hopefully this essay serves my own purpose of seeing some degree of common sense and political sophistication restored to this world.
And to see that the international cabal of totalitarians is defeated and held responsible for their crimes.
Peace out - and may God protect and defend the peacemakers.
Blessings to all those hurt by these atrocities committed by the international deep state cabal.
There can be only one logical goal now and that is to stand against the actions of this diabolical cabal by exposing them and by bringing them to justice.
But the most important thing is to put human beings, families and the abundant love and compassionate grace we have in abundance first - to stand against - and take the place of hatred, jockeying for power and episodes like this where power corrupts and where absolute power has corrupted absolutely.
Read Machiavelli, understand history, hold all in power as suspect and think for yourself.
Recognize that there are far more truths to be found in this attempted assassination story and that in such an elaborate skein of lies it will not be easy to uncover them all.
And be forewarned that much of this drama is being held to distract our attention from the truth.
We are in Alice In Wonderland territory where nothing is quite what it appears.
The dark forces are revealing themselves for who they are.
As these forces carry their own seeds of destruction - they now begin self destructing.
Understanding truth, freedom, compassion and the strength of the Gaia verse of which we are a part is key here.
We are the one’s we have been waiting for.
May peace break out everywhere as the world begins to take responsibility for truth telling in the face of lies, and for Justice in the face of injustice, and for compassion in the face of hatred.
Such truth. I too have said for years that we have to start as far back as Woodrow Wilson, but see 11/22/1963 as the date “they” learned they could get away with murder.
If only we all could come together & chase these Globalaists out of our Republic & the free world once & for all.
248 years ago a small group chased them off the shores of America. It needs to be done again.
Thanks for restacking!