Aug 14Liked by KW NORTON

In the original Aramaic the word others interpret as camel was actually a twisted rope. And the twines were unwound until the rope was thin enough to fit through the eye of the needle. With the.camel it was impossible, with the rope it was doable after one peeled down to a thinner rope. The Third Reich were masters at manipulating the Christian Pastors into manipulating their sheep. Not dissimilar to what they’ve done here and all over the world.

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Great comment thanks!

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Mar 26Liked by KW NORTON

VERY well-stated. Thank you. Of course there are angelic helpers, but they won't do our work for us. We have to do our bit.

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You can write your own lengthy posts to argue the Gospel and the teaching of God here on SubStack. I appreciate all the comments but I am not a theologian - have never pretended to be - and rely on all of you so armored to set your own records straight. I look forward to these.

As far as apartheid goes I go with Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn on that one.

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Mar 26Liked by KW NORTON

When Jesus made his last trip to Jerusalem he went to the Temple and threw out the money lenders. He likely did this to demonstrate what he had taught already and what the writers of the Old Testament taught, that usury is against the law of God.

It is usury that has destroyed Western civilization. That civilization has brought about its own demise. This is what I have been writing about for years.

See this: https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/03/election-2024-rearranging-the-deck-chairs-on-the-titanic/

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Sure that was one of the things he taught and very disliked by the profiteers for certain.

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Dec 26, 2023·edited Dec 26, 2023Liked by KW NORTON

Thank you KW for your brilliant interpretation and analysis of what it is to walk the path of light. You write beautifully well.

Blessings to you and your family.

In love and peace, Azra 🕊x

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Thanks so much for your words. Love and light to everyone.

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Here's one to get you started, Ezra 9:1-3 KJV.

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We need people to speak out on the wrongs of this world. We need more people to do the right thing. We also need more people to show kindness to others.

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Yes ... a little more basic kindness to each other will go a long way to start any type healing & coming together.. during Covid I became a big crank. Lol. I’m working very hard now to “just be nice”. It sounds so silly, but it’s made a big difference 🙏

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by KW NORTON

What a great piece of writing...informative AND inspirational. Jesus is 100% relevant and present in ALL things.

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Thank you so much. Jesus is walking with us is we choose to see.

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Thank you! You make an excellent case for Separating Church and State! Long live The First Amendment. Combining the State with Christianity degrades Christ. Christ said, “Let what is Caesar’s be Caesar’s.” The State (as Rome) put Christ to death, after all. All those Florida private religious schools taking Caesar’s tax coins via vouchers now make them indebted to The State! What happened to faith? Separate Church and State! Thank you!

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This is the message everyone needs to hear! So grateful to read your expressions and interpretations of what the Spirit is saying to the Churches. Amen, and amen!

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Thank you so much. I sincerely hope they are listening to all of us.

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Powerful article. I'm going to read this at least two more times. It's thick. Meaty. And must be thoroughly chewed. Do not try to swallow it whole.

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Hope you like it. Yes, it is kind of a deep dive.

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“Jesus does not return - He already lives within us.”

This is currently true, but will not always be so. He will return and conquer all. “Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.”

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“Jesus does not return - He already lives within us.”

He showed us the simple path to the saving of humanity against our evil nature. No one is coming to “save” us; it’s up to us to awaken to the awareness of our human nature; truth and darkness, and choose the path of our salvation.

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You’re taking the ‘new age’ perspective that advocates that our ignorance is the cause of our sin and subsequent separation from God.

But Scripture tells a different story. That we have inherited a sin nature from the parents of all humanity. They were deceived which brought sin and death on us all.

Only faith in God can save us. Not gnosis, but trust in God’s atonement by the shedding of innocent blood, the blood of his one and only son, Jesus. He IS the one who saves us through faith.

Salvation comes by grace through faith in god so that we can’t take the credit for it.

2 Corinthians 5:17-20

17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 18 All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; 19 that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. 20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.

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You call it “new age” but this was a central theme of Jesus himself. “Forgive them, Lord, they know not what they do.”

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Oh but he does return to throw the dragon (satan) into the pit of fire and brimstone. How anticlimactic if that were not to happen?

Of course the Holy Spirit lives inside the believer. It’s two different conditions/events.

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I am afraid we have been elected to the task. Great comment thanks.

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"The only way to be a good code breaker in this instance is to have cultivated a pure heart - the kind that Jesus taught."

I am not a Christian but I seem to be walking the path. "The path with a heart " as Don Juan Matis from Castaneda said is the only path worth treading.

This path is literal. It is done with acts, not with the misunderstandings of our occultist lawyered playwords.

Mahatma Gandhi was a walker of this path...and he too sacrificed.

" The meek Will inherit the earth" is an often misunderstood quote.

It's meaning has changed significantly over time- meek is not weak

late 12c., mēk, "gentle or mild of temper; forbearing under injury or annoyance; humble, unassuming;"

NOT Impotent.....

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Great comment. I think many of us who would have followed the path earlier were turned off by the abundant hypocrisy in organized religion.

No - certainly not impotent - the impotent ones are the weak totalitarians. Mahatma Gandi and Don Juan are perfect examples of those who walk the walk .

It is the path with heart and there are many angels and spiritual beings surrounding us.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by KW NORTON

This is nothing more than the religion of Antichrist. Universal brotherhood, gnostic understanding of Holy Scripture (code-breaking?), confidence in our own innate ability to overcome evil no matter what deity we serve, denial of Messiah’s bodily return, contempt for all those who came before, in sum, it’s humanism with a Christian veneer.

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No dear. The religion of the antichrist is the one we are living right now. Funny that.

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Religions are not the only interpretations of life that have been co-opted by this malignant forse enshrouding us. For example.... Just take science and subtract logic.... Just take basic common sense and morals and lawyer them fancy.

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So well put. There is a long tradition that follows exactly this imperative--granted it has been buried in posturing and gaudy symbolism.

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Thanks Emanuel. Yes. I afraid just about any truth we wish to know is buried for the sake of manufacturing our consent to be governed.

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