Jul 8Liked by KW NORTON

BAPHOMET "as above so below"!

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?? what is the acronym??

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The Fraud against God.

Baphomet is an entity of Evil. See his statues - in public!- with "children".

He has both genders-AGENDA.

Mocks- highjacks Jesus- Christianity - "The Blood" "Creation" etc.

Chaos-Children-Currency is their *Kontrol!

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8Liked by KW NORTON

KW! You went deep today! I can help.

(I already responded to you- by mistake - down below- did not look again WHO wrote that comment. You mention Darwin- forget that bullshit. Start there)

KW- "nothing new is under the sun"- never forget that.

USA "is"- The Last Empire- #7- means "completion" - God created the earth in 6* days- rested #7?

Made Sunday? -day of Rest? Rite?

*Divine Design* - yes! never forget that either.

Stop being shocked by evil, depravity, lies, SATANIC DECEPTION & DEPRAVITY. STAY CALM & find "Divine Content"-God knows every hair on your head. Life is either Satanic or Godly. Choose one. It's called "Discernment".

You already testified you recognize disinformation and lies. Yea, "they" chose Satan- HE LIES-STEALS-KILLS. Period. THAT is Lucifer's Script. So what.?

Lucifer is a FRAUD. He is The Matrix- HOLLY"wood"- *witches wand" is made of. Sorcery- wicked- counterfeit, spells-

"Predictive Programming"- "Madd Maxx"- "Zombie Nation"-"Minority Report" - "Eyes Wide Shut".

TV "Programming" is a See Eye Antichfist term. "Conspiracy Theory" again see eye Antichrist term .

"Operation Mockingbird" again- see eye A. runs alllll media since 1950's. Including "Controlled Opposition" same as WWF "good guy bad guy" *ACT! The Cogress, an ACT"!

Same as DJT, "The Great Awakening" is next- Another PSYOP. "Problem Solution"- Cloward & Piven"-

"Rules For Radicals" Saul Aulinsky- hrc college thesis!!!!

You right! It's all AN ACT- A "set up"- Matrix- Gov. PSYOP! ALL EXPOSED. Days of Revelation???

A "personal relationship" keeps you out of The Matrix.

Born Free-"LIVE FREE" KW! Prepare to die FREE!. Our Souls are Eternal. Heaven or Hell.

God gave you Free Will to choose. You don't need to SEE God to believe or "know" God.

KW- Take the angst and pressure off of you. "They" want you to "feel trapped"! We can't save them from themselves. They - you- me, need to repent-(for our failures- The Ten Commandments-start there) -

I had my "Road To Damascus"- look it up/Paul!.

7.7.1996 I gave my life to Jesus, on my knees. I never looked back. I'm free every day- all day from The Matrix.

They need to simply "ASK GOD" to come into their lives. That simple. (Jesus is in my life- every thought- all day) Jesus defeated Death!

God IS NOT an "individual".

HE IS GOD!!!!! He "invented" The Universe- Fallen Angels- His Angels-TRUTH- TRUST- LOVE- HOPE- FAITH. 2+2=4. Not man! Science is only "discovered", tested, debated, challenged, BY MAN!

Man only "discovers" what God "invented"- Divine Design.

Only Satanist like wef say "we are gods"!

You are on your way to finally be free.

Last words of The Declaration Of Independence"

"we give our Lives, our Fortunes, andlour Sacred Honor"

The Revolutionary soldiers BELIEVED IN GOD! THEY "TRUSTED IMPOSSIBLE" or Died FREE*** (Jesus defeated Impossible!)

Find Paul McGuire at Rumble. He is The Best.* Top of my list of 150+ decades research. Watchman On The Wall at age 6- 1959, before I knew what it was. I believed in Jesus since 4th grade-no longer a Catholic- Vatican City is "in on The Matrix"! Find Johnathan Kleck- Kleck Files -Odysee. Explains "everything"!

find 'Secret Societies- The Speech That Got JFK Killed" Rumble 19m version. The Coup still runs the corrupt USA govt.

Jesus is in total control! God is not a "religion"- :man's interpretation" of God.

KW- I don't have time to write articles. We have very little time before The Flashpoint- Grid down- Madd Maxx or Martial law in your neighborhood.

FIND JJ Carrell with Mike Adams @Brighteon. "Treason"- hundreds of NEW Detention Camps ready for door2door coast2coast Blue Hemits "immigrant" SOLDIERS -"Get On the bus"- or die! USlave or Food4Slaves. Guillotines-Gas- or a Bullet.

"They" write about this shit decades ago - "white papers"! 2014 i saw videos of hundreds of UN busses- vans- Mwraps- Coffins- Concrete Vaults- train cars with chains.

I'm trying to save lives with comments, WARN like Michael Yon-"In One Hour" ,Grave Danger!

I try responding to deep struggling thoughts like you "download" from your soul. I'm not here to argue with The Satanists, but I can. - or be the smartest in the room, Sir! They eventually run away. The "Name" *Jesus* terrifies Demons! Fact!

🇺🇸 Be Blessed KW 🙏

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Change your perception.

OK... everything you write is true... but...

Yo, me... all of us... we can defeat this Armageddon they promised us 2000 years ago... this Utopia they promised us... this Brave new world Dystopia where Humanity is erased.

If you ask me... simply don't accept it.

Why should you or anyone survive a future ha can change in a split second?

I don't see a future in a desolate world.

I see a future here and now better than it ever has for the same reason you see a dystopia.

We are being herded into this Dystopia by the saqme people who warn us of this dystopia selling us dystopia all day.

Don't buy it.

Lose your Religion.. lose your believe... don't believe anything.

Accept that they are all liars trying to herd us into Armageddon and realize with it that we are Gentile beings... we have superiority of morals because we are Gentiles.

Acceptance is the Key.

Stop believing a single word they say.

Change your perception.

See they have no legality authority or anything... stand in their way and become an immovable object.

Live by ZEN... live by Truth.

There is a switch inside your mind... nobody can touch it... nobody but you.

Their lies can be so easily defeated by the Truth it is almost laughable.

That is whey they try to scare you... so you live in fear... you switch off and are controlled.

Lose your believe.

Start living by the Truth.

Change your perception.

What you gain is infinite possibilities and a future that is ours in the making.

Leave the past behind.


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Jul 7Liked by KW NORTON

The distrust of our federal government and the medical profession, and all those in DC that are telling us how to manage our health has never been at this level!

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Jul 6Liked by KW NORTON

Know thy enemy as thyself

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the Final Frontier

that is . . . . .


Between human ears

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God, Jesus, are not in 'purgatory' but right here now helping those that through choosing wisely are helping themselves. The rest will get help after the world has killed one third of the people, to prevent extermination of this world of God's creation.


The answer is God, through accepting Jesus as our Savior, folks!

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God is euphemistically out of town on business. It is a metaphor for our civilization.

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Civilization has proceeded without God, even the US (founded on God) mocks him with impunity. God is an individual, not collective thing, perhaps I need to make that clear.

Thanks KW, and bless you for being a believer.

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Jul 7Liked by KW NORTON

We are all created in the likeness of God and have not achieved the ability to understand we have the capacity to do good beyond the current human crisis!

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Jul 7Liked by KW NORTON

I hear what you say! But the likeness of god is based on religious ideology. Who? Has ever seen him, other than those in the bible.

‘have ever saw him.

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Jul 7Liked by KW NORTON

True! But when you step back and examine the intricacies of the human body and how wonderfully we are designed you have to question the concept it was all by evolution and random development. Medicine Man now believes he can improve on bodily function with gene manipulation and is in the process of destroying all living things. My view.

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Great comment and I believe that Darwin’s work was only a theory - and a pretty good one.

I also - at least partially reject the non- teleogical - all scientific view - of evolution.

The very precision physiology and evolution of our bodies - and found throughout nature - seems to reveal the master’s hand at work.

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I like this video because it accurately represents the disinformation being provided by Jill and Joe Biden


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