Great post. It is infuriating to see it all so clearly! Thank you for moving through your emotion so that you could better inform your readers and she’s insight.
Well said! My eye did catch a small typo, if you care to fix it --- "out" rather than "our" in second graph from the end. Incompetence or utter craven lack of care either way, we can't just look the other way, anymore.
I will go back and hunt down the typo thanks. And no we cannot look the other way. Bad governance is bad. Even George Washington hated government but then he went and helped create one. Been in our history for millennia - bad habits are hard to shake.
That is EXACTLY what the people of Lehaina should do. Tell the government to LEAVE. ALL OF THEM from RED CROSS/FEMA down to LOCAL OFFICIALS. DECLARE YOURSELF SOVEREIGN because of their failure. IGNORE ANY RULES/ordinances...Allow others in the help. Rebuild. WITHOUT ANY GOVERNMENT.
Way too many things went wrong. A fire in a place where there is nothing but water, and then the failure of the fire departments and forestry service, and let's not mention that the rich folk's homes didn't burn.
This was planned arson, and the guilty governmental departments Need to be strung up.
It is a hard thing to describe to someone what it is to live around and in fires, isn't it? Having said that, in my own two very close fire experiences my wife and I had, I know the people who showed up would have given their lives to save us and our property.
This thing that happened in Hawaii is the ABSOLUTE complete opposite! THEY DIDN'T EVEN WARN THEM??? A monstrous set up for someone's benefit! Quoting myself, "It is said God forgives all sins. These are whoppers for sure!"
Great comment. We owe our lives and property too many unsung heroes. Survival so much of the time is dependent on those we elect and hire to keep us safe. When they let us down it is far worse than disappointment. When you have lived through fire it makes it so real. I can still see the contingents of firemen and trucks at each of those fires. Kudos to the many who do remain dedicated to public safety.
It is "pretty interesting" here right now. No fires close or out of ordinary for fire season in Washington. British Columbia is practically all on fire above us! Lot of evacuation. Visibility from smoke down here is maybe 500 yards. Fine ash covering everything.
I heard of the big fire in Oregon and the big ones in Canada including British Columbia. It brings back memories of the many California fires. Not pleasant. Still have two daughters in California. Trusting you and your family will stay safe. I remember always being prepared for fire. It was a way of life. But there were way too many tragic stories associated with them. Let us know if things change.
We're good, thank you. The thing about fire that people don't understand is it somewhat "controllable", as opposed to hurricanes or tornadoes. We're more worried about relatives back in PA who have been getting tornado warnings. You have those possibilities too! Be safe to you and your family!
Yes how those words ring true. Have one daughter in Southern California being threatened by a hurricane. The long strange trip. We are as safe as one can be in the hills near Nashville. The world is not getting any safer. Luckily we just smile through it all and make music. Grin and bear it - right? And carry those lightsabers!
Third, this hit, like 9/11, was planned and government is doing everything it can to create conditions as inhumane as possible. The Federal government is not helping. There is fuel in drinking water. Drinking water provide by the government made people sick. Military can make water potable but is under orders to not help.
During the 19th Century, Western influence grew. David Kalākaua was the last king of Hawaii, ruling from 1874 to 1891. In 1885, following a tradition of treaties favoring the United States, he signed a trade reciprocity treaty with the United States. This free-trade agreement made it possible for sugar to be sold to the U.S. market tax-free.
By 1887, when the Reciprocity Treaty was renewed, the Kingdom of Hawaii was overrun by white landowners, missionaries, and businessmen. The king promoted Hawaiian culture and traditions, but Hawaiian sovereignty suffered. U.S. sugar plantation owners came to dominate the politics of the islands. Their presence impacted social and economic life as well – the landholding system changed, and many aspects of traditional culture were prohibited, including teaching the Hawaiian language and performing the native Hula dance.
On July 6, 1887, a militia affiliated with the Hawaiian League, a non-native mostly U.S. businessmen's political party opposed to the king, under the leadership of Lorrin Thurston, threatened King Kalākaua. He was forced to sign a new constitution stripping him of his power and many native Hawaiians of their rights. It also replaced the cabinet with non-native politicians and businessmen. The new constitution came to be known as the "Bayonet Constitution" because Kalākaua signed it under duress.
When King Kalākaua died in 1891, his sister Lili'uokalani succeeded him. Though she introduced a new constitution that would restore her power and Hawaiian rights, she would be Hawaii's last monarch. Her move was countered by the "Committee of Safety," a group of non-native U.S. businessmen and politicians with sugar interests. Led by Sanford Dole, they had monetary reasons for doing so – they feared that the United States would establish a tariff on sugar imports, endangering their profits, and wanted to protect Hawaii's free-trade status. The United States was the major importer of Hawaiian agricultural products.
Supported by John Stevens, the U.S. Minister to Hawaii, and a contingent of Marines from the warship, U.S.S. Boston, the Committee overthrew Queen Lili'uokalani in a bloodless coup on January 17, 1893. The Committee of Safety proclaimed itself to be the Provisional Government. Without permission from the U.S. State Department, Minister Stevens recognized the new government and proclaimed Hawaii a U.S. protectorate. President Benjamin Harrison signed a treaty of annexation with the new government. Before the Senate could ratify it, however, Grover Cleveland replaced Harrison as president and subsequently withdrew the treaty.
Dole sent a delegation to Washington in 1894 seeking annexation. Instead, President Cleveland appointed special investigator James Blount to look into the events in the Hawaiian Islands. The Blount Commission found that Lili’uokalani had been overthrown illegally, and ordered that the American flag be lowered from Hawaiian government buildings. Lili'uokalani never regained power, however. Sanford Dole, leader of the Committee of Safety and the president of the Provisional Government of Hawaii, refused to turn over power. Dole argued that the United States had no right to interfere in the internal affairs of Hawaii. The Provisional Government then proclaimed Hawaii a republic – the Republic of Hawaii – in 1894, with Dole its first president.
The overthrow of Lili'uokalani and imposition of the Republic of Hawaii was contrary to the will of the native Hawaiians. In fact, there had been a series of rebellions by Native Hawaiians since the imposition of the Bayonet Constitution in 1887. On January 5, 1895, during the "Wilcox Rebellion," an armed revolt was suppressed by Republic of Hawaii forces. The leaders of the revolt were imprisoned along with Queen Lili'uokalani.
In March of 1897, William McKinley was inaugurated as President of the United States. McKinley was in favor of annexation, and the change in leadership was soon felt. On June 16, 1897, McKinley and three representatives of the government of the Republic of Hawaii – Lorrin Thurston, Francis Hatch, and William Kinney – signed a treaty of annexation. President McKinley then submitted the treaty to the U.S. Senate for ratification.
Queen Liliuokalani and her fellow citizens successfully protested the annexation by petitioning Congress. Native Hawaiian groups organized a mass petition drive. They hoped that if the U.S. government realized that the majority of native Hawaiian citizens opposed annexation, the move to annex Hawaii would be stopped. In the fall of 1897, a Petition Against Annexation was signed by 21,269 native Hawaiian people – more than half of the 39,000 native Hawaiians and mixed-blood persons reported by the Hawaiian Commission census that year. A Hawaiian delegation brought the petition to Washington, DC; and the delegates and Lili'uokalani met with Senators. Their petition was read to the Senate and formally accepted. By the time the delegates left Washington in February 1898, only 46 senators were willing to vote for annexation and the treaty was defeated.
Other events, however, immediately brought the subject of annexation up again. On February 15, 1898, the U.S. Battleship Maine was blown up in Havana Harbor in Cuba. The ensuing Spanish-American War, part of which was fought in the Philippine Islands, established the argument that the Hawaiian islands would be strategically valuable as a mid-Pacific fueling station and naval installation.
The pro-annexation forces in Congress submitted a proposal to annex the Hawaiian Islands by joint resolution, which required only a simple majority vote in both houses. This controversial approach eliminated the 2/3 majority needed to ratify a treaty; as a result, the necessary support for annexation was in place. House Joint Resolution 259, 55th Congress, 2nd session, known as the "Newlands Resolution," passed Congress and was signed into law by President McKinley on July 7, 1898 — the Hawaiian islands were officially annexed by the United States. Sanford Dole became the first Governor of the Territory of Hawaii.
In a last, unsuccessful attempt to return control of her homeland to native Hawaiians, Queen Lili’uokalani sent a letter of protest to the U.S. House of Representatives. She stated that her throne had been taken illegally, and that any U.S. efforts to annex Hawaii without the due process of law would be unacceptable.
As a territory, Hawaii had little power in the U.S. government, holding only one, non-voting representative in the House of Representatives. The territory status allowed rich, white plantation owners to import cheap labor and export their products to the mainland with low tariffs. These landowners used their power to keep Hawaii in territorial status. Native Hawaiians and non-white Hawaiian residents, however, began to push for statehood. These residents wanted the same rights as U.S. citizens living in one of the 48 states. They wanted a voting representative in Congress and the right to elect their own governor and judges, who were currently appointed.
Over the course of the next 50 years, the Territory of Hawaii worked to achieve statehood. The legislature sent multiple proposals to Congress including a joint resolution requesting statehood in 1903, only to be denied. Other resolutions were similarly ignored. In 1937, a congressional committee found that Hawaii met all qualifications for statehood and held a vote on statehood in Hawaii. Although this resulted in a vote in favor of statehood, the attack at Pearl Harbor paused all talks as the Japanese population in Hawaii came under suspicion by the U.S. government. After the war, Hawaii’s territorial delegate, Joe Farrington, revived the battle for statehood. The House debated and passed multiple Hawaii statehood bills, but the Senate did not vote on them. Hawaiian activist groups, students, and political bodies sent in letters endorsing statehood in hopes of spurring congressional action. Then in the 1950s, Congress combined Hawaii’s statehood bid with Alaska’s. Congress ultimately decided to first grant statehood to Alaska, a then-Democratic leaning territory, in early 1959. With this new Democratic state, Congress was now open to granting the then-Republican leaning Hawaii statehood to restore political balance.
Finally, in March 1959, a Hawaii statehood resolution passed both the House and the Senate, and President Eisenhower signed it into law. That June, the citizens of Hawaii voted on a referendum to accept the statehood bill. On August 21, 1959, President Eisenhower signed the official proclamation admitting Hawaii as the 50th state, marking the end of over half a century of work for Hawaiian statehood.
Great comment on the history. We have a conqueror's instinct for colonizing islands. From the United Kingdom to Barbados to Manhattan to Jeffrey Epstein's To Hawaii - it is a long strange trip of malfeasance. And that isn't even a complete list.
No doubt we are under military occupation. If we didn’t know before we knew when they killed our leaders, when they committed atrocities in all the wars of foreign conquest and staged 9/11.
Well what the hell happened. The military generally makes up for the inefficiencies of the public works in a place like this. Or used too! Were they told to stand down, or were they too busy with their transgender issues to be bothered. We really want to know.
FEMA was doing a tabletop exercise on Oahu as the fires raged so all the main officials in charge of response were conveniently not on the island at the time the fires happened:
These reports of government malfeasance are prevalent. An additional fact is there is a major military base near the affected area. The unknown factor is whether there were HAARP weapons involved as speculation questioned in the Paradise fire.
My friend called me to meet with her about a map that our town was on. Our town was in the purple zone. The motherlode “Au” is still undiscovered. The 49ers only mined the surface. Rumor is m, the Kennedy and Argonaut mines if they were in Nevada they would be producing, many a nugget. Sometimes some things are in plain sight and other times you need to dig below the surface.
Great comment. Love the geography, history and landscapes of the Gold Country. Used to live there. I wish my research skills and capabilities were less restricted. Let me know if you find the great stash in them there hills.
Sound like the WEF needS to be invaded by a few hardy real miners. Stay aware and safe. Take care of yourselves there in those hills. Write more of local news. I miss the place.
I will connect other posts from others who have addressed the questions better than I am able to do. As a private citizen working alone I have built in limitations. There are more than enough critically urgent questions the press nor anyone else addresses adequately. It was similar for the Paradise California and other fires. Many unanswered questions.
Another link. This great post does a deep dive on HAARP.
Great post. It is infuriating to see it all so clearly! Thank you for moving through your emotion so that you could better inform your readers and she’s insight.
Great comment and thank is not a pretty picture for any of us.
Well said! My eye did catch a small typo, if you care to fix it --- "out" rather than "our" in second graph from the end. Incompetence or utter craven lack of care either way, we can't just look the other way, anymore.
I will go back and hunt down the typo thanks. And no we cannot look the other way. Bad governance is bad. Even George Washington hated government but then he went and helped create one. Been in our history for millennia - bad habits are hard to shake.
That is EXACTLY what the people of Lehaina should do. Tell the government to LEAVE. ALL OF THEM from RED CROSS/FEMA down to LOCAL OFFICIALS. DECLARE YOURSELF SOVEREIGN because of their failure. IGNORE ANY RULES/ordinances...Allow others in the help. Rebuild. WITHOUT ANY GOVERNMENT.
There is something REALLY, REALLY wrong in Maui...
Agree 100%.
Adding yet another post by @ Wendell L. Malone on the Maui fires.
Way too many things went wrong. A fire in a place where there is nothing but water, and then the failure of the fire departments and forestry service, and let's not mention that the rich folk's homes didn't burn.
This was planned arson, and the guilty governmental departments Need to be strung up.
Certainly is framed to lead to that conclusion.
It is a hard thing to describe to someone what it is to live around and in fires, isn't it? Having said that, in my own two very close fire experiences my wife and I had, I know the people who showed up would have given their lives to save us and our property.
This thing that happened in Hawaii is the ABSOLUTE complete opposite! THEY DIDN'T EVEN WARN THEM??? A monstrous set up for someone's benefit! Quoting myself, "It is said God forgives all sins. These are whoppers for sure!"
Great comment. We owe our lives and property too many unsung heroes. Survival so much of the time is dependent on those we elect and hire to keep us safe. When they let us down it is far worse than disappointment. When you have lived through fire it makes it so real. I can still see the contingents of firemen and trucks at each of those fires. Kudos to the many who do remain dedicated to public safety.
Here’s some fascinating footage. I know, I know.... but but but HOW can this be TRUE? I didn’t see this on NormieTV!
It is "pretty interesting" here right now. No fires close or out of ordinary for fire season in Washington. British Columbia is practically all on fire above us! Lot of evacuation. Visibility from smoke down here is maybe 500 yards. Fine ash covering everything.
I heard of the big fire in Oregon and the big ones in Canada including British Columbia. It brings back memories of the many California fires. Not pleasant. Still have two daughters in California. Trusting you and your family will stay safe. I remember always being prepared for fire. It was a way of life. But there were way too many tragic stories associated with them. Let us know if things change.
We're good, thank you. The thing about fire that people don't understand is it somewhat "controllable", as opposed to hurricanes or tornadoes. We're more worried about relatives back in PA who have been getting tornado warnings. You have those possibilities too! Be safe to you and your family!
Yes how those words ring true. Have one daughter in Southern California being threatened by a hurricane. The long strange trip. We are as safe as one can be in the hills near Nashville. The world is not getting any safer. Luckily we just smile through it all and make music. Grin and bear it - right? And carry those lightsabers!
A hurricane named "Hillary"! How appropriate! Are you familiar with the Eric Idle song, "Always look on the bright side of life"? That works too!
Keep up the good work!
Is it interesting that Hawaii was illegally annex and made a State? The treaty was not signed. Hawaii properly stated is under U.S. military Occupation. Second -
Third, this hit, like 9/11, was planned and government is doing everything it can to create conditions as inhumane as possible. The Federal government is not helping. There is fuel in drinking water. Drinking water provide by the government made people sick. Military can make water potable but is under orders to not help.
During the 19th Century, Western influence grew. David Kalākaua was the last king of Hawaii, ruling from 1874 to 1891. In 1885, following a tradition of treaties favoring the United States, he signed a trade reciprocity treaty with the United States. This free-trade agreement made it possible for sugar to be sold to the U.S. market tax-free.
By 1887, when the Reciprocity Treaty was renewed, the Kingdom of Hawaii was overrun by white landowners, missionaries, and businessmen. The king promoted Hawaiian culture and traditions, but Hawaiian sovereignty suffered. U.S. sugar plantation owners came to dominate the politics of the islands. Their presence impacted social and economic life as well – the landholding system changed, and many aspects of traditional culture were prohibited, including teaching the Hawaiian language and performing the native Hula dance.
On July 6, 1887, a militia affiliated with the Hawaiian League, a non-native mostly U.S. businessmen's political party opposed to the king, under the leadership of Lorrin Thurston, threatened King Kalākaua. He was forced to sign a new constitution stripping him of his power and many native Hawaiians of their rights. It also replaced the cabinet with non-native politicians and businessmen. The new constitution came to be known as the "Bayonet Constitution" because Kalākaua signed it under duress.
When King Kalākaua died in 1891, his sister Lili'uokalani succeeded him. Though she introduced a new constitution that would restore her power and Hawaiian rights, she would be Hawaii's last monarch. Her move was countered by the "Committee of Safety," a group of non-native U.S. businessmen and politicians with sugar interests. Led by Sanford Dole, they had monetary reasons for doing so – they feared that the United States would establish a tariff on sugar imports, endangering their profits, and wanted to protect Hawaii's free-trade status. The United States was the major importer of Hawaiian agricultural products.
Supported by John Stevens, the U.S. Minister to Hawaii, and a contingent of Marines from the warship, U.S.S. Boston, the Committee overthrew Queen Lili'uokalani in a bloodless coup on January 17, 1893. The Committee of Safety proclaimed itself to be the Provisional Government. Without permission from the U.S. State Department, Minister Stevens recognized the new government and proclaimed Hawaii a U.S. protectorate. President Benjamin Harrison signed a treaty of annexation with the new government. Before the Senate could ratify it, however, Grover Cleveland replaced Harrison as president and subsequently withdrew the treaty.
Dole sent a delegation to Washington in 1894 seeking annexation. Instead, President Cleveland appointed special investigator James Blount to look into the events in the Hawaiian Islands. The Blount Commission found that Lili’uokalani had been overthrown illegally, and ordered that the American flag be lowered from Hawaiian government buildings. Lili'uokalani never regained power, however. Sanford Dole, leader of the Committee of Safety and the president of the Provisional Government of Hawaii, refused to turn over power. Dole argued that the United States had no right to interfere in the internal affairs of Hawaii. The Provisional Government then proclaimed Hawaii a republic – the Republic of Hawaii – in 1894, with Dole its first president.
The overthrow of Lili'uokalani and imposition of the Republic of Hawaii was contrary to the will of the native Hawaiians. In fact, there had been a series of rebellions by Native Hawaiians since the imposition of the Bayonet Constitution in 1887. On January 5, 1895, during the "Wilcox Rebellion," an armed revolt was suppressed by Republic of Hawaii forces. The leaders of the revolt were imprisoned along with Queen Lili'uokalani.
In March of 1897, William McKinley was inaugurated as President of the United States. McKinley was in favor of annexation, and the change in leadership was soon felt. On June 16, 1897, McKinley and three representatives of the government of the Republic of Hawaii – Lorrin Thurston, Francis Hatch, and William Kinney – signed a treaty of annexation. President McKinley then submitted the treaty to the U.S. Senate for ratification.
Queen Liliuokalani and her fellow citizens successfully protested the annexation by petitioning Congress. Native Hawaiian groups organized a mass petition drive. They hoped that if the U.S. government realized that the majority of native Hawaiian citizens opposed annexation, the move to annex Hawaii would be stopped. In the fall of 1897, a Petition Against Annexation was signed by 21,269 native Hawaiian people – more than half of the 39,000 native Hawaiians and mixed-blood persons reported by the Hawaiian Commission census that year. A Hawaiian delegation brought the petition to Washington, DC; and the delegates and Lili'uokalani met with Senators. Their petition was read to the Senate and formally accepted. By the time the delegates left Washington in February 1898, only 46 senators were willing to vote for annexation and the treaty was defeated.
Other events, however, immediately brought the subject of annexation up again. On February 15, 1898, the U.S. Battleship Maine was blown up in Havana Harbor in Cuba. The ensuing Spanish-American War, part of which was fought in the Philippine Islands, established the argument that the Hawaiian islands would be strategically valuable as a mid-Pacific fueling station and naval installation.
The pro-annexation forces in Congress submitted a proposal to annex the Hawaiian Islands by joint resolution, which required only a simple majority vote in both houses. This controversial approach eliminated the 2/3 majority needed to ratify a treaty; as a result, the necessary support for annexation was in place. House Joint Resolution 259, 55th Congress, 2nd session, known as the "Newlands Resolution," passed Congress and was signed into law by President McKinley on July 7, 1898 — the Hawaiian islands were officially annexed by the United States. Sanford Dole became the first Governor of the Territory of Hawaii.
In a last, unsuccessful attempt to return control of her homeland to native Hawaiians, Queen Lili’uokalani sent a letter of protest to the U.S. House of Representatives. She stated that her throne had been taken illegally, and that any U.S. efforts to annex Hawaii without the due process of law would be unacceptable.
As a territory, Hawaii had little power in the U.S. government, holding only one, non-voting representative in the House of Representatives. The territory status allowed rich, white plantation owners to import cheap labor and export their products to the mainland with low tariffs. These landowners used their power to keep Hawaii in territorial status. Native Hawaiians and non-white Hawaiian residents, however, began to push for statehood. These residents wanted the same rights as U.S. citizens living in one of the 48 states. They wanted a voting representative in Congress and the right to elect their own governor and judges, who were currently appointed.
Over the course of the next 50 years, the Territory of Hawaii worked to achieve statehood. The legislature sent multiple proposals to Congress including a joint resolution requesting statehood in 1903, only to be denied. Other resolutions were similarly ignored. In 1937, a congressional committee found that Hawaii met all qualifications for statehood and held a vote on statehood in Hawaii. Although this resulted in a vote in favor of statehood, the attack at Pearl Harbor paused all talks as the Japanese population in Hawaii came under suspicion by the U.S. government. After the war, Hawaii’s territorial delegate, Joe Farrington, revived the battle for statehood. The House debated and passed multiple Hawaii statehood bills, but the Senate did not vote on them. Hawaiian activist groups, students, and political bodies sent in letters endorsing statehood in hopes of spurring congressional action. Then in the 1950s, Congress combined Hawaii’s statehood bid with Alaska’s. Congress ultimately decided to first grant statehood to Alaska, a then-Democratic leaning territory, in early 1959. With this new Democratic state, Congress was now open to granting the then-Republican leaning Hawaii statehood to restore political balance.
Finally, in March 1959, a Hawaii statehood resolution passed both the House and the Senate, and President Eisenhower signed it into law. That June, the citizens of Hawaii voted on a referendum to accept the statehood bill. On August 21, 1959, President Eisenhower signed the official proclamation admitting Hawaii as the 50th state, marking the end of over half a century of work for Hawaiian statehood.
Hmmm I’m seeing a $$$ connection with the name Dole! 😡😡😡
Great comment on the history. We have a conqueror's instinct for colonizing islands. From the United Kingdom to Barbados to Manhattan to Jeffrey Epstein's To Hawaii - it is a long strange trip of malfeasance. And that isn't even a complete list.
No doubt we are under military occupation. If we didn’t know before we knew when they killed our leaders, when they committed atrocities in all the wars of foreign conquest and staged 9/11.
Well what the hell happened. The military generally makes up for the inefficiencies of the public works in a place like this. Or used too! Were they told to stand down, or were they too busy with their transgender issues to be bothered. We really want to know.
FEMA was doing a tabletop exercise on Oahu as the fires raged so all the main officials in charge of response were conveniently not on the island at the time the fires happened:
These reports of government malfeasance are prevalent. An additional fact is there is a major military base near the affected area. The unknown factor is whether there were HAARP weapons involved as speculation questioned in the Paradise fire.
My friend called me to meet with her about a map that our town was on. Our town was in the purple zone. The motherlode “Au” is still undiscovered. The 49ers only mined the surface. Rumor is m, the Kennedy and Argonaut mines if they were in Nevada they would be producing, many a nugget. Sometimes some things are in plain sight and other times you need to dig below the surface.
Great comment. Love the geography, history and landscapes of the Gold Country. Used to live there. I wish my research skills and capabilities were less restricted. Let me know if you find the great stash in them there hills.
Seems like WEF has it marked on the map for themselves.
Sound like the WEF needS to be invaded by a few hardy real miners. Stay aware and safe. Take care of yourselves there in those hills. Write more of local news. I miss the place.
I will connect other posts from others who have addressed the questions better than I am able to do. As a private citizen working alone I have built in limitations. There are more than enough critically urgent questions the press nor anyone else addresses adequately. It was similar for the Paradise California and other fires. Many unanswered questions.
Here is a start. Let me know if you want to see more of the questions and concerns.