Thank you, KW, not just for this essay but all of them.

Inspirational, is simply what they are!

It's easy to get caught up on one point or another, but we need to think more broadly than that.

Todays society is all about instant gratification, but tomorrow is about delaying that gratification for a bigger target.

Again, thank you.


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Thank you so much for your kind words.

I am trying hard to continue to be inspirational.

None of this will be easy.

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It will be as easy as we make it, KW.

The more you give it over to God, the easier it gets.

We are so resistant to giving our stuff up, to the authorities, government, that we don’t know how to give it up to the Lord.

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As with any trauma, the first step toward healing is the determination to make lemonade out of lemons. Second step is taking full responsibility for our lives. The third step is to stop looking in the rear view mirror and look forward to a brighter future. There is absolutely nothing we can do about what has already been done and if we spend too much time looking at the past we miss the opportunities to improve that are right in front of us. Give yourself time to grieve, give yourself time to be angry, spend about 10 seconds in denial and then begin building a momentum toward optimism and gratitude. Momentum is a great concept. There is a momentum in existence that can possibly keep us from going over the cliff into Totalitarianism Rule. All these divided fringes of good intent are missing a key component and that is momentum. Fracturing does not build momentum. Feeling disillusioned, a victim to a corporatists fascist global cabal using Marxist tactics, goes nowhere. Attacking the only momentum, calling it controlled opposition, is as much a destructive tactic as anything out there. If being an intellectual means you fall for any new alluring concept that sounds ahead of the curve, but does nothing to move the ball forward should be scrapped, in my opinion. What we need now is a populist, freedom loving momentum today because we don’t have the luxury of picking apart the past, present or future. Once we interrupt this Global Cabal momentum, then we can go back to picking at scabs, tweaking and debating to our hearts content. Right now we are in the fight of our lives with a gun pointed at our heads, is this really the time to pursue “intellectual honesty” about our “questionable” past? Our talents are needed, all hands on deck are needed, unification, not perfection, are needed. If we don’t understand this we lose something very pressure, a country built by survivors who stole a few horses, but with grit and determination, a strength that defies all odds, the good, the bad, the ugly, a Country that, at least in my opinion, is worth saving, despite nearly being destroyed by lies, corruption and greed.

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Great comment thanks. In answer to your questions - the answers are in the essay. Trauma -unfortunately cannot ever be overcome by failing to first recognize the nature of the problem. But do I believe that what people will do is simply elect a populist and try to go on as usual? Many will indeed. The Global Cabal will not be defeated via this route. It is much more than a nation built by survivors who "stole a few horses" - the cabal intends to take it all.

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Jul 8Liked by KW NORTON

So what do you suggest? I’m not a populist fan, can lead to mob rule, however, a popular momentum has been defined as populist in the attempt to discredit it by using this term. Much like the term far right is used to discredit an opposing momentum against a globalist supported status quo already in place. We do need a momentum strong enough to turn back this Marxist led tide. But like the Iranian people who as a majority hate the ruling government, they need a focal point, a leader, not only to give them a more cohesive momentum but also a leader that can replace the current leadership. Without that they get nowhere, which is why they’ve not been able to overthrow a terrorist regime. We are becoming like Iran in that if they succeed in imprisoning, assassinate and steal the election, we are in a similar situation. A ruling class for the next 50 years? We can live in our intellectual world and fantasize, or we can become pragmatic so we can live in our intellectual world and fantasize.

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Jul 8Liked by KW NORTON

I have no problem with your solution, an age old one that has always been and forever will be. I’m on board as long as we still have the freedom to exert our spiritual freedom to do so. A march toward a world wide Marxist Transhumanist Totalitarian Rule I’m afraid will not be supportive of this type of solution. God helps those who helps themselves. Don’t let a quest for perfection get in the way of the Good vs. Evil.

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Great comment and all too true. I will continue to provide discussions and information on the political happenings as simply a way of keeping our gaze on the globalists. God does help those who help themselves and indeed there is nothing new about what I am proposing.

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Jul 8Liked by KW NORTON

Thank you and I will continue to read with interest your thoughts. Please don’t throw out pragmatism as too insufficient off an approach. Nothing lasts forever. It took 40 years to go 17 miles to get to the Promised Land only to end up eventually losing it. It’s cyclical and unfortunately we are in a dark era of a cycle. If we don’t figure a way into the light, we’ll lose our humanity. However, pragmatically speaking, we need a foundation from which to overcome and rebuild. While I traveled through Russia, over 25 years ago, I remember gazing out the window of the train I was taking from Moscow to Smolensk thinking in the US we have Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee, and it hardly matters which one is in power. There was a confidence and calm in that thought, However, it was an illusion as the Marxist forces were actively on the march and have achieved a hold on power as never before. I knew even before then they were going to achieve this through our educational systems, I recognized in the years to come they were intent and focused on this strategy, we laughed when our kids came home from school seeing America as oppressors rationalizing to ourselves when they’re hit with the reality of earning to make a living they will mature out of this infantile, selfish way of thinking. For a few decades it worked until it didn’t. The Obama approach to a Maoist Cultural style Revolution was kicked into high gear, and the thug like corruption went unabated and basically continues unabated today. I truly believe this Marxist/Maoist strategy,y is just that, a strategy. The real aim to power and control, is not only over the people, but also our land, natural resources and an AI approach to reality. These forces, however you slice it, are the Minority but their power lies in possession, lies, corruption and control of the apparatchik. Again, momentum is a very important concept, scientifically proven to work.

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Thanks for this - won’t throw away pragmatism anytime soon or the real hope of change.

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I believe - all to tragically - that we are in world wide civilizational collapse - and that the only way out is fundamentally a non political one - as I wrote about.

We have continued to repeat the mistakes of past generations - seek a pragmatic approach - which eventually fails - and puts us in a worse place than when we began.

I believe the sole way out is spiritual and of being willing to completely heal from past trauma and move forward.

Spiritual evolution involves logic and intellect - but it is fundamentally a path of feeling.

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Thank you again for the reminders of a Christ consciousness. My own journey has taught me there is a sacrifice to be made and a cross to bear. The challenge is to wake up sufficiently to choose the sacrifice and the cross consciously (as much as we can be conscious of our choices), knowing that we carry it not only for ourselves but for others too. And then I've discovered, at some point, the sacrfice and the cross no longer feels like a sacrfice or a cross. It becomes a life of gratitude! Thank you KW for you thoughtful and challenging posts.

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Great comment and thank you once again.

Agree the load does not seem as heavy once we face what is wrong and begin to heal - quite the contrary - everything which was previously a heavy load becomes joy and synchronicity.

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RemovedJul 8Liked by KW NORTON
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All too true and great comment. We need an epidemic of truth telling!

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