This is an excellent essay, KW.

Your insights and perception matches my own Spiritual Observations. When we become fully aware that what we are is beyond what can be "defined," our sense of Sovereignty becomes based on that Spiritual Perspective.

We can approach our interactions with a sense of what I call: "Equal Mindedness," come what may in the outer world; it matters not how the technical systems try to identify us, looking inward we know we are from pure awareness.

Our Individuated Sovereignty is made manifest in our actions, by seeing Oneness in Consciousness. This is at the heart of a healthy civilization based on Voluntary Cooperative behavior; as opposed to the Centralized Compulsory Collective the Parasites are trying to orchestrate.

Breaking free of the "Systems" gets a lot easier when you see yourself as a complete sovereign and not a citizen. No system is "above" the inner Self.

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The people carrying out these actions are either sadly misguided or evil.

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Yes they all are terribly misguided and carrying us into a diabolical future.

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They don't like it when we see the darkness. But we need to keep shining the light on it! Thank you KW Norton Borders!

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Lies cause trauma... truth is eternal.

And all the lies in this world will not bury the truth for truth fears no question.

One truth is the underlying common denominator which is IDF Unit 8200.

The FED IMF and the corruption in power speaks truth to power.

Lies and corruption are siamese twins... truth needs no defender... truth is eternal.

From Crowdstrike to your car to AI... the underlying common denominator is IDF Unit8200 and the Luciferian Doctrine embraced by those who lie.


There are no mistakes... everything is deliberate.

Take your power... speak your Truth...

We will win... for the lie is a shadow that divides Humanity.

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I do feel the "turning of the tides" that you describe and I agree with you, "in the final analysis these dark forces have no agency - no real foothold in this world other than that we allow them to exist and thrive."

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The only power the Parasitic Elites have, stems almost exclusively from our own acquiescence. Nobody rules anything. These dynastic bloodlines that "own" the banks, really only own an illusion.

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Jul 22Liked by KW NORTON

The Unabomber got it right his manifesto that said

technology is going to destroy this world. WWIII will include a space fight where DEW’s will start destroying satellites from China, Russia, and United States. Chaos will erupt on earth because nothing will move work or grow! Welcome to sci-fi replacing peace on earth!

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Thanks for your comment. Many agree with this point of view!

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