
Appreciate the restack!

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Throughout History Seventy-Two Empires Have Been Engineered to Fail in the Same Way. The crash of civilisations does not happen by accident. The crash of civilisations does not happen all at once. The crash of civilisations takes a lot of planning over a long time. Seventy-Two Empires have been recorded and every one of them has failed in the same way. The facts have been recorded that a totalitarian and satanic elite infil-traitored and took over all these Empires and that 72 once free, flourishing and rich republics were destroyed from within by Satanic Ritual - read Toynbee. The Satanic Wanker Banker Banksters are crashing the Financial System. Satanism is gradually being instituted as the New World Religion defined by Satanic Ritual. What I am saying is that the crash of civilisations does not happen by accident. What I am saying is that the crash of civilisations does not happen all at once. What I am saying is that the crash of civilisations takes a lot of planning over a long time to bring down a civilisation once the trigger has been pulled. “What is important to hold in mind is that through this entire post 1971 process, capitalism itself was thus slowly turned into a time bomb which could do nothing but collapse. This means that it is fatally wrong to consider the abuses of globalization or the collapse now underway as errors, but rather as the intended consequence of the system’s design itself.” https://satchidanand.substack.com/p/throughout-history-seventy-two-empires

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TRUMP AND THE SATANIC 2000 TRILLION DOLLAR ROTHSCHILD PHOENICIAN MEGA TRILLIONAIRE DEEP STATE This Article is the Truth, and Only the Truth, Only Knowing the Truth, can set us Free of the 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild inspired Mind Control Propaganda.

“We’ll know our Disinformation Program is complete when everything the American Public knows is False” William Casey - CIA Director…


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Jul 21Liked by KW NORTON

But blessed is the man who puts his trust in the Lord; for the Lord shall be his hope. So the faith comes by hearing; so then hearing by the word of God.

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Starmer is a Zionist. That is the most dangerous thing about him.

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Jul 8Liked by KW NORTON

Kings Charles Portrait that looks like he is in hell reminds me of King Biden's vitriol dictatorial speech at night in front of Independence Hall building in the background all lit up in Red. Biden has lit the fuse that will create a global conflagration like we have never seen before if we don't come to our senses. . Democratic party is miss named. They hide their true agenda under the Democracy umbrella.

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Great comment and I believe we are all just beginning to see the dawning of a new spirit which will bring us back to our common sense - or the sense we do hold in common.

The old ways of colonial kingship and dominance of the military industrial complex over us all - is going down with a spectacular display of their own seeds of destruction.

Out of it comes something we will treasure.

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Jul 8Liked by KW NORTON

You are over the target. Please keep writing from your heart. What we write or say or do, will and does matter to our future selves. The energy weapons most likely are already programmed for another serious calamity here on the earth, so we do not know when power will be lost.

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Thanks ! Yes that is my intention. I will look at the political situation now and again as I am sure they will.

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"May God bless all the peacemakers!"

Because nobody else will, except us 'peacemakers.'


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Thank you for the restack!

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