Sorry to be a realist here but team trump

Have clearly outed themselves as the other cheek of the same fetid buttocks.

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Personal opinions are of very little use in this situation.

Of course they are of the same system - so are we all!

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I disagree: it’s not that it’s the same system it’s that it’s the same ideology- which to our parasitic so called elite means :manage the human herd and the worlds resources sensibly (whereby they save the planet from us). That not an opinion based on nothing ; it’s an opinion based on trumps entire team and them reneging on all the promises already. You can get high on your hopium but I’m pretty sure you know that’s what it is. We can’t expect the system to produce a savour. That hero wouldn’t last 2 minutes..

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This is such a good example of what holding onto a particular ideology does for any of us.

The point is that if Trump and Co. were not president Kamala Harris and Co. would be - and that has been the only existential or realistic choice as of now.

Trump is not perfect - none of our politicians are perfect - and I am quite certain you and I are not either.

Sounds as if the one who is looking for a hero are people like yourself.

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Not at all, I just recognise the change that our civilisation needs is to stop swallowing lies and bs and start being the change you want to see; the change won’t come from our current politics; in fact it’s designed to neutralise dissent and this hopium you’re ingesting is what is allowing that to happen. I hope when this group of liars do exactly the opposite of what we all hoped (I did hope of course but the scales slipped pretty fast with his Zionist war hawks , not ending the Ukraine war, moving the focus from poisonous vaccines to food etc). Of course I hope they are what we all want but I’m afraid from everything I’ve seen and read the cabal have spent a long time planning this they won’t let it all go that easily will they? If you think so I think you’re literally high on your hopium as I mentioned. It’s understandable we all need hope but I’m the hope I want to see and it’s sufficient actually. Fake hope is sucks.

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