As a Christian, how you have explained this makes sense to me. I do believe in Jesus Christ and that through that belief I will have eternal life.

Do you feel that our belief in God or Jesus Christ doesn't matter?

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Thank you kindly for reading and restacking.

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You seem to be awakening more and more... of course we are star seeds... with the punctuation being seeds.

Everyone has infinite capabilities but we are being held back by indoctrination and systems of believe that as it turns out do not hold up under scrutiny.

For example the word Inventor in German is Erfinder or translated Re Finder...

One cannot find what isn't there... but one must search to find it.

If you feel low... think of God or King or Queen sitting on the toilet after a band curry without toilet paper...

If we think... like most people... that we are something... we are in a state... like the state of America... Germany... and that holds us back.

If we see ourselves as a process in process then we can become anything we want to be... that is the seed we are.

The longest walk stars with the first step.

The greatest storm starts with the first drop of rain.

People are so afraid to fail... most don't even try.

The true secret is to be in peace and in balance with one self... inner peace... that is ZEN.

Once you reached this... nothing can bother you.

My favorite Quote is this... Goethe's Faust.


I have studied philosophy law medicine

and dare I say theology

and here i stand the fool i am

no wiser than before


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Yes. We come from the stars and we contain the wisdom of the Universe. This is the time to explore the bounds of consciousness and discover worlds we never knew existed. On a shamanic journey I was instructed. "Look inside you and you will find the wisdom of the Universe." That is the current journey we are on, a journey inward to discover the portals of consciousness by which we will also discover the vastness and the wisdom of the Universe. For we are One. Thank you for this important essay KW.

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KW, this is where my thinking needs to go today.

Thank you for a beautiful article.

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You are so welcome and my thinking needs to go that direction also!

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