"So complicated that a relationship with God would require a middle man - an expert pastor or priest who would interpret the relationship between man and God - and successfully manipulate it in line with the evil aims of the system."

This is where it all starts, profound comment.

We see ourselves as powerless, and always reliant on a Leader, one who Governs our Minds!

Great article, I am not a fan of trump, knowing that he is a player on the world stage, maybe I am wrong about Marianne Williamson, but I am much more in line with her. Too bad she "had" to step down from running.

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Great comment - thanks!

Yes I believe the future lies with those who dare to think for themselves.

And yes, Trump is part of all the political maneuverings set to dazzle us into compliance.

I believe the puppet masters have control of all mainstream candidates.

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Jun 3Liked by KW NORTON

Great essay…just one disagreement…they built nothing.

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They have engaged in - as all of our civilizations have - a ZERO SUM GAME.

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Whether Jesus is Devine or not, his teachings were all about our freedom of choice to live in a way that defies our overlords. Even 500 years later, Mohammad was outraged by the corruption of Jesus’ teachings. Within days after his death, the Muslim church began to crustate into the rigid structure we often see. Penning in the sheep has always been the plan.

My plan, we’re I to be in charge, is to try every legislator who put wealth accumulation ahead of the people who elected them. Then, if guilty, Strip ‘‘em and Ship ‘em. Seize their assets, strip them of their citizenship, and ship them to the socialist paradise of my choosing. Rwanda?

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Great comment and we can always hold out hope that we all will come to our senses.

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Jun 2Liked by KW NORTON

Excellent read to start the day!

Thanks KW.

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The ordeal Trump has just gone through, awaits us all, and only if we allow it.

Will we be brave and stand up to personal destruction, or will we fasten the chains of slavery.

"They're not after me, they are after you, I'm just in the way."

Brilliant essay, KW.

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We yearn to scream as the band aid is ripped off yet are afraid of the aftermath of oozing pus. Half of us are urging someone to just yank it off while the other half cringes from the knowledge of what is to come.

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Thanks for reading and commenting. The consequences for not being willing to suffer the pain of change are going to be very steep.

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Jun 2Liked by KW NORTON

"This is not about a President- any president or other world leader - this is about us - about those unalienable rights conferred by our creator..." Yes !!! We are "the people we have been waiting for." Brilliant essay and beautiful reminders. Indeed - One by One - that is how it happens - each flower blooms to its fullest and one day we look out to see an entire garden abundantly blooming. Freedom is a beautiful gift from the Divine and I suspect the Divine knows better than human governments about life, soul and who we are. Sadly, many have become reliant on their oppressors and “Stockholm Syndrome" renders them unable to see the controlling agenda. But I think more are seeing the Light. After all - Life has sure been valiantly trying to wake us up in recent years! The Divine is working overtime to show us what is Real - what Love is, by providing example after example in stark contrast of what it is not. A New Day of Freedom and Truth is dawning. "This is the way - walk ye in it!"

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Thank you so much for expressing how you understood what I am trying to communicate! May we all stand in the truth for the sake of the world.

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Thank you so much - appreciate the restack.

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Thanks! Appreciate the restack.

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RemovedJun 3Liked by KW NORTON
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Jun 4Liked by KW NORTON

Ooh yes all of this!

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Those are all part of what is going on for certain. Thanks for commenting!

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RemovedJun 2Liked by KW NORTON
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I think Trump has become a symbol of the injustice of - and graft and corruption of - the system.

And I do not think it should be missed that he was also a part of - and benefited from - this graft and corruption.

But it also does not mean - like any of the rest of us - that just because we have sinned we are not spiritually redeemable.

Let those of us without sin cast the first stone?

We don't need him - we need to be 100% spiritually redeemable individuals with these unalienable rights.

Maybe one of the biggest lessons is we do not need kings, queens, presidents, and the like.

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RemovedJun 4Liked by KW NORTON
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Appreciate your comment but no one is required to repent in public or to repent in any way demanded by another person or group. A relationship with spirit is private!

We co exist with a whole cabal of killers these days - Trump has lots of company!

Let us who are without sin cast the first stone.

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RemovedJun 2Liked by KW NORTON
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Thanks for your comment. One of the problems is the overlords have divided and conquered we the people into so many opposing camps we can no longer tell the difference. One "side" is not an improvement over the others. Wars and conflicts will not solve this one.

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