The global changes taking place are on a scientific, AI, biological level and there is no stopping it. Only now we are well aware of it, it’s too big to fail and to big to stop

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Jul 23Liked by KW NORTON

Star seeds really ? Sounds like new age bs

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Doesn’t it? I thought so too. If only the New Age appreciated Star Seeds and Light Bearers!!

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Jul 19Liked by KW NORTON

We’d be better off without it.

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Entirely possible!

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Jul 19Liked by KW NORTON

Klaus Schwab, WEF, predicts “a massive cyber attack.” https://www.bitchute.com/video/4HCYOsIlwdY

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Yes, thanks for the reminder. We have known this was a distinct possibility if not an expected aspect of this whole thing for years now.

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Thank you so much for the restack!

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The proof is in the skies of Washington State--crystal clear blue skies, occasional normal white puffy clouds floating past. More proof is coming soon. Thanks for writing this and your SS is one of the few I'm aloud to comment on.

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Glad to have you here.

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Jul 19Liked by KW NORTON

I wish I had a positive mind set that a NEW dawn is arriving. I see the trillions of dollars that are invested in the phony activities supported by the US government because our Congressman

are compromised or complicit in the current money schemes that are bankrupting our country . They will not stop and when we are told that a BlackRock subsidiary shorted DJT stock before the attempt on his life speaks volumes!

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No - they won’t stop. They are being destroyed by the seeds of their own destruction. @Thomas A Braun RPh

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Tom Petty leads the way, into eternity!

!000's of years from now, they will still know Tom Petty (if anyone's still around)!


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100%! Never count out a generation who leaves behind great music!!

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Thank you so much for sharing this. Keeping us in the proverbial dark!

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Most welcome, thank you! I knew they took out Palestine but I did not know it was a global outage. I am not surprised though, I do not use Microsoft. @KW NORTON

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Thankfully we are not on a Microsoft platform either. @ Carina Malatesta

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We should not fear but embrace the change that is coming.

And we should push them further into their own destruction without being part or affected!

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Thanks great comment!

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deletedJul 19Liked by KW NORTON
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What you say is a true concern. If they crash civilization and the internet - depending on the ultimate reasons of course - their biological/robotic technology may be useless.

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deletedJul 19Liked by KW NORTON
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Sure - they have done well by themselves - but still tethered to earth.

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