On Dr. Hunter S. Thompson's Neocon Reptilian Humanoids
"When the Going Get's Weird - the Weird Turn Professional"
I am not at all sure that SubStack is ready for the ethos and version of America as sold by Dr. Hunter S. Thompson and Ralph Steadman.
But - as San Francisco was made for Owsley Stanley - and Owsley Stanley for San Francisco - Dr. Thompson, Steadman, their ethos of America - and Substack - were indeed made for each other.
Owsley Stanley - American-Australian fine upstanding audio engineer and clandestine chemist.
As a fifth generation San Franciscan - born and bred - I can testify to the authenticity of this fateful and fated relationship.
As I wrote about yesterday - we as humans have experienced a great division - are undergoing a great divide - one in which “alternative” journalism is playing a fateful role.
It is almost as if this great division has been fated by some unearthly force - almost.
The plot for this drama has been all too liberally salted by earthly - even hellishly earthly - maniacs - maniacs who are ostensibly human.
Of course we recognize these ostensibly human maniacs as those - so quintessentially described and illustrated by Dr.Thompson and Steadman - as demonic lizard people.
How do we immediately recognize these lizard people?
As I wrote yesterday - tyranny is better - and more accurately defined by directly feeling it - than it is by dry textbook definitions.
Because tyranny - like the lizard people - the reptilians among us - make our skin crawl - and our blood begin to do a slow boil.
We seem - some of us - to have an instinctual - maybe even evolutionary - talent for identifying these creepy crawly humans.
Could it be possible that what is occurring right now is related to all this?
We all know that “God” - or that entity we associate with being our creator - works in mysterious ways.
And well - these couldn’t be more mysterious times - these Dickensian “best of times and worst of times”.
Is our creator sending us a real time - real life - larger than life message?
Stranger things have happened.
After all our creator once sent a massive message to the actual reptilians of planet earth - when he arranged for a massive asteroid to destroy these large overgrown lizard beings in what had to be one grand conflagration.
And it might be noted that this human has some degree of sympathy with actual reptiles - and zero degree of sympathy for humanoid reptilians.
The writer who put both proper language and illustrations to these lizard people was Dr. hunter S. Thompson - the genius who first properly defined how the lizard people made our skin crawl.
Back in Hunter’s day the lizard people were still Neocons but they self-identified as Republicans - whereas today the lizard people self-identify as Democrats.
Democrats who not only cannot define what a woman is - but who also are so confused about the actual facts they must use a bunch of word salads to misidentify their own genders.
How I wish Dr.Thompson was here among us today to make quick work of these Neocon lizard people.
He would be first to point out that it is the very same lizard people - riffing off their own reptilian ability to camouflage their identity.
Whereas this might be adaptive and evolutionary for real actual reptiles - it is maladaptive and anti-evolutionary for humanoid reptiles.
So let’s assume - for the sake of this essay - that these are the very same maladaptive humanoids who have been ruining God’s plans for the human species since day one.
And - as evidenced by God’s plans for the actual real terrible lizards like Tyrannosaurus Rex - God never makes promises He does not keep - and when He makes a mistake - He upfront admits it - picks Himself up - and goes on with his plans.
Even if His plans are sometimes too apocalyptic for us humans - and even if we all too often make fun - and intellectual word salad - about His plans - we know these plans are for the best.
As far as Dr. Thompson goes - he was as perfect for Aspen,CO. as Aspen was for him.
Aspen had once had a reputation as a rebellious ski town - where misfits and wacko ski bums could be safe among each other - tucked away in the rarified air and protected by mountains of down-like comforters of pure powder snow.
Hunter identified with Aspen’s renegade ski bum credentials - much in the way he identified with Malibu as a once surfer Nazi paradise outpost of the city of lost angels .
But what Hunter accurately noticed most about both places was a curious fact of this nightmare of human history - this demented and reptilian version of Joycean horror.
In what seemed to be a thoroughly demented and inverted version of history - reptilian rich people and neocons had taken over the former weirdo’s paradises of both Malibu and Aspen.
Dr. Thompson considered this to be - as he considered everything to be - a wonderfully riffed out cosmic joke.
Somewhere hidden away in the shadowed mental lock box wilderness of the Neocon Freudian mind was a schizoid fantasy which revealed their terrible envy of successful weirdos - of the more Jungian and cosmically informed mind of demented ski bums and surfer Nazis.
In the magical Jungian demented ski bum paradise of Aspen - and Malibu for that matter - Dr. Thomson saw the future - he accurately and pithily described God’s unfolding plan.
And what he observed - as history itself unfolded into a multidimensional and multidisciplinary dreamscape of a multitude of strange forms and colors - was this.
Not only were the lizard people - the reptilian humanoids - so enamoured of - and terrified of - and insanely jealous of - the true and natural weirdos - the all too real humans - but so much so that they sought to invade their territory.
And in a blinding inspiration fueled technicolor dream Hunter saw the future.
In such hallowed mountain territories and wave swept beaches as Aspen and Malibu the rich would build monuments to themselves - and unwittingly - monuments to the ski bums and surfer Nazis they secretly worshiped.
All at once Hunter saw the demoralized aging reptilians in their ghettoes they had built as monuments to their vast Schizoid dreams of youthful rebellion.
And isolated there in their terrible ghettos for the rich and famous they would pretty much fade away from their own demented and inverted dreams of mistakenly believing they were human.
And in the immortal words of one Koch-affiliated and thoroughly Neoconned reptilian humanoid Aspenite :
“There aren’t any worthwhile humans here anymore - all the nice people - the people who made this town worth living in - are gone.”
And he spoke these words as he laid an infamous great reptilian humanoid to rest in what he described as her “Golden Coffin”.
How I wish Dr. Thompson and his fellow theologian Thomas Jefferson - and sidekicks were still among us.
But I guess as Hunter would probably quip - “DON’T WORRY THEY’RE HERE.”
But I heard Hunter’s refrain - “Don’t worry about it Jake - it’s the Streisand Effect.”
And I glimpsed Hunter as he merged into the great cosmic joke - as he raised one grand Thompsonian eyebrow and shrugged with glee - as he saw I got the joke
No humanoid reptilians were harmed in the writing of this essay.
All is fair in love - and in God’s plans.
But one thing I have learned from these years 2020-2024 is that we the people are being played by professionals.
The Neocon-artists - regardless of the label they use - are recognized by how they make us feel.
Tyranny brings reptilian humans who make our skin crawl - and whom ever these creeps stand for - we will stand against.
The very best way to turn an actual human being into a political hero or heroine is for the reptilian Neocon-artists to hate the individual.
But they have truly outdone themselves by trying to obliterate a former political rival by using the legal system to take him down - and when this did not work - to use assassination.
Quite obviously the Neocon reptilians believe we were born yesterday - but what they simply fail to recognize is that they themselves could not have done a better job of shooting themselves in their little clay feet.
American and Americans are not the problems here - it is the problems created by the Neocon reptilians - matter what WEF hole they crawled out of.
The evidence is just beginning to surface that the latest would be assassin is linked definitively to known handlers of the CIA.
To explain the Great Divide which I only briefly allude to in this essay please see the following.
May all the humanoid reptilians rest in peace and may our creator heartily and enthusiastically bless the peacemakers!
I've long wondered what the good doctor would have to say if he were still with us today. He warned all of us of what was coming through his writing, my favorite line in Fear and Loathing(paraphrasing as don't remember the complete quote) is when he and Dr Gonzo enter the Circus Circus casino and he states, after seeing the complete spectacle that is the Circus Circus, "this is what the whole world would be doing had the Nazis won the war, this was the 6th Reich". This line shows his understanding that Fascism had won during WW2 and what he saw was the direct manifestation of their ethos.
In 2015 my number one lizard human who I refer to as THINGS was Christiane Amanpour. I have live evidence to support her as one of them. I've published it but humans aren't too interested yet. They will probably have to be eating us out on the street before they wake up.
CA was replaced in 2016 with Donald J. Trump. They are highly deceptive beings who hate humans. We are slaves to them. That is now becoming very apparent as they do as they please including commit genocide.
Until humanity wakes up and realizes this is more a human verses reptilian aliens than it is psycho humans verses humans will be stuck here and it only prolongs on and on. The advantage is these THINGS aren't that smart and they're showing now just how stupid they are--back to back shooting hoaxes. Will they go for three?
Maybe Hunter was onto something. Maybe a hit of mescaline allows you to see these things as they are, strips away their ability to mimic us perfectly in looks, speech and mannerism. And it appears alt news is blending into mainstream news. They've been so infiltrated.
I've always maintained on my SS eventually we will have to deal with the aliens--break through the human barrier that they've put in place to remain hidden. Good post.