I've long wondered what the good doctor would have to say if he were still with us today. He warned all of us of what was coming through his writing, my favorite line in Fear and Loathing(paraphrasing as don't remember the complete quote) is when he and Dr Gonzo enter the Circus Circus casino and he states, after seeing the complete spectacle that is the Circus Circus, "this is what the whole world would be doing had the Nazis won the war, this was the 6th Reich". This line shows his understanding that Fascism had won during WW2 and what he saw was the direct manifestation of their ethos.

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In 2015 my number one lizard human who I refer to as THINGS was Christiane Amanpour. I have live evidence to support her as one of them. I've published it but humans aren't too interested yet. They will probably have to be eating us out on the street before they wake up.

CA was replaced in 2016 with Donald J. Trump. They are highly deceptive beings who hate humans. We are slaves to them. That is now becoming very apparent as they do as they please including commit genocide.

Until humanity wakes up and realizes this is more a human verses reptilian aliens than it is psycho humans verses humans will be stuck here and it only prolongs on and on. The advantage is these THINGS aren't that smart and they're showing now just how stupid they are--back to back shooting hoaxes. Will they go for three?

Maybe Hunter was onto something. Maybe a hit of mescaline allows you to see these things as they are, strips away their ability to mimic us perfectly in looks, speech and mannerism. And it appears alt news is blending into mainstream news. They've been so infiltrated.

I've always maintained on my SS eventually we will have to deal with the aliens--break through the human barrier that they've put in place to remain hidden. Good post.

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Appreciate the restack!!

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Appreciate the restack!!

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Thanks for he restack!

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appreciate the restack!

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Nice one, thanks.

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