May 1·edited May 1Author

Apparently everyone missed that this article is about the Supreme Court decision and not about sexuality in general. Keep in mind that gender identification, workplace discrimination, and the law have nothing to do with homosexuality or heterosexuality - but with human beings born as one gender or another. Transgender is not about homosexuality or about heterosexuality, Transgender is a term which says gender can be changed at will and by medicine - neither of which are possible. Becoming medically transgendered is becoming neutered and changing one’s gender by sheer force of will is gender dysphoria.

Above all transgender is being used as a political weapon.


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Really appreciate you making the statement. Given every human being should have the same rights and set of liberties to act and identify as, the questions remain - as in how many can do so, and to what extent? And does it make society any better? While a neoliberal hyper-competitive society by construct separates and divides people, instead of uniting them, it also destroys the biological definitions when the time comes. Hence, American society, as Godless as it may be, is witnessing the marriage of transgender politics and medical science, both are loyal, to a system which eventually yields tyranny and fascism.

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It also yields eternal life In Hades for non repentant sin.

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Apr 30Liked by KW NORTON

Superb essay, Ms. Norton. Absolutely superb!!

When you write:

"What we end up with is an upside down society where the weakest and sickest among us are raised to leadership and the best and strongest among us relegated to the impotent also rans."

...all must surely hear echoes of the poet WB Yeats, in 'The Second Coming'... "The best lack all conviction. The worst are full of passionate intensity"... as the "rough beast, its hour come 'round at last, slouches toward Bethlehem to be born".

Are you old enough to remember the pop singer ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jK1oQxZ_T68 ) Anita Bryant's advocacy against homosexuality in the early 70s? In those days, homosexuality was still listed as a mental illness in the AMA's official diagnostic manual. I had many gay friends at that time, (I was in my early 20s), many of them very close and beloved friends. I always believed them when they said they did not choose to be gay, but rather that being gay was simply who they ARE, who they were born as. They were not 'mentally ill', as far as I could see.

I supported these people as they fought for their rights, for acceptance as 'normal' people, but Ms. Bryant's spirited advocacy also resonated in the back of my mind. "Gay people can't reproduce", Ms. Bryant said, "So they RECRUIT instead".

That resonated with me, as all the gay males with whom I formed friendships, all of them, without exception, tried to convince me that I should have sex with them. I wasn't all that bad to look on, in those long distant days, (I'm a shriveled up old fart now... LOL..), and like any red-blooded young man, I attracted my share of success with a few beautiful young ladies. But I wasn't gay. I had many male friends, both gay and straight, whom I loved dearly, but I wasn't attracted to them sexually. But without exception, ALL the gay males with whom I formed close friendships tried to 'recruit' me.

Like most Americans, I still believe that all LGBTQ people should enjoy their full equal rights. I think most all people think that should 'go without saying'. But these people are not satisfied with merely being 'equal'. They think that their sexual deviancy makes them superior in some way, and they want to teach pre-school children to be sexual deviants as well. Anyone who objects to Drag Queen Story Hour is derided as a deranged bigot. Have all seen this video?:


"We're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children" is the chant at a 'gay pride' march. We ALL surely know that these 'Pride' marches are celebrations of perverted debauchery. Here's Megyn Kelly discussing this issue with Glenn Greenwald, a gay man who just leads his life with great dignity, without needing to constantly 'flaunt' and 'promote' his sexual proclivities.


At the 3 minute mark in the above linked video, Megyn Kelly shows video of fully naked men riding bicycles at a gay pride parade, in front of children. Who brings their children to these events?

Anyway... Excellent essay... Thank you... Our society is SO 'sick'. It's NOT just LGBTQ people. While looking for the videos linked above, I came across this 'fashion show' for the latest in female swim wear.


Swim wear?... LOL... What possesses these young women? Didn't their mothers or grandmothers ever teach them that "he's not going to buy the cow, dearie, if he's a gittin' all the milk he wants fer free"? Do these women not realize that men will eagerly have sex with 'sluts', but they aren't likely to be so stupid as to marry them. These women end up in their 40s, no longer able to compete with younger promiscuous women for the attention of attractive men. So they end up alone, save for their cats, or perhaps as single mothers with rebellious teen-age children on drugs and failing in school.

Devout Muslim women understand that it is in their long term best interests to exercise restraint in displaying their sexual charms. They know that 'female modesty', (I remember my mother's lectures to my sisters in the 1950s and 60s), and 'female virtue' are the qualities that will best serve them in becoming wives and mothers, with devoted husbands and loving children, which will bring them happiness, and even joy, for all their lives, even the joy of seeing grandchildren born. Is the racy 'alley-cat-in-heat' sexual career of young, slutty American women, a brief career with an expiration date in their late 30s to early 40s, worth spending half their life alone with their cats?

Yet in our sick culture women do everything they can to be as sexually provocative as possible at ALL times. Then they comically berate men for regarding them as 'sex objects'. I don't know if young American women would even know what you were talking about if you used the term 'female modesty'.

LOL... I must sound like a scolding old man... LOL... I guess that's what I am... LOL... Who has read 'The Gift of the Magi'? The story of marriage between people who each put the other's happiness before their own. That's what we once taught our children, before our sick 'me first' culture invaded and took over our nation.

Here's a reading aloud of that inspirational story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLx-cWOaHHs

I was about 14 when I first read it. It gave me goose bumps. I've now been married to the same woman for 50 years. Yea... Half a century...

I raised three daughters, I had the privilege of nurturing three brand new human female spirits from babies into adult women. I now have 7 grandchildren.

Anyway... Sorry to prattle on... Superb essay, Ms. Norton.

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Extremely good comment and thank you.

When writing about the LGBTQ issues - my mind goes to the many friends and associates I have had who are different from the mainstream is being attracted to the same sex. People who are attracted to the same sex have every right to practice as they wish. Part of those unalienable rights I am always going on about.

But as a grandmother and as a citizen I protest when children are groomed to take on Trans and as well when my government believes they have the right to preach about sex, to assign bathrooms to those with gender dysphoria - regardless of biological sex.

You are erudite which is welcome no matter what the age of the writer.

There is so much dysphoria attached to sex and sexuality of all kinds - for adults no contest.

But when they come for the kids and base laws on gender dysphoria - time to draw the line.

Transgender and gender dysphoria being used as a weaponized political tool.

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Apr 30Liked by KW NORTON

If anyone is curious, I mis-linked the swim-wear video. Here it is.


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Fashion has gone bonkers and waiting for naked man suits for our naked emperors.

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You should view Miss Tiffany universe on YouTube. Men who look better than women through surgery


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Thank you very much for this beautiful essay. Much appreciated!!

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