"Through the grace of spiritual wisdom, and shamanic leadership"

Yes, I myself have contributed something a bit similar, this idea that, yep, we may need witchcraft.


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Yes well when all else fails!

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Actual Intelligence beats Artificial Intelligence because only ONE can create the other. If you don't know which is which, you have neither.

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Jun 16Liked by KW NORTON

Peak stupid... For now....

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Thanks so much for reading and restacking.

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Thanks for reading and commenting.

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I don't think so.

Only the Mass Murder Media Cult of Brainwashing of Mainstream proportion has achieved such things.

You put out a lot of Native American Imagery.

The Native Americans were actually Chinese and as such have a connection to the Earth... Mother Earth that is.

So no disrespect... but the American way of life is one of consumer trash... watching TV from Dusk to dawn to dusk... no wonder them stupid.

I spent a long time in China and them are lovely beings beautiful language and Ancient History... and very similar to the Native Americans.

The CCP are not Chinese... they are Chinese Jews... and you find in all positions of power who are responsible for dumbing down the Human race through meaningless shit is someone related to Epstein or Weinstein.

This is a great film I urge you to watch... it shows somehow who they are and who we are.


But do we know who we are?

I don't think so.

Mind control starts with Religion and you call the Devil God... this is how we are all raised and educated.

Do we really know who we are?

What we can do?

What we can achieve?

Who is God?


As Musicians we both value our skills... and I write songs for all my life.

Education and training is the antidote of stupidity.

You express that in your writings as do I... differently... because the greatest lie is that we are all the same.

We are all different and should embrace that.

If we can achieve faster than light speed with Absolute Zero Emissions... which we can through the Technology I developed... that answers your Question from the top...

Have we reached peak stupid? No.

We haven't even started.


Oh and the AI war I am writing for a long time warning Humanity.


AI is just a Program.

The problem is the people who connect AI to the executive... like WARGAMES the 80's film.

The problem is the Demons Club consisting of Bill Gates Elon Musk Jeff Bezos Peter Thiel Sergej Brin Mark Zuckerberg Sam Altman Ray Kurzweil Yuval Harari and more...


We are capable of so much more than we are now.

What we have to learn... and we can learn anything... is what makes us Human.

And that is with love and compassion for our fellow travelers.

The hardest part is to admit that we are wrong... and everyone is wrong sometimes.

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Yes, I agree with the idea of turning to faith, spirituality, and a belief in God. The physical world is going through a time of chaos. The negative tendencies in people are rearing their ugly heads. It is time to build stronger families and communities.

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Agree 100%.

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Our 'intelligence' is aided by the 10 Commandments which have been ignored and even worse the writer, God, dismissed and ridiculed.

You never bite the hand that feeds you, what is wrong with these 'leaders.'

Have they eaten their own propaganda, or are they in league with the dark side.

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Unfortunately our technocratic impulses have temporarily won out over those 10 commandments.

Unfortunately it is not just the leaders.

If that were the case our job would be far easier than cleaning up 10,000 years of errors.

We will need to change. Hopefully that is what happens! Cheers!

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Change must happen, must.

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