
Thank you so much for restacking!

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Liked by KW NORTON

We love Bob Dylan. I bought his music 1963, 10yo. Bob gave his life to Lucifer, explaind it to Morley Shafer in an interview, how he got famous, "I sold my soul to the Big Guy, you know".

How do you think movie stars and singers become famous? They blood sacrifice a relative or a friend. They get invited to a "party", found out that "they are the party".

Pedophilia on video, eat feces, drink blood, gang raped by (men?)

"They"....Own ....You! Nobody ever told you? Look how old you are, and you...dont.....know!

I'm not trying to convince you KB, you simply don't know, how the world turns.

"Eyes Wide Shut" the movie.

HOLLY"wood" - is what the witches wand is made of. "It's a big club, and u ain't in it". George Carlin. (Billionaires Boys Club).

"They" believe in Jesus, to be destroyed- replaced. Jesus was both God and man.

Jesus defeated death- rose from the dead- witnesses!

We were born with *Free Will* to choose God or Lucifer. All that mystical spiritual void of reality comes from The Pit of Hell. Lucifer needs your "Soul"!

You have free will. I provide you Truth, from The *Word of God and a choice. I'm just The Messenger. Read a red letter Bible, King James Version- "Words of Jesus".

C.S. Lewis and others set out to disprove God, and became Christians. (not Catholics- Evangelicals- Penticosts- Baptists).

I can't help you. This post will get me murdered.

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No artist gave her or his life to any Lucifer. At best they did a lot of drugs, drank too much alcohol and lead an exuberant care-free life for a while. Some lived some died. Also they worked hard to make their talent, skills even better before the above could happen. Yet you, seem to know nothing of that, and instead prefer to yack about some satan blood drinking coconut balls. My, my, how far removed are we from objective realities.

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Great comment here. All too true that so many have fallen into denial and/or to blaming even artists for what is wrong in their lives. There is lots of misapprehension in regards to the Satanic.

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Jul 26Liked by KW NORTON

Satan doesn’t need to make people drink blood or any of that gory nonsense. He’s doing his work just fine, right out in the open with Hollywood, Drugs, Alchohol, love of money, sex, power, fame. These are the idols that people put in front God without even realizing that the Devil is killing them into a spiritual death through the consumption of whatever it is that gets them off.

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So true! Satan is what we become when we lie to ourselves.

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Hi KW .. pardon me as i stepped in, out-of-context. Indeed many artists get pulled down, or corrupted or fall from grace, during the latter part of their career or lives. Even Prince & James Brown were violent stars, who bashed women, who abused women. The icons of soul? Not at all. I personally have no problem, with the indicative value of Satanic, Lucifer, what-have-you… When people start raving about artists drinking blood, it just closes all possibility of objective dialogue. I did read his rant, before I commented.

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RemovedJul 25Liked by KW NORTON
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Yea, we LuvD Bob for his lyrics, BE4 we knew.

Katie Perry and Lady Gaga gave their soul too....most Hollywood & music are Satanists.

Look at Access Daily movie reviews. Straight from Hell. "entertainment".-harmless- sure.

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Is this about that our civilizations sell their souls to the devil - along with all entertainers?

A organized system where everyone uses everyone for personal gain?

But in that sense no poet like Dylan is any more at fault than any of us.

That is about right!

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Liked by KW NORTON

STOP. KW, i tried I tried to understand your dedication to "finding" Truth. I can't do it anymore.

Don't include me in Your Club of articulate* lost dead sheep.

KW, I read your newsletter and comments. You go so deep,....into scatter brain nonsense. You can't commit to anything.!

Do not include me into your confused deep analysis of Confusion, Pluralism, and Relativism.

Truth is non-negotiable. Evil is evil. "Some" good is total bullshit, a trap, like Hollywood, Big Corp Music, "NET" work TV,

See Eye Antichrist gave us the term "programming" and "conspiracy theory" to insult and dismiss Truth, and God.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Liked by KW NORTON

You liked my comment?

Total bullshit! You believe in "nothing" KW- nothing.

You lost soul.

My Conscience Belongs To God.

*1 Corinthians 10 - v29. I don't live for anyone's "approval"- all my life.

And do not accuse me of hating you. I'm not believing or reading your nonsense.

Learn to pray some day KW, to the God Who made you, loves you, sent you.

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Insensitive comments like yours - wonderful and so revealing coming from a “Christian” are evidence of how poorly it works in practice.

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Amazing how many people feel this way. Too bad!!

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We should be grateful that the bees are still around - even their populations are declining due to the silent pandemic of wireless radiation that has been exploding since 2020.

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CHEMtrails. Stratospheric Aerosol Injection. Geoengineeringwatch.org. "The Dimming" and more!- Dane Wigington.

Interview July 24 3am on Coast to Coast am with G. Noory . (u might wanna share)

*Everything* is contaminated- air-water-soil- food- animals- people- bugs- fish)....Microdust- graphine- aluminum- barium- strontium, etc.

"We help you buy *solar panels with your taxes, then we take your tax money and we *block the sun"- ("and you never looked up") or

("why no more dead bugs on the windshield like years ago" or "in the soil when I dig") Depopulation. Agenda 21- Agenda 30. God bless!

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Doesn’t that mean that the eugenicists and globalists have failed because it is only a slight depression on population growth of .25%. That means they have to try harder. Not over yet. The RNA injections that interfere with fetal development in my view will be their main tool.! Billions and billions being invested in RNA technology and they need a ROI and Gates is first in line.

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35 million dead worldwide and increasing of course.

The open border is the Kill Shot.

Once the Border Invasion goes Red Dawn BEFORE The Election, defeats The West - gun owning Christians, the rest of the world falls.

The millions of military men already here believe and say:"we already conquered you".

Europe is already defeated, and nobody coming to save us but God. Prophecy- "The Last Days" are here.


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Great comment thanks. Last time I looked at the statistics it seemed to be over 20 million world wide - and who knows where it will stop.

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Couldn't have been better said.

Most people are sleepwalking into technocrats tyranny...Saruman the White just found a Palantir.......and those who believe saruman is still the White will be in for a rude awakening.

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The beginning of this current nightmare was in 1947 with the establishment of the National Security State. Thank Harry Ass Truman for that. He signed it into law.


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Jul 24Liked by KW NORTON

That whole album is full of great songs. Slow Train Coming is another one about getting on board or getting left behind with the tyrants.

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'Going Down' is Freddy's best song ever.


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deletedJul 24Liked by KW NORTON
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Thank you for your comment and observations. The world sleeps on.

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