This is a great statement: "Most of us do not think of ourselves as politicians - but in truth we are all politicians - engaged in politics from the moment we are born."

It reflects the truth and reality of human society, and as you point out we are socialized into forgetting it - the common refrain 'don't talk religion and politics' I think is a dogma planted in the social consciousness for that purpose.

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Thank you so much - appreciate the restack!

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Appreciate the restack!

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"Trust has been broken now between us regular people and the overlords - and I would not be expecting this trust would be regained anytime soon - or maybe not ever."

But this 'free trust,' not that it is free but it is now disentangled from those that took it for granted, is looking for a place to land, and this can be a start of a new idea. And this new idea has been promoted by KW, in her articles, thoughts, and music.

Thank you, KW, I shall devote much time to its study.

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What does it mean to be well adjusted to a pathological society?


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I would think to be pathologically not quite sane.

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That is quite correct KW,

The question I posted is a paraphrase of a question Krishnamurti asked in one of his seminars.


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