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Excerpts from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion:

"The mob is used to listen to us, who pay it for its attention and obedience. By these means we shall create such a blind force that it will never be capable of taking any decision without the guidance of our agents, placed by us for the purpose of leading them.

"The mob will submit to this system, because it will know that from these leaders will come its wages, its earnings, and all other benefits."

"In order to achieve these results, we will prearrange for the election of such presidents, whose past record is marked with some ... scandal or other shoddy hidden transaction. A president of such a kind will be a faithful executor of our plans, as he will fear denouncement, and will be under the influence of the fear which always possesses a man who has attained power and anxious to retain the privileges and honours associated with his high office."

"This power we will give to the ... president, who will be a mere puppet in our hands."

It reads like a manifesto of the Brandon New World.

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