
Thanks so much for restacking.

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How quickly does the tech in these data centres become obsolete? Don't quantum computers do that already... So these centres are just human energy funnels that are not fun at all.

Regardless of their pitch, what " data" will be stored there when the financial system collapses and most of us are dead? It makes no sense unless it is an energy capture device.

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My faith and trust are that these carry the seeds of their own destruction.

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Yes. Honoring all the paths that lead through the heart!

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Thank you so much for commenting. Bless all the peacemakers and shamans!

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Great stuff here KW. Great images too. I surmise that in a world where people are taught that "Readers are Leaders" that it is actually the "Artist" who leads giving the "Writer" subject matter to ponder thereby giving the "Reader" something to read. #LeadFollowOrGetOutOfTheWay

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This is easy...

Remove the shackles.


By concentrating on what makes us Human.

We don't need them nor their Offerings... THEY need us.

First thing is to decouple us from them... take your money out of the bank... cancel all your services.

Don't drink Coke Pepsi or that other shit don't eat chocolate bars... start learning to cook.

2nd... Run all the machines on Water... Hydrogen from water or use Browns Gas.

Browns Gas also creates Healthy water that cures almost anything.

3rd... Disown the Government.


4th build Cooperations outside the Big Tech and do what they do... only with a Human Touch.

5th End Oil... use water

6th End Aviation use my Hypersonic Trains.


7th Write a new Chapter in Human History by declaring Individual Human Rights that cannot and never be taken away.

8th Declare an end to wars... declare Individual Independence.

9th respect our differences

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Don Juan says good morning

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