Offering A Watershed of Alphabet Agencies Involved in the World Economic Forum's Fourth Industrial Revolution
This is not a feel good post.It is almost guaranteed to make you queasy. I have put it together to encourage those interested to make their own reports based on what is happening with the Smart Cities concept in their local area.
It seems with every passing day I learn of a new group intersecting with the World Economic Forum in bringing about the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Slogans “Build Back Better” and “You will have nothing and you will be happy” advertise the advent of this happy future. These organizations are slick and competent at convincing the public their plans are to make the world a better place. What could be wrong with more “Clean Well-lighted Places”?
Like in Hemingway’s short story of “A Clean Well-lighted Place” there is a feeling of being in a warm, sheltered place where they offer comfort to passers by. But the light offers the unnatural light of electrical lighting where little actual comfort is to be had. The characters and the entire tone of the narrative give precious little comfort to anyone. It is rather a nightmare world of insomnia completely absent any spiritual grace.
This feeling permeates the story complete with a line in Spanish which translates to “nothing and more nothing”. Characters adrift in a world which means less than nothing. A place where no comfort from religion or anything else is to be had. A place like what these organizations are putting in place all around us.
‘Nada y pues nada’
Here is a tour, a birds eye view through some of the agencies who are building this world around us.
It is even being fashioned by those who would have a 15-minute city dedicated to music.
Anything to keep the residents appropriately pacified:
But in reality these cities give a shudder of fear and loathing to whoever takes a harder look. These are meant to be cities of total control over everything humans say and do. Worlds of cooperate, go along to get along or die:
These cities are sold by pandering to the desire of humans to be managed to be given ultimate security through domination. One look should be enough to give us pause.
The things which seem to be offered are shellacked in a sort of plastic, shrink-wrapped, bubble which should be enough to give any red blooded human a nightmare.
These are sold with the slick Madison Avenue feel of a TV drug advertisement. Promoting the cozy warm “stickiness“ or which comes off as a dream of a thoroughly Yuppie-fied environment:
And a few reports on the Nashville versions:
All interconnected, all guaranteed to make you happy:
Got a headache yet? These songs are guaranteed to make it worse.
This is exemplified by this versions of the song “Yuppies In The Sky”. By Peter Paul and Mary:
And by Tom Paxton:
Doubt if Warren Zevon’s “Lawyers, Guns and Money” will be of any help if trouble arises in these paradises.
Sheep pens! For the Sheeples!
Edit: I need to read this whole article and more before commenting.
Suffice to say we already know that the 15 minute city is going to be designed to discourage travel, another word for travel might be called escape.