Sheep pens! For the Sheeples!

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Edit: I need to read this whole article and more before commenting.

Suffice to say we already know that the 15 minute city is going to be designed to discourage travel, another word for travel might be called escape.

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They don’t plan on leaving any of us alone. But what I and many have they cannot have and will never have. That is the choice and the understanding for those who are and will continue to act as warriors. We have finally reached the impasse where fighting and being a warrior comes from a place of peace and understanding. Even from within a 15-minute city.

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No doubt. There's a LOT to unpack in this excellent article KW, thanks for putting it together.

I get the feeling that a number of this array of websites are WEF sock puppets, and little more. We know that they've wanted us to live in PODS and we're already moving in that direction. I'm sorry for the edit above, when I first did it there were no 'likes' showing. I feel that if given time I can come up with something deeper to say.

Regardless, the thing that I notice all the time is that these kinds of 'movements' are awash in brain destroying platitudes.

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Thanks so much. Yet another viewpoint - comedic but maybe helpful. Wrote from yet another viewpoint this morning. It all goes deep. Very well organized.


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Excellent and useful listing - thank you KWN - that took a lot of effort for which i am grateful. The Globalists (WEF et al) rely on the strength of 'social cohesion' and herd behaviour to enable their dystopian plans. I hope and trust they will ignore the minority who prefer to do their own thing. I will not waste energy fighting them - as with all strategies in dealing with totalitarian authority - I will work my way around them. I will play the Infinite Game: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Finite-Infinite-Games-James-Carse/dp/1476731713/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8

I see at the macro level, two human character-types; those who find solace in the riskless herd (mostly leftist sheeple) and those who find freedom in adventure and risk (most often right-leaning types). I have never been a herd type, even as a small child I shunned 'clubs' and 'gangs'. I am an only child which might explain my myopic view on life.

I would never live in a city - I despise crowds and their group-thinks - I prefer to observe from a distance. I have been self-employed all my life apart from a 5-year stint in the 1970s at the mighty Xerox where I witnessed commercial PsyOp and behavioural controls at first hand but I did extract valuable training and personal growth which equipped me well for my future career - so hat tip to USA - I know your mark.

I am not a competitor - I scorned team sports at school preferring not to believe that 'the early bird gets the worm' in favour of 'the second mouse getting the cheese'. I learned the difference between 'helping' and 'rescuing' at an early stage which has saved me much pain by determining first "who's problem is it" - most of the time it's the other person's problem, so I hand it back.

Just a few reasons why I will have no truck with Schwab and his coterie as long as they leave me alone - otherwise I shall fight with all my might - to the death if necessary.

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Good comment thanks. For me this is a painful but necessary tour through the world of what these people imagine is the future. As you know I am not committed to any of their aims. If their aims were not lies & propaganda but an actual plan to make the world a better place I would be on board. But like the same sick bag of tricks sold to us over many thousands of years the new bag is just as psychotically driven as their historical efforts. Hemingway was right.

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Bud, they will NOT leave you alone.


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California Hotel I guess - but I'm too old to worry now!

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Yes, the Eagles and D. Henley accurately sang of being able to check out but never being allowed to leave. Many more good lines in that piece.

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Hotel California for certain. It is the kids I am working for.

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Me too, which is why I am writing my Part 2 book now and serialising as I go - if I can find enough time! https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358116877_THE_FINANCIAL_JIGSAW_-_PART_2_A5_Update_V1_-_2020

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Hope you will find the time, lol. We need all the warriors we can find.

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