She’s sooo pretty. 😍 😂

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Have heard of Kipling, now have read him so thanks!

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Bless you for appreciating.

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Bottom line: men and women cannot play God. They are created creatures. When men and women start believing they are gods and goddesses and can create their own utopia however they see fit, then destruction will follow in their wake. Just look at the MRNA vaccines. They are maiming and killing millions of people, but somehow they're called "safe and effective." Moral relativism is a cancer for society because it can act in any way it pleases, consequences be damned. Your truth isn't my truth and so on and so forth, bla, bla, bla. That is where we currently reside.

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Mar 3·edited Mar 3Liked by KW NORTON

Rachel Levine is one of the Biden regime's true crazies. A transgender man play acting like he is a woman, who in their right mind would trust such glandular biological cess pump?

We need not all put on the same straightjacket as the lunatic crew spawned by Satan and represented by the Davos crowd and the WHO and UN psychopaths. We can go our own way with Rhiannon.


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Reminds me of the pre-communism time period Dostoevsky wrote about.

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