Unhappiness - And War, Violence & Genocide - Are Reflections of Our Own Consciousness
We often think of ourselves as rather helpless inheritors of the unhappiness of our own parents - and of our parents before them - and so forth - in a seemingly unbroken chain.
Often our leaders and spokespeople, our entertainers and our role models - even - and maybe especially - our religious or spiritual teachers - and even our psychologists and psychiatrists - seem misguided.
Do as we say - they tell us - not as we do.
And yet we know actions and deeds are what matter and that words are rarely sufficient alone to rely on.
But if bound together as a reflection of consciousness - one reflected by thought, word and deed - the combination may represent a powerful and worthwhile spiritual journey.
We may not like this reality - where we all as the units of culture - are indeed the determiners of culture - but it cannot be denied.
Because this is true I am going to use an example of how culture reflects back to us like a mirror - who and what we all are - as a living and collective conscious entity.
I don’t often recommend the rather fortune-marked journeys of famous people whom fortune seems to smile on - unless the story can illustrate and illuminate what I am meaning to get across.
In this case I use the story of a very confused and unhappy famous singer to - in her own words - let her explain - somewhat entertainingly her own journey to break out of the black pilled, doom scrolling, multi generational cycle of unhappiness.
This story is told in the documentary film called “I Am A Noise” the true life story of a famous singer, famous seeker of peace and happiness - Joan Baez - who is one of those figures who has come to mark a generation’s story.
Despite fortune smiling on this woman - blessing her with a beautiful voice and a strong body and mind - she portrays a heartbreakingly unhappy story.
We might believe the super star status contributed to her confusion and unhappiness - but this journey we observed - and she describes - doesn’t appear to be any more - or less - tragic or burdensome than the trials and tribulations of the rest of us.
After all we believe material success to be the sure fired journey to happiness - and our technological and material collective success today - to be our ticket to ride.
When we recognize we have been fooled - and that none of these things will guarantee happiness - or bring peace and prosperity - or even any form of satisfaction - we feel betrayed and angry.
We want to lash out at the people - our parents or guardians or advisers or experts - who preach to us and who presumably point the way toward happiness.
This endless cycle of blame and anger gives neither us nor anyone any form of happiness - just an endless cycle of doom scrolling and black pilled misery - which we then consciously or unconsciously pass on.
This one simple recognition furnishes the answer - that no peace, no happiness - will ever come about unless we are able to break the chain of negativity handed down through countless generations.
Right now there is an attempt to frame war, violent aggression, and the hierarchical civilizations we live in - ruled over by dominate overlords - as having origins in Western - or Eastern - or any origins different than our own
In general we persist in blaming other societies - identified by particular faiths or ideologies - as being the source of our problems.
This is done to make us believe - that in being led to fight against someone else - or those “other evil people” - who are at fault - we will then prevail and live happily ever after.
It is the Democrats or the Republicans - or the liberals or the conservatives - or the Americans, or the Russians - or the Christians or the Muslims - or Bill Gates or Klaus Schwab or Joe Biden or Orange Man Bad - or all the fault of women or of men - or of the kids.
And no doubt there is plenty of ammunition there.
When we are led to fight against the eternal other - we fall into the main deception used by the evil system of “civilized” order - to unconsciously maintain that evil system itself in perpetuity.
As a result we may never place the responsibility for what is wrong squarely where it belongs - on our own selves.
And as we may have discovered in our own lives a cycle of self blame and beating ourselves up for what ails us - doesn’t work either.
Because war and violence and anger and hatred - the doom scrolling cycle of violence seemingly built into our lives - although it did not begin with our civilizations - became institutionalized in them.
Of course these terrible things - war and rape and violence are always a human choice over other choices of peace, love, compassion, and of being interdependent - of working together - rather than working against each other.
And institutionalized violence, rape, war and the killing of each other are - as we can see - impossible to defeat with more of the same.
This kind of behavior - if it occurs in any other species - would be regarded as anti-evolutionary intra species predation.
Any dominant species which preys on itself becomes a destructive, antisocial and anti evolutionary force - certain eventually to wipe itself out - to achieve those pinnacles of anti evolutionary force - extinction and genocide.
Mankind is supposed to be different - supposedly given these unalienable rights by our creator - gifted with intelligence to prevail and to become the pinnacle of evolutionary success.
And this is the pinnacle of our evolutionary “success” now - to see that all of our technological and economic and political advances - have been used to lead to this terrible moment when we begin to realize how badly we have erred.
As I am a person who has benefited from those second - and third and fourth - chances often offered by the creator who created us - I believe we are - at the last possible moment - being offered another chance.
I have used the story of a very visible and successful peace and freedom advocate of our times to illustrate - in her own words - how we end up binding ourselves into an endless cycle of unhappiness and doom.
I believe she would agree that unless we stem the tides of intergenerational unhappiness and institutionalIzed violence that we will never achieve any sort of peace and freedom.
Before this can be achieved and the violence resolved we must first achieve peace and freedom in our own hearts and souls.
We must come to see the way the cycle of violence is institutionalized and passed down - a cycle we inherit as newborns - or even as fetuses - born into - or even conceived in -unhappiness and fated to pass it down ourselves.
For it was the suffering Solzhenitsyn who said that Apartheid represents a line which runs through every human heart - a statement which is glaringly true in the present light.
“If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
Non violence may only take place when we can love and respect ourselves and each other - nothing we can do externally may cure the ills which we harbor in our own hearts - no amount of new age spirituality or body work or psychological tricks - and no amount of age old spirituality which fails to work at the level of our own hearts - will suffice.
We live now - threatened with extinction - in the final apartheid break - one which threatens to end in total war - in 100% genocide, apartheid or extinction.
There is no external cure for it - only an inner cure - one which is up to us - and may only be understood and achieved by us - with the acceptance of personal responsibility for our thoughts and consciousness and actions.
Because the truth - or lack of truth - spoken by the entire world is a reflection of our inner wisdom - or lack of such wisdom.
Our current unhappiness and inability to speak or live or manifest the truth we seek now represent a big second chance being offered by our creator to come into our own.
Either we have - or do not have - the inner strength, courage, fortitude and wisdom to come to terms with ourselves and to be the change we wish to see.
And the price to be paid for failure is quite steep - as would the wealth of the heaven on earth we would gain by success - be quite infinite.
If we gain the world but lose our souls what have we then gained?
And the way toward success involves a certain amount of stoicism and moral fiber - an outlook which can stand back and recognize how we ourselves either take responsibility for what happens in our lives - or fail to do so.
We live as humans in an unbroken chain of cause and effect which faithfully reflects our inner thoughts and consciousness in our outer reality.
In so many ways - we have yet to comprehend - we are the universe made flesh - and therefore with these unalienable rights - capable of either being the basic components of a beautiful, sustainable and workable system - or the weak links in a cosmic dance which will determine our own doom.
As above so below.
As we think - therefore we are.
Responsible for our own consciousness and also the consciousness of others - in an unbroken chain of being.
We become the strong links in a strong and beautiful chain by becoming these strong and compassionate and loving. stoical and self aware nodes of consciousness.
For as we think - so we become.
Reflecting - in ourselves - and in our reality - the aims of the creator who created and conferred these unalienable rights of self determination.
We are either intended by the creator to possess this self determination to be fully ourselves - to accept and to manifest the beauty and self awareness we wish to see in the world.
Or to believe the creator created us in error - which then places the blame squarely on the creator.
And indeed railing impotently against the creator is something we have become very practiced at.
And - although in some cases things which seem mutually exclusive on the surface are not - in this case we have an iron clad case of cause and effect - of reason and logic.
Either the creator of all of this is wrong - or we - as the created are wrong and have erred.
We cannot have it both ways.
Time to grow up.
Time to break the chain of unhappiness and doom scrolling which black pills us from conception - through each of us learning to become the change we wish to see in the world.
The illogic which makes us believe that non violence can be realized through any other process other than becoming non violent ourselves is a pretty - but fateful - conceit.
I believe we have arrived at this impasse in order to have the opportunity to see finally what must be accomplished and to comprehend how we all interlink to form a great chain of being.
We are all each other’s teachers and each other’s strength as we seek to create the world we wish to see.
By forming together the inquiry-based free speech we now have available through this technology of the internet - we now have a planetary and virtually instantaneous feedback loop at our finger tips.
If it works here in the land of the instantaneous free speech of the internet - it works in the real world.
And it is just this - the instantaneous proof of what works - or doesn’t work - which gives us the instantaneous feedback loop of how we may effect change.
Either we each form the instantaneous change in consciousness which will result in the world we all wish to see - or we will decide otherwise to our eternal damnation.
I believe strongly that we have all been chosen to live through these difficult times.
I believe the creator never gives us these difficulties unless we can bear them and that are being given the grace and fortitude to step up to the challenge.
We may not have chosen these times but it appears these times have indeed chosen us.
We can all do this - otherwise we would not be here.
It is possible in our polity - and in our language, deeds and collective decision making - to remake the world in a new and non-violent journey towards who we wish to be as a collective and conscious force in the creator’s universe.
For in this great chain of being and becoming - of which we unquestionably are a part - we either have the courage and wisdom to build the world we wish - or continue to experience the doom scrolling and black pilled alternative.
And within this great chain of being are many paths toward spiritual, personal and collective wisdom.
It is up to each of us to choose the path toward grace and light which matches our own inimitable creator-conferred unalienable rights.
And up to all of us together to see it through to the logical conclusions.
The path of both feeling and logic towards the paradise on Earth we all seek.
A day after publishing this I found yet another contemporary example of how wounded we all have become by living in a toxic culture - it stands as a sort of bookend to Baez’s legacy.
"The path of both feeling and logic towards the paradise on Earth we all seek."
What do you think is "paradise on Earth" and who is "we all"?