Where do we go when all trust in governments, corporations and institutions are gone?

Simple... learn to trust yourself.

You are Great.

The Greatest Capital of Humanity is Humanity itself

Do not let them tell you otherwise... you are Great!

One thing is for sure... you can't buy everything...

But you can learn anything.


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We’ve become Co-Dependent, which is another name for addiction. On the dole.

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Yes codependent, toxic narcissist, liable to Stockholm Syndrome and to becoming dependent on tyranny.

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Victim mentality. Self absorbed, self serving, selfish. It’s not about leaving your mark on the world anymore. It’s how the world affects me mentally me. I’ve had a bellyful

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Keep showing the future, KW, and we will find a way there!

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RemovedJun 13Liked by KW NORTON
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Think you will get your bike back??

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