Wonderful compilation KWN as always, thank you. May I add to your list with a song that stays in my head having rested there since the 1960s when we really believed that the future did not exist - TEOTWAWKI:


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Indeed and thanks for sharing. We may have lived in the apocalypse but we had the greatest soundtracks for the movie.

For Country Joe who taught us how to die for our evil kleptocrats:


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Brilliant KWN one of my greatest favourites - but did you follow on? Canned Heat - classic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rl4oATGFMd4

You may not have known but I trained for Nam in 1965 as a volunteer, seconded from HMG (yes, the Brits were there - unreported). I was so keen to kill communists (and that hasn't changed) - but my Good angels intervened and I never made it. So this is what I missed! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJVpihgwE18

Happy days back in 'The World' :-)

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Quite the training we have all had. So many friends served. One of our closest friends spent the war in prison as a protester. An important reason why my own brother fled the US and lives in Europe. It is indeed a long violent history.

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Elementary my dear Watson. :-)

Past is the prologue for this future.

Great playlist additions.

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Today's Set List was brilliant. The Anti-Fascist Blues is probably my favorite and I was thrilled to hear Peggy Lee at the very end. Your post was constructed like an excellent novel. When all seemed lost, "ain't we got fun?" Yes. Despite the predation of the 4th Reich and its current assault on the capitol city of Russia, we are living much as the Ukrainians did before Russia decided to take back the Donbass region. Despite Bidenomics and the soul-killing prices of everything, besides the lies of the medical bureaucracy and the assaults by the Marxists, people are living as if everything is peachy. I seem to recall a verse in Revelations that mentioned people enjoying themselves immediately before the End.

We mustn't forget the 61,000 pounds of Nitrogen fertilizer that was stolen last month. Did it simply leak through the bottom of a car (as the authorities are telling us) or did illegal immigrants steal it for a terrorist attack?

Moscow is under attack by drones. Moscow cannot bomb Washington, DC without escalating WW III into the next stage; but a terrorist attack on American soil is not unlikely.

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Thanks so much and great comment. We are indeed partying like it is 1999. Prince was a prophet in so many ways and like so many other valued musicians.


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Sometimes, the pressure of the moment and fear of the future leave us with just one choice:

Bob Dylan - Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (Official Audio) …


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Agree 100%. Stoned and all alone. The death of the future that ain't dead yet. "Slow Train." Jumping on MTV.


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Getting you in the right frame of mind for the battle. Thanks

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Battle Hymns?

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Thanks KW. Interesting times indeed to have chosen to be alive in. 1Love! Cheers!

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