Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by KW NORTON

"There they may live happily ever after as medically transgendered eunuchs with full diversity, equity and inclusion under the proud flying of their rainbow flag."

This is where I'm at: I wish em well... someplace else... far away from me haha

Also, I may be missing something here so apologies if so, but it was Icarus (son of Daedalus) who flew too close to the sun. Diogenes "The Dog" was the pariah philosopher who famously told Alexander to "stand a little out of his sun" while relaxing outside town in one of my favorite stories ever.

Regardless, great stuff as always!

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You are probably correct.

Icarus and Diogenes often get mixed up - wonder why??

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by KW NORTON

First time for everything! Haha

As for the mix up it's likely because all of us darn Greeks look the same and have goofy names 🤣🇬🇷

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Yes and the unintentional thought which triggered the mistake was an old SF drug treatment program which unintentionally switched the terms.

The board meant to name it "Icarus" and named it "Diogenes". For some reason that has always been hilarious to me.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by KW NORTON

Hahaha! That is a hysterical mix up. Icarus seems like a pretty ominous choice for a drug program mascot to begin with, but using Diogenes, who lived in a barrel and masturbated in public (so he'd have been right at home in the Tenderloin) is even funnier lol

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I thought so - wrote a term paper on it which the professor of our drug treatment training class loved - LOL!

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When Humanity will finally go to Mars it will find an ancient Civilization destroyed about 13000 years ago.

You me and everyone else are conditioned by Behavioral Modification which is school Indoctrination.

People like Google Facebook Musk and others are Generational Satanists who more ofthe than not are financed by the CIA and groomed to be scourge...

That is why Social Media spies on you.

From Abortion to Government... Hacking the Humans.

Zuck Bezos Gates Muskall of the from the thrirteen tribes of the Illuminazi.


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Now you made me want to see a pic of all these as child brats. 🤷‍♀️ 😂

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No, not on Mars, or Earth. Maybe on Mars if Earth is destroyed, but I doubt it, the technological death is too great, the separation is inadequate, the dependency too vast.

Seriously, this is quite the piece, KW, you may have outdone even yourself.

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Hot damn!

I thought Mars was a great idea?

Elon’s got it all together!

Glad you enjoyed reading it!

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Thanks so much - appreciate the restack!

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Perfect summary of the zeitgeist of our time.

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Thank you so much!

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Wow!!!! This is fabulous. Thank you🥰

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So happy you like it. Now planning to send to our kids!

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