Excellent. Thank you. I am excited to think of all of the wonderful minds and hearts that hopefully will survive this bleeding out of the jugular to be here for the inevitable healing to follow. I am an American as well as a Canadian, so I too have special interest in the US. I like KW because she refuses to only see the bleeding jugular but keeps an eye on the body that is bleeding out as well. I for whatever reason cannot do that. I want to see all the rats in the basement dead before I start cleaning up my stuff down there. I think we need both viewpoints to survive. Much love to all.

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Best. I’m certainly not opposed to seeing the rats thoroughly comprised. We’ve got to extricate ourselves and our sanity while we still have it.

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Thank you! I did say that I admired your ability to have eyes in both places! On the rats, AND on hope!!

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Any time spent in repairing the nation is time away from repairing yourself from a lifetime of false hope (among other falsehoods. The Shift of State.

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Agree somewhat except in the United States we the people are supposed to be the government. For and by the people? I know people who go on and on about the "politicians" but my answer to them is we are all politicians from the moment we're born. We can't escape our fate and if we try we get owned by our attempts to escape. We are condemned to be free.

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The breakdown is inevitable and once there is nothing left to plunder we can have our government back is the way I look at it. My contribution to furthering along the line of thought you present. What was is not now. We are suppose to be a nation of smallholders taking care of ourselves and others nearby - so that will happen again once the surplus has been siphoned off.

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That's a hopeful outlook considering the alternatives. Back to first principles. Wise to remember the "plunder" is that junk needed by the Corporatocracy to survive. We the people only need what the land, soil, earth, water, sun provide for our riches and survival. Human's deceit is that they are somehow different. We are interdependent.

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As regards the sinking ship that was once considered a shining city on a hill (pardon the mixed metaphors), what we are seeing is the Chaos Theory in action. Entropy causes decay and America is certainly decayed. While the entire EU, despite its many flaws, limits abortion to fifteen weeks, there are currently just seven countries in the world that allow abortions after five months of pregnancy. These include America, North Korea, and China. Even President Macron has decried the WOKE philosophy of our once-great republic.

Like Rome, like Great Britain, like every great civilization, America has passed its great days and is now becoming absorbed into the New World Order.

We aren't what we were.

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That could be certainly. But the way I learned entropy in early physics and chemistry classes was that any system, left to itself, tends toward disorder (entropy). Energy put into a system, in thermodynamic terms becomes available to do work or increase order. 2nd law of thermodynamics is that all closed systems "decay" or tend toward disorder or randomness.

In many ways the US has become a closed system by the very fact of the Corporatocracy believing they can have great power and wealth separately from we the people. I understand your theories about great civilizations but if we look closely at history there's a great lesson for America and the world. Our past forms who we are certainly as a foundation but we have a choice to accept our defeats and move on or be dominated by them. This is the great lesson in mythology and I defer to Albert Camus and The Myth of Sisyphus. We aren't what we were we are who we now are. Things change.

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I'm trying to bail water and prepare a lifeboat at the same time. Sorry about your mailbox and present. But at least you have another day! Happy Birthday

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Yep we're all still here.

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I like that: "condemned to be free." Q: Is it free "from" or free "to?" I'm not sure they can be separated.

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Condemned to be free comes from existentialism but the way in which it means something to me in this context is in the vein of Thomas Jefferson’s quote: “ I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful tyranny.” And also as we were warned by the founding ancestors: “It’s a republic, if you can keep it.” “Freedom” is always regarded by a great many as suspect. Those who have their fortunes tied to tyranny and/or who prefer the tightly structured, more organized, more convenient, “easier” ways provided by tyranny. Freedom is a lot of work as we must perpetually be on guard for the insidious nature of tyranny. Slavery or tyranny is so easy - all we need do is submit.

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I agree. Like the Jefferson quote as well.

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