Happy Monday everyone - looks as if it will be another long long week of epic propaganda stories to capture our endless non- interest.
But some are too good to pass on without commentary - and that is the intended subject of this essay.
As we have slipped into the mind numbing world of modern totalitarianism perhaps it is worth visiting times when the tyranny was not so all encompassing.
The great song “The Sultans Of Swing” - by Mark Knopfler and Dire Straights was released way back in 1978.
It feels like centuries ago now - and those years between 1978-2024 have passed by with mind blurring technicolor speed.
Seeing the young Knopfler in 1978 - who is now 74 years young - we cannot help but notice how very young he looked.
Below is Knopfler in a 2024 recording session:
And yet hearing the young Knopfler and the Dire Straights play this tune sounds curiously contemporary and - like other iconic songs - seems to have the power to define a whole age.
Thinking about the blur of the last fifty or so years presages the slow almost imperceptible rise of tyranny in our lifetimes.
And yet our knowledge that - there - behind the shadows and currents of our own lives - the threat and loud mouth breathing of tyranny was always present.
So although it is evidently a surprise to a few among us - the fact that we are under the grip of tyranny seems to be coming to the attention of the world.
But it is not.
Headlines are written every day by mainstream media that the subject of this essay is nothing but the delusional dreams of conspiracy theorists.
So - congratulations readers - you are in the corrupting hands of a conspiracy theorist Tennessee grandmother.
I cannot help but hear Sultans of Swing now to the words of Sultans of Tech.
After four years writing about the totalitarian agenda we are living under my patience with so called mainstream media grows ever shorter.
It was peaked recently upon receiving the following video - ostensibly prepared by a New York Times reporter.
The keywords jumped out at me and I asked myself if The New York Times even knows about the 15 minute - or Smart - or C40 cities?
Then I listen to the rather naive sounding video explaining the process this reporter went through to find out what I and many others already knew.
It has been known for years in alternative - truth seeking - conspiracy theorists media circles that Big Tech Sultans are buying up farmland in Solano County, California.
I try very hard - and fail miserably - not to raise my eyebrows and do a million eye rolls at what I had to listen to on this video.
The naivety of the reporter is so shocking I cannot help but allow my sardonic sense of humor to take control.
The naivety is so great I am inspired to question what I am hearing.
It strains even my credulity to believe even a NYT reporter could be that thick - could be so naive as to appear to be in some kind of neurotic - or worse - state of denial.
Doesn’t everyone know the Big Tech Sultans have worked with the World Economic Forum and related groups to take over the world?
On what outpost of Planet Earth must one be - to be shocked at the plans of these not so very smart Sultans of Tech?
After all it is not exactly a secret that wealthy families have desired to build utopian enclaves for many millennia.
But the reporter goes on in glowingly inspired language painting these Tech Sultans in language one can well imagine being reserved to refer to some incredible saint or other.
The California Forever website to which the reporter refers is as follows.
It appears to resemble all the other indoctrination seen worldwide to usher in the utopian concept of these 15 minute - or Smart - or C40 cities - as advertised by the New Totalitarian World Order chamber of commerce - the World Economic Forum - and allied organizations.
Idyllic, humanistic, what could be wrong with such a utopian plan?
Why nothing - much!
A neat story I heard about Mark Knopfler. He was in a TV and appliance shop in England and MTV was on. One of his songs played and his face was beamed out from about 40 TVs. No one recognized him. He was waiting for something and there were two young workers moving goods around with hand trucks. One of them said ‘That aint work if that’s all you’re doing. Playing your guitar on MTV.’ The other one said ‘That’s money for nothing’. The other ‘and chicks for free’. ‘I should have learned to play the guitar.’ ‘I should have played my drums.’ A boss comes around and chastises them and says ‘we got to move those micro wave ovens, custom kitchen and refrigerators’. Meanwhile Mark pulls out a notebook and writes down all their comments. Out of that comes one of his biggest hits ‘Money for Nothing’. Not as brilliant as ‘Sultans of Swing’ but a monster hit.
Another Successful Fascist: "Also, it should be mentioned, Jan Sramek..He counts mega-hedgie Peter Thiel as a role model."
"In 2003, he won a scholarship from George Soros’s Open Society foundation to Cambridge. Later, he transferred to the London School of Economics to focus on finance."
London School of Economics has been training eugenicists since its founding in 1895 by the Fabian Society.
Why anyone believes that you have to be particularly intelligent to work in banking and investments is beyond me. Both are clearly rigged games.