We as humans are a gregarious lot - much like the canines we seem to love above all else - social creatures all - an essential part of the social network of which we are a fundamental unit.
Can we think and act apart from our sociological framework?
Barely - but it can be done - yet uncomfortably and all too often at the price of ostracism.
We humans - along with our much beloved dogs - seem to share a consciousness - an awareness.
I will write more about this in a separate essay inspired by more consciously watching the progress of our family dog.
But “Sufficient to each day is the evil thereof”.
This essay - as mine often are - has been inspired by a fellow SubStack writer -
Maybe if the world had paid attention to this information and acted on it we could have avoided this debacle.
The fact that they did not and - that instead - we have an elaborate system in place to delude and deceive - successfully - is the problem.
Now we have AI - and other technological dangers - superimposed on an already bad situation.
The proverbial shadows have been thrown onto the cave wall for all to see - and yet the world remains locked up tight in this thing we call denial.
All readers here know this has not been about a virus - but about control and the ushering in of world tyranny.
There is no way to view this situation without recognizing that the system which allows for this is 100% wrong and terribly unbalanced.
It is clear now that no leaders are going to begin suddenly caring about us as individuals and begin granting us rights - and in fact - no system is in place to accomplish this.
The title of the above essay - “The Collaborators Will Kill Us All” - is apocalyptic and accurately defines the scope of the problem.
Never has it been so very apparent that our leaders only pretend to care about us and - not so secretly - view us as their enemies.
Never before have they worked so hard at the deception - and the lies - meant to disguise the fact they are actually busy killing us off as fast as possible.
This is a deeply spiritual, psychological and sociological recognition and needs not to be swept under the rug and ignored.
This essay is an attempt to help these painful awarenesses to be brought into the open - rather than - as per usual - to be swept under that proverbial rug.
The system we use to serve as the framework for our societies is proving to be rotten to the core and based on faulty assumptions.
Imagine the concept that it would be a “Crown Virus” which would mark this awareness.
The mind boggles at the poetic perfection of that one.
We like to believe that - contrary to what is written in the Constitution and taught by spiritual engagement - that some earthly authority or entity can in fact grant us our unalienable rights.
The lynchpin of the Constitution rests on the recognition - on the shared belief that - our unalienable rights are conferred by a creator at the moment of our being created.
It is implicit here that these rights - once held - can be neither granted nor taken away by any earthly authority or entity - supported yes - but not granted or taken away.
It is intuitive to recognize that a constitution is so much hot air and wasted ink and paper - if it is not understood and agreed upon by those who base their actions upon it.
And a system which proposes such an understanding and yet demonstrates in reality that it is not true - is the epitome of a lie.
Declaring that each human is granted unalienable rights by a proposed creator - and then proceeding to demonstrate with actions that it is not so - but is instead violated at every turn - is a violation of every spiritual, moral or ethical code.
What such a participation indicates on the part of all involved - leaders and followers - is that they all are participating in a lie.
For presumably intelligent human beings to have failed to notice - and to act on - this basic existence of a logical fallacy at the heart of our system - is a heavy indictment to bear.
And I am not speaking here of the efforts of few iconoclasts - or freedom fighters - who are all to often marginalized, dismissed sand scapegoated as idealists - but of every man woman and child who support the system based on this logical fallacy.
If the individuals who compose the society understand the failure of the system to successfully fulfill the basic tenants of this lynchpin then it is simply and clearly the responsibility of each and every person to point this fallacy out.
Because a system based on a laudable goal which then undercuts and undermines this goal at every turn - is simply and clearly based on lies and hypocrisy.
This is precisely in fact the criticism the world has lain at the feet of the American system since the beginning.
And the American system - is not an “American” system - but is in turn based on earlier ideas - age old principles - which have kept arising in societies across time and geography for millennia.
I believe in the history of my own ancestors that I had as many ancestors die from being burnt at the stake - or beheaded by the aristocracy as may have died peacefully in their beds.
Being a freedom fighter is a as natural to the poised oppositional forces of our system as is being an aristocrat.
Our system - in case we have missed this before - is perpetually at war.
The American idea - what made it possible - were countless earlier understandings of the basis of human freedom and agency which had existed and then been destroyed on countless occasions throughout the vast history of civilization.
It is vital to comprehend here that this idea was not original but that it was the first time a nation state was successfully founded upon it - which made it new and special and obviously a laudable effort.
The idea of freedom being waged by a whole people and against the cruelty and oppression of a ruling class had been tried from time immemorial - and it had always - and has so far - been successfully defeated.
The American system - like those which went before - were set up to fail - because the structure of logic itself cannot support a system which is designed upon a logical fallacy.
This reveals far more than the simple words spoken by Benjamin Franklin - then still the apocaloptomist at the age of 81.
The phrase seems to represent both a recognition that it would fail and a gauntlet thrown down to a citizenry who could not possibly expect to “keep it”.
Even the lawyers who had engineered it knew full well it could not be “kept”.
Education was given short shrift by the American founding ancestors.
After all - these busy ancestors were tasked with engineering a whole new nation to become a democratic republic - and tasked with fighting a war against the British Empire - as revolutionaries no less who would literally lose their heads - if they lost.
It was certainly no small task and worthy of our respect and celebration as a world class achievement - at any time.
It was thought that leaving “democracy” up to a motley crew of struggling humans - expected to educate themselves to such a degree that they would be capable of outsmarting some of the most well trained manipulators the world had ever known - their own government - and the lawyers who would operate it - was sufficient.
In light of the overall achievement - maybe we can overlook this?
Or instead maybe these founding ancestors would themselves caution us to overlook nothing in this respect.
So this essay will not overlook this.
A harsh indictment perhaps - but at this dire moment in our history do we really have the luxury of ignoring anything which might help us?
We may note that these men - who had dedicated themselves to those unalienable human rights - were busy demonstrating that - in reality - they did not even understand or respect them.
Freedom guaranteed for - and underwritten by - rich white male landed aristocrats - trained in the law - who lived by enriching themselves and by expanding their own power by denying these unalienable rights to people of other races and sex.
The proper attention to education - real education as defined by the following essay - was given short shrift - if any consideration whatsoever - by the founding ancestors.1
One might believe that this sort of education represents a fundamental threat to a potential deception being waged by these founding ancestors - a threat to the system itself.
In other words the American founding ancestors - just like the kings and European elite from which they descended - were implementing a system not materially different from the systems they purported to be fighting.
But we must ask why they would do this?
Was it a conscious deception - or were they perhaps unaware of the potential psychological underpinnings of their failures?
Far be it to be misunderstood by this writer to comprehend that our actions are often - if not always - being played out by forces beyond our direct awareness.
I sincerely wish they were here to speak with today - as they are very likely our true allies in what is being played out all around us.
They many have not been perfect - but they would well understand the battles in which we are engaged.
What the founding ancestors may have demonstrated was a psychological battle being played out again and again within the bounds of the system we operate within.
The drama of the sons being forced to psychologically kill - or to destroy - the tyrannical hold of the father - in order for these sons to establish their own free will and existence is hardly a new concept.
There is a huge discrepancy here which goes unrecognized - and this is that it is that these imperfections are all too often held to be a result of genetic inheritance.
Because the cruelty of the aristocracy tends to be passed down in the same paternal lines across generations it is easy to believe it is genetic - and because some traits do get passed down - the reality is glossed over.
But if it were strictly genetic then all descendants would be clones of the cruel - psychologically unbalanced serial manipulators represented by their ancestors.
In no respect are genetic ancestors clones of their predecessors.
An understanding of genetics itself helps dispel this mythology through the comprehension of the variability passed down to each new generation.
Genetic variability has a mathematically built-in structure to guarantee that no succeeding generations are carbon copies of the previous ones - but totally variable distinct individuals - a throw of the genetic dice to guarantee that life does not produce clones.
But within the psychologically distorted reality of our sociological system - which is passed down through culture to each successive generation - the same psychological battles must be fought out for each individual again and again.
Especially for men - who must grown up under the real or perceived reality of an all powerful father and the mother who serves him - they are psychologically mandated to establish their own identity by first destroying the tyranny of this all powerful father and his handmaiden - their mother.
This is so well illustrated in the various powerful Oedipal dramas created by our great playwrights and poets.
It has taken on - mostly ignored modern relevance - in the recent dramatization of the Oedipal struggle in the updated - more historically accurate story of the character of Hamlet - in the film Northman.
This intergenerational struggle is built into our culture - and the system which underwrites it - with an all powerful and in fact almost immortal force.
The only way out would be to have a vast educational process by which - through questioning and the repercussions of posing those questions - the tyranny of the system itself would be exposed to the sanitizing light of day and therefore defeated.
This is why the educational process - and the free speech and free inquiry which fuel it - are the lynchpins of any attempt at a free society.
A free society - and any freedom for the individual or for the society as a whole - must be based on the discovery of and sustained recognition of the truth.
And truth cannot be found or recognized within a system where we as humans are simply parroting the half-truths - or lies - which we are taught by those who were in fact defending a system which is itself based on lies.
Such a system is in fact a sociological and psychological black hole - a negative feedback loop in which each successive generation is forced to try to reinvent the wheel - which cannot be accomplished because they cannot ask the right questions.
Freedom absolutely depends on posing the most frightening - most challenging questions - and then seeking - through the process of education - to find the answers to these questions.
This is terrifying to those most invested in the system - as it is guaranteed to expose the many sacred cows - those upon which the system which confers their power - is based.
So, in short, we live accepting a system which pretends to promote those unalienable rights conferred by a creator - while actually promoting a system which is designed to confer instead the unalienable rights of a brutal system of control passed down through the fathers.
Although each successive generation attempts valiantly to overcome the tyranny of the all powerful father and his handmaiden mother - it is never successful.
Instead of underwriting the unalienable rights as conferred by a creator - and therefore supporting natural law - instead - the system underwrites the tyranny of man over God - of the power of human deception and lies - over the freeing grace of the truth.
No human beings shall never be free as long as such a system is in place.
Man has taken control of himself and of the natural world in defiance of that ultimate father - the creator himself.
It is probably not necessary to repeat the story of that fallen Angel - Satan - here - that Angel of God’s own hand who became jealous of the power of God and defied that power to forge his own independence.
But mankind is clearly afraid to face the fact that in the pursuit of freedom - fearful of asking the necessary questions to become free - that we are instead relegated to being the very satanic force we fear the most.
In these times of epic dystopian insanity we are being given the rare opportunity to comprehend such a thing - if we dare.
We can see among our leaders the very tendency to become those satanic forces of which they most seem to be afraid.
This is not an accident or coincidence but strikes at the very heart and soul of what - precisely - we are being given one last opportunity to comprehend.
We can continue on without comprehending that this Satan - this Fallen Angel - is what we ourselves become when we lie to ourselves - or be brave, heroic and human enough to instead face this very inconvenient truth.
There is a reason so many have reacted to these years of the crown virus with the perception that everything we have been taught is a lie.
That these times represent a spiritual battle of great significance we are meant to win.
So..The basic question is: How do we educate the Politicians in DC to STOP this push to create RNA injections. How do we stop this continued push to inject all humans with unsafe RNA cell alerting virus like coding that changes the blueprint of life? The FDA is endorsing the continued injection of RNA via EUA authority that should have ended. Clearly, the science has been evolving for decades and the warning signs have been ignored and the great harm caused is being ignored or rationalized. National Geographic in 2017 ran an article entitled "The Next Human" the dangers ignored by the medicine man. We are all aboard a runaway medical freight train.
"Declaring that each human is granted unalienable rights by a proposed creator - and then proceeding to demonstrate with actions that it is not so - but is instead violated at every turn - is a violation of every spiritual, moral or ethical code."
Perhaps, Ben Franklin knew in his heart that the temptations of power would degrade their creation immediately, and that's why he said "If you can keep it."
High praise from a master, not that I deserve it, Dr. Vernon's work. he deserves and more, I am just the vehicle by which he communicates, but thank you. Very much, thank you. -Edwin