So..The basic question is: How do we educate the Politicians in DC to STOP this push to create RNA injections. How do we stop this continued push to inject all humans with unsafe RNA cell alerting virus like coding that changes the blueprint of life? The FDA is endorsing the continued injection of RNA via EUA authority that should have ended. Clearly, the science has been evolving for decades and the warning signs have been ignored and the great harm caused is being ignored or rationalized. National Geographic in 2017 ran an article entitled "The Next Human" the dangers ignored by the medicine man. We are all aboard a runaway medical freight train.

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"Declaring that each human is granted unalienable rights by a proposed creator - and then proceeding to demonstrate with actions that it is not so - but is instead violated at every turn - is a violation of every spiritual, moral or ethical code."

Perhaps, Ben Franklin knew in his heart that the temptations of power would degrade their creation immediately, and that's why he said "If you can keep it."

High praise from a master, not that I deserve it, Dr. Vernon's work. he deserves and more, I am just the vehicle by which he communicates, but thank you. Very much, thank you. -Edwin

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