Rifles though valuable haven’t saved souls. Rifles save war. I hear you and wish sincerely rifles saved souls. I would love to apply my markswoman skills.
Here is one prominent sinister front group involved in the elite's plans. They even have a wolf in sheep's clothing as their mascot. Can you believe that? My latest analysis:
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing: The Fabian Society and the World Economic Forum
Their end-goal is a totalitarian Socialist World Government. The wolves were there in plain sight for over a 100 years.
When you descend from kleptocratic nightmares like our history there remains the long view of no doubt. In language I normally reserve for my daughters it is the intergenerational mind fuck. No illusions here. We know.
I read the book by Julian Jaynes on the Bi-Cameral brain and the shift to the Left Brain about the time of the Copper Age. More recently I have listened to Iain McGilghrist talking on his book The Master and the Emissary which covers the terrain in a different fashion indicating both brain Hemispheres are equally integrated into awareness but the Right brain shapes our pre-suppositions, our “world picture” can only arise from pre-suppositions interpreting what our experiences indicate to us-accurately or not. I think in regards to our heritage as Primates, we must have the deepest seated instinct of Hierarchy. In our human heritage we overcome Primate dominance hierarchy. McGilchrist argues the Left Brain has usurped the Right Brain. The helpful Emmissary proclaims itself Master.
I think it's best to stop calling them "the elites," and refer to them as what they truly are:
An illegitimate gang of demonically possessed psychopathic tyrants who are programmed to destroy The Divine Architect and all organic living beings: They are a death-cult.
Well met! Myself, I choose offensive defense. And unfortunately at my age, I gladly give of myself my expertise to all freedom loving Americans, my offensive,defensive skills. Granted, due to age, it might be a tad shy of glorious heroism, it will still be able to do more than those sitting, and doing nothing.
Good comment. I value all of the others here who share an enthusiasm for finding a better way of living as humans. Getting some new ideas together. Look forward to making sense out of them so I can share.
Wrote about the same subject here...
The Final Battle of a War Unseen
Keep it up
This will be for your soul, don't you value it more than your house, cars, possessions.
Only your rifle can come close.
Rifles though valuable haven’t saved souls. Rifles save war. I hear you and wish sincerely rifles saved souls. I would love to apply my markswoman skills.
Like I said, only your rifle can come close.
Here is one prominent sinister front group involved in the elite's plans. They even have a wolf in sheep's clothing as their mascot. Can you believe that? My latest analysis:
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing: The Fabian Society and the World Economic Forum
Their end-goal is a totalitarian Socialist World Government. The wolves were there in plain sight for over a 100 years.
There is so much in our history which has ably manufactured our continued discontent. Thank you for this.
You are welcome. In fact, our history is replete with elite intrigues.
James Joyce’s nightmare. And far more.
It's a good idea to look at history.
ALL civilizations have defaulted to the same five social strata:
No slave or peasant revolt has ever succeeded for more than a few years. The armed protectors of the "elite" always overpower dissent.
If humans were given another million chances, the end would always look the same as the one that can be observed openly.
The methods of mass manipulation are creatively mixed and new players keep entering the picture:
The good news is that the most powerful mode of resistance is available:
And it's happening on these pages.
It seems all I do is look at history and everywhere I see James Joyce’s nightmare. All too true. The questions remain.
The nightmare has entered public domain for quite a while now...
When you descend from kleptocratic nightmares like our history there remains the long view of no doubt. In language I normally reserve for my daughters it is the intergenerational mind fuck. No illusions here. We know.
I guess, the message also needs to be abridged intergenerationally. :)
You won’t find any polite intergenerational language here.
Making contact is the name of the trade. :)
I read the book by Julian Jaynes on the Bi-Cameral brain and the shift to the Left Brain about the time of the Copper Age. More recently I have listened to Iain McGilghrist talking on his book The Master and the Emissary which covers the terrain in a different fashion indicating both brain Hemispheres are equally integrated into awareness but the Right brain shapes our pre-suppositions, our “world picture” can only arise from pre-suppositions interpreting what our experiences indicate to us-accurately or not. I think in regards to our heritage as Primates, we must have the deepest seated instinct of Hierarchy. In our human heritage we overcome Primate dominance hierarchy. McGilchrist argues the Left Brain has usurped the Right Brain. The helpful Emmissary proclaims itself Master.
Interesting and thank you,
I think it's best to stop calling them "the elites," and refer to them as what they truly are:
An illegitimate gang of demonically possessed psychopathic tyrants who are programmed to destroy The Divine Architect and all organic living beings: They are a death-cult.
They are indeed doom scrollers. Of their own hopefully.
I've been reading your articles and wondering what you mean by the term "doom scrollers."
I think you defined the meaning very well.
Spot On as usual Ken……We’ll done!
Well met! Myself, I choose offensive defense. And unfortunately at my age, I gladly give of myself my expertise to all freedom loving Americans, my offensive,defensive skills. Granted, due to age, it might be a tad shy of glorious heroism, it will still be able to do more than those sitting, and doing nothing.
Good comment. I value all of the others here who share an enthusiasm for finding a better way of living as humans. Getting some new ideas together. Look forward to making sense out of them so I can share.