The Final War of Wars For Our Minds and Souls
Elites such as the WEF and current politicians and corporatists didn’t just arise out of the wind. Their kind has deep roots in our nature, in our collective wisdom and in our social contracts.
As Americans we have been born to expect a fairer more just world. Only occasionally do we actually see glimpses of this in practice. And if we do it is likely connected with our own individuality.
In so many ways not normally thought of we get back what we put out. But the social contract is vastly unfair. As well meaning as our own natures may be the social contract is often brutal.
Depite the overwhelming brutality of these contracts - human nature - so often affected by tragic circumstances even outright abuse - is remarkably able to rise from untoward circumstances and prevail.
Centuries of ingrained tragedy and manipulative abuse - generation after generation - take their tolls on all of us. The following article poses an important question for all of us to answer.
This article “The Elite’s 5,000-Year War on Your Mind Is Climaxing. Can We Defeat It? Part I” by By Robert J. Burrowes was published in Global Research on September 13, 2023.
The author delves into a poorly understood but very timely addressing of the old question. The question is why we as humans allow others of our own species to dominate us? Not just now - but ever in our history.
Why are humans as a species so liable to serially abusive elite forces of their own species? Both the psychological and spiritual tendencies are well worth exploring. These may well be the most relevant of questions.
History proves - despite our best efforts to dress it up as something else - that our minds are not our own. That in fact we are manipulated and abused into certain sheeplike ways of behaving by what are master manipulators and serial abusers.
We need many more investigations like that of Burrowes into why this is the case.
That we are in the midst - as Burrowes writes - of a “Worldwide Freedom Movement against Covid Mandates, QR Codes and Restrictions: The Global Elite’s Technological Coup d’État Against Humanity” is no longer a mystery to many of us.
There are the usual holdouts - the most manipulated among us - who still do not recognize the truth about our circumstances. But the day fast approaches when they too will be forced to cope with the messy truth.
As Burrowes discusses:
“Since the dawn of human civilization, history records a long and steady (if occasionally interrupted) process of Elite efforts to capture and control the minds of those people within their domain, sometimes coupled with efforts to expand that domain.
Whether intent on extorting labor, securing military service, payment of taxes or imposing other forms of control, a submissively obedient population made the task immeasurably easier.”
There is only one way out of this dilemma and that is through a rather brutal analysis of what I have called our own inner civil war. The war is now at our doorstep and is within most of our own houses.
Efforts currently to involve us all in the final battles of World War III are all around us. Either we find a way out of these serially abusive codependent relationships or our species is likely to be lost to the broken sands of time.
And yet more plentiful evidence from Michel Chossudovsy - editor at Global Research of one of the many ways the elites currently manufacture our consent to be governed - and this time perhaps effectively exterminated:
My thanks and my faith and confidence go to those who are so able to articulate these plentiful horrors we face as human beings and to pose coherent examinations as to how we may overcome them.
May the peace and light be with us all as we negotiate the shadowy psychosocial caverns of these serially abusive “elitist” terrorists.
We are overtaxed emotionally in the extreme to be dealing with these things psychologically.
But there is tremendous value in this much abused and corrupted internet for giving us the opportunity to share our feelings and facts about what transpires.
It is after all not over until it is over.
Stay real, stay kind & loving - and share far and wide.
The arrows of truth have many and myriad consequences. Aim them well my friends.
Here is one prominent sinister front group involved in the elite's plans. They even have a wolf in sheep's clothing as their mascot. Can you believe that? My latest analysis:
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing: The Fabian Society and the World Economic Forum
Their end-goal is a totalitarian Socialist World Government. The wolves were there in plain sight for over a 100 years.
It's a good idea to look at history.
ALL civilizations have defaulted to the same five social strata:
No slave or peasant revolt has ever succeeded for more than a few years. The armed protectors of the "elite" always overpower dissent.
If humans were given another million chances, the end would always look the same as the one that can be observed openly.
The methods of mass manipulation are creatively mixed and new players keep entering the picture:
The good news is that the most powerful mode of resistance is available:
And it's happening on these pages.