Jun 22Liked by KW NORTON

The 'Go away' message has been finally received by me. I'm glad that at least I got to see and experience some truly beautiful things before I was thrown away.

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Sorry I am not following - what “Go away” message?

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Jun 22Liked by KW NORTON

I read your post and others and I see “If you are not spiritually perfect, go away”. “If you have a spiritual awakening and you’re not dealing with it according to our parameters, go away”.

This has been a current in our local church world lately and I’m getting really tired of having to go through a gauntlet just to attend service. I believe when we attend we are praising and thanking God and giving back in the form of praise, worship, and being willing to stand by our brothers and sisters in Christ and say “Yes I will give and serve and love. That is the point.”

I’m not saying “Let’s just all only help the perfect and the rest can go elsewhere” (more on that below)

Before we get there:

Does having compassion and love for others mean you feel no negativity?

Are you really untouched by negative things around you?

How does that mean you respond to others who are hurting and may need help?

You wrote: “Inevitably some people will cave to their negative emotions and respond with sustained fear, doubt and anger. 

It is critically important not to allow these weaker individuals to erode our own strengthening spiritual power.”

So you are throwing people away that hurt during a spiritual awakening because they’re ‘too weak’ and they will ‘bring you down’?

Having Fear and Pain, Doubt and Anger for a long time doesn’t mean that I’m not ‘worthy’ of helping others or showing love for others. It simply means I’m hurting.

When my spiritual director(s) seemed to need time to themselves, I tried to give it to them. They get tired too and suffer too. So then when that happened/happens I suffered and didn’t see much help around me. So, I did the best I could with what I could read and the resources that were available to me.

“Go away, you’re not enlightened (perfected) enough” seems to be what you are saying.

I understand not being able to explain things sometimes. I struggle with that in trying to speak with my husband about such things.

But, when you throw away people who are ‘lesser’ then how is that different then governmental systems deciding who gets to be in power and who doesn’t (as your other writings discuss)?

To summarize. Your posts tell imperfect people who have pain to go away.

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This is a lovely comment - full of the expression of the terrible pain and doubt and anger we ALL FEEL - JESUS himself combatted the same exact spiritual enemies. I believe the real words of Jesus and other spiritual truth tellers reveal the same journey. It is not that we are wrong for having these emotions - just that through learning gradually to overcome them we really do learn and may triumph spiritually. If that is not sufficient to explain maybe I will dedicate as whole post to the subject. No one could possibly have been more full of doubt and pain than my own self. That is our cross to learn to bear. Hope this explains how what I write is most definitely not meant to be elitist or exclusive - or holier than thou.

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Jun 22Liked by KW NORTON

I appreciate your kind reply, and also you sharing a bit of your own journey with me.

Part of your post still confuses me: Does this mean that spiritual people must marginalize and shun people who are going through pain?

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I wrote out a whole answer once again - and maybe SubStack lost it - who knows??

But being a trustworthy spiritual person means looking out for those going through doubt and pain - otherwise what is the point.

Much of mainstream religion is steeped in hypocrisy.

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Jun 22Liked by KW NORTON

I appreciate you repeating the message that we should make sure we do not ignore the pain of others.

I think many of us look like we do not practice what we preach. That doesn’t make Christianity bad, it just means we aren’t perfect.

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Humanity!! Wake up!! The time is now!!

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Thanks again for the affirmative comment. And the time is certainly now!

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RemovedJun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by KW NORTON
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All the pomposity awards now go to those with the techno-fascists. There is simply no contest.

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RemovedJun 16Liked by KW NORTON
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No worries!

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