Thank you...

Transformation is a very peculiar thing... it is a journey you begin with the destiny you know not knowing which obstacles are on the way.

One thing is for sure... you begin this journey... you lose many friends.

Some pretended just to be... some grifters and some hold you back.

I am honest... my journey made me very lonely... but for people here on substack... many of whom are on the same journey.

What connects us is the thirst for truth.

If we strip away the BS and the Globalist Mindfuck apparatus you see the Truth is simple.

A world without the howl of a wolf isn't a world... it is a desert...

You can't protect us from life... that makes us weak.

Only Truth and Love makes us strong.

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Jun 12Liked by KW NORTON

I needed to hear this today! Thank you!

... keep on swimming, keep on swimming!! :))

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Thank you so much for this comment. Appreciate the swimming analogy.

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Hi... You might dig Erich Fromm, in such times and feelings of being entrapped by totalitarians..

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Thank you so much - and I do dig Erich Fromm!

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Thank you KW. A wonderful article, Shamanism and Metaphysics, by Dr. Rico Sneller sent to me by my 22 year grandson concluded, "Could it be that literature--ancient and modern--invites us to reconsider the shamanic mindset as a state which is not limited to the so-called 'shamanic cultures' but which testifies to a common or commonly available mindset--even if this mindset if often ignored or misrepresented? . . . the shaman's ecstasy comes down to a breakthrough experience in which the world of images (rather than objects) pervades 'ordinary' consciousness. The clash between . . . Spirit (i.e., rational or willing consciousness and Soul (i.e., pathic undergoing of life) could well account for the flashes of insight and even clairvoyance, allegedly attested by historical evidence about seers, prophets, philosophers, poets, and other bright minds. Beyond this clash, then, the seer may find "those glowing or flaming images which become susceptible to contemplation . . ." What wonderful images you presented in your post KW. Thanks again.

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Thank you so much for your comments and contribution. How wonderful that you have a grandson to send such beautiful writings! I will have to find this and read it.

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Beautifully put. Are you familiar with Levy's writings on wetikko, the concept of the mind virus common among the native peoples?


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There is a Native American concept of a seemingly malignant spirit called wetiko and it’s known by many other names in many other traditions. It’s a psychological force within the unconscious mind that predisposes us toward unwholesome impulses such as the thirst for power and control, greed, and jealousy. It can manifest itself in selfishness and a lack of empathy. And, in a materialistic culture such as the US, where there is a deep denial of the nonlocal quality of consciousness, we often get blindsided by it. It feeds off of polarization, fear, and terror of others. It cripples our evolutionary potential and has a vampire-like spirit that will take energy for its own profit without giving anything of value back. It’s like a collective nightmare whose roots are found in the human psyche. The good news is that the cure is also found within us. Levy describes wetiko in this way, “It offer us a version of ourselves as limited and wounded and then can manipulate and control us. But it can’t touch us, as long as we remember who we actually are. Wetiko can’t steal our soul but it tricks us into giving it away so that we disconnect from our creative agency. Wetiko is a collective psychosis and the origin of it is to be found within the psyche. It’s at the bottom of the madness that we’re playing out.”

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Thanks KW, the brief but fully formed delusions will not alter my course, not one bit, except to refine my direction to the light.


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Appreciate the restack.

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