The title alone is thought provoking.


Artificial Authoritarianism.

Centralized Machine Governance.

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Good stuff, my friend. Funny, JUST published a VERY related article (though a little less on the dark side). Funny how the morphic mind, works, LOL ...

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Can you link it??

Yes this summer of our collective discontent seems to lead to some really dark places.

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Got that right! It's a paywalled article, which is why I didn't share above. I'm changing up things a bit and valuing my own content more for a change as an exercise in self-empowerment ... https://solluckman.substack.com/p/yeah-theres-been-a-big-tech-internet

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Great article and thank you! But I do think our civilizations - as currently existing - will never be conducive to our need to heal.

I know individuals who have self healed but they are very rare.

More power to those like yourself who make it a priority and who teach others.

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Right on. I'm not drinking the Kool-Aid either where a massive, magical social healing takes place. But I do think Jack makes a good point that things aren't nearly as bleak as they seem either. That's what "THEY" want us to think IMHO ...

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Thanks for sharing!

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Thank you for reading and restacking!

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Waking up more and more I see... very truthful.

In the Bible there are two Truths as I see it:

!) "Let us come down and diffuse their Language"

2) Genesis = The Genes of Isis


From the Tower of Babel they led the Human Race... the white race because China and India existed at the time into building empires and destroying them from within...

100 years ago they did this to Germany.

Now they are doing it to the USA.

The 13 Tribes of Judas who produce only Psychopaths and assure the worst scum ends up as leaders... always... Freemasons

They tried to keep us stupid through Religion and Indoctrination... and they failed...

Now they want top use AI as brute force to enslave us again..


What you write here and what I write is actually very compatible.

They fear us since the tower of babel.

Because we are so much more capable...

Re Inventing ourselves?

Easiest thing in the world.

Don't believe the lies.

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"Today we have leaders who very likely boast some of the most psychopathological extremes of malignant toxic narcissism to be found."

Collapse by 2030, I'm seeing collapse before we finish out 2024! Satan is certainly busy, isn't he, seemingly has all the nations of the world at his fingertips, but it only seems that way. Perhaps the quiet period between Pakistan and India will soon come to an end, and nuclear war will break out there first. We've had biologic war since late 2019, but never as bad as with the SARS-CoV-19 gene therapy, ongoing for ever war.

Pray, KW, and thank you for this piece, it too is appreciated.

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Great comment and unfortunately seems headed there quickly.

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Restack much appreciated!

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Thank you so much for restacking!

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